Sister Scriptorians



Heavenly Father would want nothing less for his daughters than to know His Word. By learning, likening, and lifting others, Sister Scriptorians will experience an increase in their confidence to face challenges and their ability to love others.


  • Ep 127: Remember

    15/02/2021 Duration: 20min

    Alma 5 This podcast begins Alma's two year mission, going from one Nephite city to another, preaching repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. He begins in the City of Zarahemla where he addresses the members of th church, calling them to remember the deliverance of their fathers. Why would that be the perfect place to start for these members who have struggled with pride and inequality? Why would that be needful for these Nephites who have been affected by the false teachings of Nehor?   Also, I hope you will accept the invitation I extend to be a part of my Confidently Creating Training. Registration begins on February 15th and can be accessed here at or

  • Ep 126: Pride In the Church

    08/02/2021 Duration: 22min

    Alma 4   After the battle with the Amilicites, the Nephites humbled themselves and they grieved for the loss of their loved ones and their sustenance that was trampled down by the armies. Yet, they knew their mourning was because of their abominations and they chose to face up to their errors and be "awakened to a remembrance of their duty." However, soon, because of their prosperity, pride grew in the church and because of it, Alma would give up the Chief Judge seat in order to spend all of his time combating pride and inequality. How does pride show up in us? How does prosperity grow that pride? If prosperity leads to pride, why DOES God choose to bless us with abundance and how does it further His work? If you would like more guidance on how fear shows up in your everyday life, check out the work of Kim Giles and her book "Clarity Point."

  • Ep 125: From Whom Do You Receive Your Wages?

    25/01/2021 Duration: 22min

    Alma 2-3   The introduction of priestcraft into the Nephite society - a society that had just received their liberty, would ignite a drive for riches and power. Many would continue on in the belief system Nehor professed and another cunning man would rise up to impose these beliefs upon the people. We learn about Amilici and his push to be made king over the people, whether they desired that or not. We also see that rebellion against God and relinquishing our liberty opens to door to the ailments of bondage. Nephites will spend many years trying to close that door.

  • Ep 124: Nehor

    18/01/2021 Duration: 22min

    Alma 1   Before king Mosiah died, he had organized his people to receive their liberty and enjoy the blessings of self-government. However, within the first year of the reign of judges, a strong man named Nehor desired to chip away at the equality that had been established. Learn about the philosophies of Nehor, the man to first introduce priestcraft into the Nephites' society and discover the last ramifications it had.   Come join Sister Scriptorians on Instagram and take part in the conversation.  

  • Ep 123: Instruments in the Hands of God

    11/01/2021 Duration: 24min

    Mosiah 27-29 In these final chapters of the Book of Mormon, we learn about the impact that humans can have on their fellowmen when they align their will with God's. They become instruments in His hands. When searching for peace amongst the chaos – look for the instruments in the hands of God who confirm your faith and publish peace and good tidings, who desire salvation for all, who use their energy to break down misunderstandings to build unity and friendship, who take measures to avoid contention, who reaffirm spiritual truths and warn against disobedience to those truths, who preserve your liberty and allow you to answer for your own sins. Where you find this is where you will find God.

  • Ep 122: The Power, Authority, Goodness, and Glory of God

    03/01/2021 Duration: 18min

    Mosiah 27   What is the Lord's way in establishing equality among all men? In chapter 27, we find that the Lord poured out His grace upon the people when they stripped themselves of pride and haughtiness, esteemed their neighbor as themselves, and supported themselves with their own hands. Peace was established in the land for some time - however - persecution did return to the Lord's people. This time it was found in the sons of their beloved leaders. This episode also discovers WHY the Lord sent and angel to Alma, son of Alma, and what we were taught in Alma's redemption.  

  • Ep 121: Alma's Prayers Are Answered

    21/12/2020 Duration: 22min

    Mosiah 26

  • Ep 120: Gathered and United

    14/12/2020 Duration: 25min

    Mosiah 25 How do you gather and unite four different groups of people, who have lived independently and have had their own spiritual manifestations of the Lord? In Mosiah 25, in the Book of Mormon, we learn how learning how humility, faith in Jesus Christ, and a willingness to listen to learn about the experiences of one another helped unite the people in feeling until they obtained power with God.

  • Bonus: Creation

    11/12/2020 Duration: 20min

    Referring to the Creation doctrine found in Genesis, Moses, and Abraham.   How did God create? What is my role in creating? and How can I partner with God in creating? In this bonus episode, I continue to provide strategies to help you apply the doctrine and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ to our every day lives.

  • Ep 119: Chasten

    08/12/2020 Duration: 29min

    Mosiah 23-24 The people of Alma were a covenant people who had repented of their wickedness and desired to follow God. Yet, the Lord saw fit to chasten them. Why? In this episode we learn how a period of chastening always mean you've done something wrong. It can mean that the Lord desires to purify, refine, and subdue you and that quieting our fears and remembering Him is a good beginning to spiritually submit to Him.  

  • Ep 118: Prosper By Degrees

    30/11/2020 Duration: 25min

    Mosiah 21-22   This was a sore period of learning for the people of Limhi. They were without the strength of the Lord and their burdens were great, but by degrees He began to prosper them as the humble themselves before their oppressors and before their God.   Please go to to sign up to receive the Ponder Prompts for this episode.

  • Bonus: Let God Prevail Series - Day 1

    23/11/2020 Duration: 16min

    Day 1 - Sharon Eubanks, "By Union of Feeling We Obtain Power With God" How can we be more merciful and create union of feeling with others in our spheres?

  • Bonus: Let God Prevail Series - Day 2

    23/11/2020 Duration: 08min

    Day 2 - Becky Craven, "Keep the Change" What is causing you some discomfort and agitation right now? Have you considered that repentance is what you desire? The Savior paid a significant price in order for you to change direction, development a new view of God, yourself, and of the world. Why not change? It's a change that the Savior desires you to keep.

  • Ep 117: There Was A Division Among Them

    16/11/2020 Duration: 21min

    Mosiah 19   Be sure to follow Sister Scriptorians on Facebook and Instagram. Last week a new video series called "Let God Prevail" was started to help us apply the conference messages of Oct 2020 and learn how we can practice them. If you desired to accept the prophet's invitation to "Let God Prevail" in your life, but wasn't sure how? This is a perfect series for you. Come and listen and then let's chat about it!

  • Ep 116: The Church of Jesus Christ

    19/10/2020 Duration: 23min

    Mosiah 18 There at the waters of Mormon, Alma taught the Nephites what it means to become children of Christ. In this episode, we learn from Alma what members of the Church of Jesus Christ should speak about, what they should do, how they should treat people, and what blessings they can expect for doing so.   If you are interested in a free mini session with me to explore spiritual life coaching, please email me at

  • Ep 115: Redemption of Alma

    05/10/2020 Duration: 20min

    Mosiah 18   Do you believe a person can change? Is it possible for them to change their nature and become different than they were before? The abridgment of Mormon is compact and we can easily gloss over the process of redemption that Alma experienced. Change is possible because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. What great news and it is news we need to be prepared to share.   For a complimentary consultation for life coaching services, please contact me at Life coaching can help you in your pursuit of happiness and improving your relationship with yourself and others. Schedule a chat with me to see if life coaching services is right for you.

  • Ep 114: There Was One Among Them

    07/09/2020 Duration: 24min

    Mosiah 17   And there was one among the priests of Noah who listened to Abinadi's words and had a change of heart. His name was Alma. He was a Nephite descendant and he knew of the iniquities that Abinadi taught against. And though king Noah and his priests refused to repent and would eventually kill Abinadi, Alma repented. Have you ever had an Alma moment - when you are chastised by a servant of God? Humbled? and where repentance begins? This week I share with you my Alma moment and the blessing it was in my life.

  • Ep 113: Who Shall Be His Seed?

    31/08/2020 Duration: 23min

    Mosiah 15-16 Coming to the end of Abinadi's teachings, I couldn't help but ask "What is it that Alma is hearing that is changing his heart? Causing him to repent, to change direction, to begin to develop the courage and conviction it will take to stand up to his fellow priests and the king?" What did he hear that made the difference? Abinadi's teachings connected the disconnected and attached once again to detached. The law of Moses would not save them. Jesus Christ will! And connecting once again to the true source, to He who has the power to save us from sin and death, allowed a relationship to grow. No longer was it just a checklist of laws to keep, but a person to grow closer to, to cleave to, to become His seed.

  • Ep 112: Man of Sorrows

    10/08/2020 Duration: 22min

    Mosiah 14 A tender root out of dry ground. No form no comeliness. Despised and Rejected. A man of sorrows. Not only are these some of the descriptions that Isaiah used to characterize Jesus Christ, but they are why Jesus Christ is the perfect person to understand our worst moments and provide salvation despite them.   Remember to go to and become a Sister Scriptorian. This Thursday (8/13/2020) at 4 pm MST, all Sister Scriptorians will be invited to a free coaching call to learn how to use this week's ponder prompt and move closer to Letting Go and Letting God.    

  • Ep 111: Abinadi & the Ten Commandments

    27/07/2020 Duration: 28min

    Mosiah 13   How are the Ten Commandments crucial to our salvation? Salvation doesn't come by the law. Salvation comes through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, however, the Ten Commandments are the foundation of living the higher law that Jesus would teach His disciples. They are the bare bones of how to Love God and Love our Neighbor.

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