Mom Wants More

Why Mindset Matters



The story we tell ourselves ABOUT ourselves is a powerful thing. Whether it applies to our health & fitness, our parenting, our creative pursuits, or any other area of our lives, the inner narrative playing out in our heads affects our actions so much more than we think. Why? Because our thoughts dictate our actions, our actions dictate our habits, and our habits dictate our daily life. Sometimes we operate from damaging mindsets without even realizing it. The good news? If you're stuck in a negative cycle of thinking, YOU DON'T HAVE TO STAY THERE! You can get off the ride and go in a new direction. The mind is like a muscle and the more we exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand. This episode is full of simple, logical ways we can let go of harmful narratives and practice moving towards a healthier, more positive mindset SO that we can show up in the world in a way that feels right and rings true to our values.