The Nick Margerrison Podcast



The Nick Margerrison podcast.Former Kerrang! Radio & LBC presenter Nick Margerrison's fortnightly podcast is a continuation of his often eclectic radio career.Building on the legacy of the critically acclaimed first series "The Cult Of Nick" this podcast looks at how topics which were explored back then are now considered to be the bare bones of what is frequently termed 'the intellectual dark web'.A proud Discordian Nick's take is always sincere but never too serious.Contact the show via


  • 065 The Global Awakening / Microchip Agenda

    13/08/2013 Duration: 43min

    Today's podcast begins with a new version of "The Global Awakening". The music on it is from Zero Friends Recordings. This is followed by an interview with My Twitter is here.

  • 064 Part 5 of essays for the Discordian Occultist

    07/08/2013 Duration: 01h18min

    This podcast contains an interview with Shirley Phelps-Roper from the Westboro Baptist church, less widely known then than she is nowadays the piece also features gay rights activist Peter Tachell. Also there's an interview with a couple of people about a film called "Islam: What the west needs to know". It's one view on a very contentious subject. Right at the end of this podcast is Part 5 of Essays For The Discordian Occultist. These essays will form the spinal collumn of my book but are, in early form, already published in full on The music on this podcast is from Zero Friends Recordings. My twitter is here: Nick Margerrison

  • 063 The Censorship Agenda in the UK The Church Of The SubGenius

    30/07/2013 Duration: 42min

    David Oates is here. His stuff about reverse speech is ace! The Church Of The SubGenius is here. The Reverend Ivan Stag, Praise Bob! My blog is here. The music is from Zero Friends Recording The podcast's facebookpage is here. Rah rah Discordia!

  • 062 Billy Bragg I saw a UFO

    23/07/2013 Duration: 36min

    This episode of The CON features Anthony Peake and Billy Bragg. The former is a literary favourite of mine, his books hang in the void between awesome story telling and genuinely solid research. The latter is possibly more famous in the UK than in the US. However he gives an engaging interview and I suggest overseas listeners look up his work. Speaking of which... The music is from My twitter is here:

  • 061 Fry The Athiest and Gervais's Cross

    16/07/2013 Duration: 42min

    Introducing Poe Boy! This week's podcast features an interview via Skype. I'm not keen on it, prefer phonelines, but there wasn't any other way. The person we're chatting to has been featured in The Daily Mail, irritated Ricky Gervais and mildly amused Stephen Fry. It's another unique interview to the podcast, I intend to return to the archive next week. The blog entry which caused this episode: IS HERE The new music I'm using is from ZER0 FRIENDS RECORDINGS Our guest's Twitter is HERE My twitter is here:

  • 060 The alien abduction hotline and how to cast your very own magick spell

    11/07/2013 Duration: 01h18min

    On this podcast we speak to one of the stars of a recent UK TV documentary about our nation's Alien Abduction Hotline, Joanne Summerscales. The group she represents is called AMMACH The Anomalous Mind Management, Abductee, Contactee Helpline. This is an interview unique to the podcast. Ammach's website is here: The website mentioned in the interview is there: The music on this piece is provided by Essays For The Discordian Occultist pictures and original article is here: My twitter is there: The cult's...

  • 059 David Icke Interview - a fan favourite

    05/07/2013 Duration: 01h07min

    This is one of the many Icke interviews in my archive, it was initially going to be my firs upload but then I realised you kind of need the background to his belief system for it to really make sense. Hence it's my third upload of an Icke piece rather than the first. I've left a bit of "off air" banter in there. He is a very friendly chap and would occasionally give us bits of advice and thoughts related to stuff that had happened on the show. The music I use on this piece is here. My twitter is here: David Icke's website is here: Enjoy! NM

  • 058 New interview with Tony Topping on UFOs The Secret Government and Mind Weapons

    26/06/2013 Duration: 57min

    @tony_topping @NickMargerrison remember seeing the Sky200 chat too... good fella. keep up the good work — ⱭD (@dafta_duck) June 25, 2013 Tony gives us a rundown of some of his experiences in both the esoteric world and the slightly more predictable world of "the media". Tony has a number of incredible stories to tell and he's always engaging. He gathered quite a following after his appearances on both the old TV and radio shows. His twitter is here: My twitter is there: The music I use on the podcast can be found here:

  • 057 Trying to articulate the global awakening, dishing out plans for world peace and talking about aliens as well

    19/06/2013 Duration: 49min

    Make sure you read this article I wrote here: It's this which I'm talking to comedian Lee Camp about. His website is here: Make sure you check this blog post out here: It's that which I reference in the last bit of the podcast. Make sure you watch this video here: It's how I start things off on today's episode. The interview is with Michael Mott, he's a top ET researcher. My twitter is here: And ... the music I use on the...

  • 056 Man made global warming is a scam, suicide is rubbish, time perception is the key!

    11/06/2013 Duration: 44min

    In reverse order on this week's episode of The Cult Of Nick we have: Ian R Crane informs us with an alternative perspective on Man Made Global Warming. His website is here: Eric Steel's first film the bridge is our next topic of conversation. It has an official website here: We kick off though with Phil Zimbardo who speaks about the Stanford Prison Experiement. His web presence is here: The brand spanking new Facebooks page is here: My twitter is here: The music you can here in the background is here:

  • 020-022 The Cult Of Nick BONUS The Stanford Prison Experiement with Phil Zimbardo

    11/06/2013 Duration: 16min

    The reality TV show Big Brother is clearly an off shoot of The Stanford Prison Experiment. I'm not sure I've heard anyone putting this point to its originator Phil Zimbardo before. This is the final bonus upload and it means all "The C.O.N." is now available on this podcast stream. The Cult now has an experimental Facebook page: My twitter is here: - I prefer twitter, it's better. The music in the background on this is here: NM

  • 055 The Heaven's Gate Cult

    05/06/2013 Duration: 35min

    Bob and Alice Maeder talk here about their daughter's involvement with the "Heaven's Gate" cult. There is a fantastic documentary on this subject here: Don't forget you can contact me on NM Music in background:

  • 054 A story regarding a haunted house

    05/06/2013 Duration: 01h04s

    An interview with Carmen Reed. Interesting story I think. Give us your thoughts. Music from: My twitter:

  • 009 - 019 The Cult Of Nick BONUS

    02/06/2013 Duration: 50min

    The next bonus episode, there's one more of these to come. It contains The Dream Dudes, Pastor Deacon, Alf The Freegan and Frans De Waal. All of them became legends on the show. There's also a call in there about terrorism, it features my phone in style. Interesting because I'm not sure who I agree with, me or the caller. MUSIC : Keep sharing these bonus episodes, they're a good introduction to the podcast. Downloads are nice and high at the moment so it's very rewarding putting these together. My twitter: NM

  • 053 Uber Conspiracy Theory Fest with Stewart Swerdlow

    30/05/2013 Duration: 01h29min

    This interview is a compilation of various conversations with Stewart Swerdlow. He covers almost every esoteric conspiracy theory you can imagine. I consider interviews like this to be an exercise in panning for gold. Have fun! Find me on Music in background:

  • 001-009 The Cult of Nick BONUS ft Mark Thomas / Uri Geller / Peter J Carroll

    28/05/2013 Duration: 46min

    This episode features some very big name guests: Mark Thomas - excellent comedian and political activist ... oh, and healer. Peter J Carroll - probably the most respected living occultist in the english speaking world. His works are all classics. Uri Geller - MrFire? The reason it's so full of stuff is it's the first six episodes of TheCult Of Nick. Re-tweet the bejesus out of it. Facebook it so hard it cries. And err, you know, tell your friends. The music in the background (which you can hardly hear) is taken from: Find me on

  • 052 Bret The Hitman Hart / Essays For The Discordian Occultist Part 3

    27/05/2013 Duration: 58min

    The full unedited Bret "The Hitman" Hart interview we recorded for the old Kerrang show. Added to this is Part 3 of "Essays For The Discordian Occultist", a series I wrote for, which is gradually gathering a following. My twitter is here: The music I use on the podcast is here:

  • 051 Peaches Geldof joins a weird sex cult ... introducing The OTO

    08/05/2013 Duration: 54min

    Rodney Orpheus is a great guest. In my opinion the guy has his pitch just right. A rock and roll star by day and a master occultist by night. What more could you want? This interview is unique to the podcast and was conducted last week. I've interviewed him previously, as becomes clear, but I think this is the first time I really manage to tie him down to some of the specifics of what it is The OTO is about. The book he's written is excellent, The Grimoire of Aleister Crowley, but I suggest if you're new to this stuff you start with his first book: Abrahadabra. Originally I was kicking an old interview of his around then it occured to me that as we're still in reasonably regular contact it'd be odd for me not to buzz him on the phone and set up a little chat. His twitter is here:

  • 050 The Cult Of Nick ft Hilmer Von Campe

    01/05/2013 Duration: 52min

    This interview had a huge effect on me. It really pushed my mind in certain directions. It's controversial at points but emphasises the fact that irrational spirituality can act as a last defence against tyranny. MUSIC in the background: My twitter:

  • 049 The Cult of Nick ... I didn't hear your question but the answer is ALIENS!!!

    24/04/2013 Duration: 40min

    This podcast features an interview with Dr Steven Greer of The Disclosure Project. In my opnion they're one of the most interesting sites as regards ET's/UFO's. As I say in the podcast, I'm not sure what I think about these matters nowadays but I consider them an important thought exercise at the very least. This interview is an example of where those thoughts can lead. The music you can hear is here: My twitter account is here: NM

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