Wise Skies Astrology Podcast



Take control of your day-to-day destiny with the magic of good timing. Join author Tiffany Harelik as she cuts through confusing astrobabble to help you analyze the cosmic calendar with practical advice. She puts the PLAN in planet to help you strategize your month, make tough decisions, and navigate life better. You're more than your Sun Sign, and there's more to it than meets the Skies.


  • Decisions, Decisions—and how to make them

    24/02/2022 Duration: 42min

    In life, we have a series of decisions—some mundane, some life altering. We’ve been conditioned to “think through” decisions, putting a lot of emphasis on the mind’s ability to sort through what’s in our best interest. But sometimes we hit a wall. The mind gets restless wondering what to do. A decision needs to be made—but how? We hope you enjoy some of the ideas brought forward in this special episode on decision-making. Decisions Article https://wiseskiescollective.com/decis... Book a Session https://wiseskiescollective.com/book-... Join the Membership [$22] https://wiseskiescollective.com/produ... Find your Bodygraph [Free] https://www.mybodygraph.com/ What is Human Design? and how to use your Strategy / Authority [5 min article with video links] https://wiseskiescollective.com/what-... Human Design Hack: What is my HD profile? https://wiseskiescollective.com/what-... Accessing the Akashic Records https://wiseskiescollective.com/how-t...

  • March Astrology Forecast 2022

    10/02/2022 Duration: 24min

    Let’s Go! (or is it Let Go!) What are you low-key determined about? What mysteries do you want to access? Do you notice wanting to experiment with taking the road less traveled? It’s not “row-row-row your boat” — the river is flowing fast and there' a lot of data to work with in the March Skies. March Forecast: https://wiseskiescollective.com/march-2022-2/ Join the Membership: https://wiseskiescollective.com/product/wise-sky-collective-membership-2/ Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction article: https://wiseskiescollective.com/as-you-thank-so-shall-you-be/ Resource: Tribes of Light https://wiseskiescollective.com/product/tribes-of-light-coming-soon/  

  • Relationships! A chat with the Wise Skies Intuitives

    04/02/2022 Duration: 52min

    Relationships are the number one reason people book sessions with us. We hope you enjoy this episode discussing how you can work with your astrology, human design, and akashic messages for relationship support as clues for understanding your mystery. Want to join our membership? $22/month Members get 50% off tarot readings in February - $40/20 minutes! https://wiseskiescollective.com/produ... Want to book a session? https://wiseskiescollective.com/book-... Want to read the blog and hang out with us online? https://wiseskiescollective.com/

  • Ancestral Tarot: A Conversation with Addie Broyles

    21/01/2022 Duration: 01h03min

    What happens when we invite our ancestors into our tarot practice, and into our lives? Addie Broyles, a writer and tarot reader in Austin, offers a beautiful conversation about ancestral healing. "I started doing this work when my grandmother was dying and I realized that the stories she held would soon be lost with her. I started paying closer attention to what she was saying, and the clues ultimately led to an ancestry trip in 2015 with my sister to an island in the middle of the Baltic Sea where our great-great grandmother was born in 1855." In this episode of the Wise Skies podcast, Addie shares more about how to start an ancestral healing practice If you’ve ever acted like a bridge between the past and the future, this month's members-only workshop on Ancestral Tarot is for you! Join the membership to access Addie's workshop with your February perks ($22/month - cancel anytime) Join here! https://wiseskiescollective.com/product/wise-sky-collective-membership-2/ Links to connect with Addie Broyles: Here

  • February 2022 Astrology Forecast

    10/01/2022 Duration: 29min

    Take a Chance in February: Endless Possibilities February kicks off a huge window of opportunity. With Jupiter sextiling Uranus this month, and the New Moon in Aquarius on the first, fates twist and the Skies tempt you to roll the dice. An 8-Universal month agrees: it’s time to go big, or go home. Note: February 20th begins the Pluto return for the U.S.A. and marks a major turning point for the nation. You were born wise - get clear on your answers inside yourself energetically, then look for opportunities and go forward. Get the full forecast, book a reading, or try the free version of our digital astrology calendar: https://wiseskiescollective.com/ Join the membership: https://wiseskiescollective.com/product/2022-digital-astrology-calendar/   *February Member perks* Ancestry Tarot Class with Addie! Love and Relationship Akashic Records reading with April! Human Design Support Call with Leisha! Astro-Tarot horoscope readings with Tiff! Join for $22/month here (cancel anytime): https://wiseskiescollective.c

  • January 2022: Astrology Forecast

    14/12/2021 Duration: 23min

    Find out why January 5-7 are the best days of the month, and how to work with the shifting of the North and South Nodes while Mercury and Venus are retrograde in this special episode on the astrological weather of January 2022.  www.WiseSkiesCollective.com Blog post: https://wiseskiescollective.com/january-2022-astrology-forecast/ Astrology at a Glance   Venus is Retrograde January 1: Sun Trine Uranus: Happy New Year! January 2: New Moon at 12° Capricorn [6:33am GMT] + Mercury enters Aquarius January 4: Enneagram: Find your Number Zoom workshop with April! [members-only] January 6: Human Design Support Zoom 12p CST with Leisha! [members-only] January 14 Mercury retrograde [Aquarius-Capricorn] through February 3 Jan 17: Full Moon at 27° Cancer 11:48 PM GMT Jan 18: Uranus direct in Taurus + The North Node will shift into Taurus, the South Node into Scorpio.  Jan 20: Sun enters Aquarius Jan 24: Mars enters Capricorn January 29: Venus direct in Capricorn    

  • 2022 Astrology Predictions

    07/12/2021 Duration: 34min

    2022 is approaching. What themes are baked in? What’s there to savor? When should we avoid burnout? Astrology shows us where to find ports in the storm. Tiffany offers her hot take horoscopes and then goes through the planetary weather of the year January-December. Blog: https://wiseskiescollective.com/2022-predictions/ Heads up! Join the membership for access to special classes! Jan 4 6p Enneagram: know your number January 6: Human Design Support Zoom 12p CST with Leisha!  AstroTarot - tarot readings for every sign in the zodiac  Akashic Records focus: What do we need to know about 2022 Nine Star Ki this months shifts

  • December Eclipse Snapshot

    17/11/2021 Duration: 50min

    Celeste Brooks of Astrology by Celeste offers insight and guidance on what eclipses are, and what we can expect this season in this special podcast interview. Eclipse Article by Celeste: https://wiseskiescollective.com/eclipses-harbingers-of-change/ Join us for Eclipse Class to get Celeste's hot takes on YOUR chart! December 1st, $20 investment. Register here: https://wiseskiescollective.com/classes/ Find Wise Skies online: https://wiseskiescollective.com Follow Celeste at @AstrologyByCeleste on instagram and youtube!

  • December 2021 Astrology Forecast

    15/11/2021 Duration: 26min

    Buckle up and hang on to your crystals! 2021 goes out with a bang as the third and final Saturn/Uranus square completes and the United States gears up for our Pluto return years (article on that coming soon). The December astrology paints a monthly map of adversity, synthesis, and perseverance. Didn’t want to hear that? Stick with me for an overview of the energy, and a clear strategy to work with the Skies. www.WiseSkiesCollective.com

  • Profiles: Human Design Hacks

    03/11/2021 Duration: 01h06min

    In this interview, Leisha shares about profile types, where they came from, and how to work with them on your experiment. This article contains hot takes on all twelve profile types: https://wiseskiescollective.com/what-is-a-profile-human-design-hacks/ Book a $44 mini session with Leisha in November: https://wiseskiescollective.com/book-a-reading/  

  • Rune Rebellion!

    21/10/2021 Duration: 37min

    Tiffany interviews Anneliese Järnsaxa, author of Rune Rebellion about working with runes as energetic beings as part of your everyday magic. Anneliese is a psychiatric nurse and an indigenous folk magic practitioner. She teaches and practices folk medicine, rune magic and spiritual healing in Austin, Texas. Find Anneliese doing witchcraft of the North, in the South: https://www.calyxaustin.com/ https://www.anneliesejarnsaxa.com/ Register for her Rune Rebellion anti-class: November 10th, 6p CST [zoom] https://wiseskiescollective.com/classes/ Get your copy of Rune Rebellion: https://wiseskiescollective.com/product/rune-rebellion/  

  • November 2021 Astrology Forecast

    19/10/2021 Duration: 31min

    What twists and turns does the astrology weave into November? Join Tiffany for a special Thanksgiving forecast and a peak into the November Skies. Astrology at a Glance:November 4: New Moon in 12-ScorpioNovember 5: Venus enters Capricorn, Mercury enters ScorpioNovember 19: Full Moon Eclipse in 27-TaurusNovember 21:Sun enters SagittariusNovember 24: Mercury enters Sagittarius Upcoming Classes: - November 10th: Rune Rebellion Workshop registration - December 1st: Solar Eclipse Workshop registration - Free Tarot Fridays on YouTube! www.WiseSkiesCollective.com 

  • Foundations of Human Design: Aura Types

    29/09/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    HD offers an "experiment" in awareness and radical self-alignment. It reveals how to begin living the life you were meant to live, instead of the one conditioned society has taught you to live. Enjoy the ride with Leisha and Tiffany for an informational talk on the four aura types! www.WiseSkiesCollective.com - for Leisha's article, freebie, and study-groups. P.S.! Leisha is offering (1) $44 mini-sessions in November, and (2) an hour class for the Wise Skies Collective membership in November! Membership is $22/month

  • What is Nine Star Ki? [& what's shifting in October 8]

    24/09/2021 Duration: 37min

    “I dare you to be who you really are.” Jen LeCompte woke up to a Spirit message one morning that pierced her reality. Through years of learning and her own intuition, she brings a supportive approach to anyone who wants to dive deep. Nine Star Ki is one of her secret weapons and she’s given us easy-access!  On the technical side, 9 Star Ki is a blend of Feng Shui, the I Ching, and Taoist cosmology.  On the not-so-technical side, 9 Star is noticing how elemental energies affect us each month and year.  What traditional astrology is for the movements of the heavenly bodies, 9 Star is to the movement of the earth’s elements.  It adds a layer of insight, and some great journal prompts. *Want to find your numbers? Check it out here!  *Jen's mini-sessions are back in October! [$44] *October 13: Nine Star Ki Foundations Workshop [$20] 6p CST. By the end of this interactive class, you’ll have: Your numbers (if you don’t already have them), The characteristics of how your numbers interact with each other, and How our

  • October Astrology Forecast 2021: Restoring what’s correct for you

    16/09/2021 Duration: 33min

    The Biggest Transit of 2021 (Saturn square Uranus) occurs three times: February 17, June 15 and December 24. This astrological event comes awfully close again October 1–12th, and is the foreshadowing to a new cycle beginning in 2027.  “Change, before you have to.” - Jack Welch -  www.WiseSkiesCollective.com - book a session!  Full Forecast - coming soon! Special Dates Article -coming soon! YouTube Juice Join the Membership! [$22] October 6: Pluto Direct in Capricorn + New Moon in 13-Libra October 7: Venus enters Sagittarius October 10: Saturn Direct in Aquarius October 13: Foundations of Nine Star Ki [$20] October 18: Jupiter Direct in Aquarius October 18: Mercury Direct in Libra October 20th: Full Moon in 27-Aries    

  • September 2021 Astrology Forecast

    19/08/2021 Duration: 40min

    September: the Art of Doubt. We are learning to be okay in the highs, lows, in the stillness and in the adventure this month - we are learning to trust that we are exactly where we are supposed to be.  NUMEROLOGY5-Universal Month in a 5-Universal Year. How can you channel the optimistic, dynamic, and adventurous energy of the 5 to your advantage without the burnout?   Astrology At a Glance: Sept 6: New Moon in Virgo: organize Sept 10: Venus enters Scorpio: seduction Sept 13: First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: new life Sept 14: Mars enters Libra: find the win-win Sept 20: Full Moon in Pisces: wash away your troubles Sept 22: Sun enters Libra: restoration Sept 27: Mercury Retrograde in Libra Sept 28: Last Quarter Moon 6-Cancer: tidy up www.WiseSkiesCollective.com Do you appreciate Tiffany’s heartfelt messages? Virtual tips are greatly appreciated through venmo @Tiffany-Harelik or via paypal at: https://www.paypal.me/tiffanyharelik

  • ✨FREE TAROT FRIDAY (on Thursday)✨ August 12, 2021

    12/08/2021 Duration: 26min

    Join Tiffany for a special demonstration of psychic astro-tarot on this bonus episode recorded live in Taos, New Mexico. Get the full astrology forecast, join the membership, or book a private reading with us: www.WiseSkiesCollective.com **Additional Support from Wise Skies** Wise Skies Calendar on SALE 50% off: https://wiseskiesadvice.com/shop Newsletter sign up: https://bit.ly/3kOfKHr Do you appreciate Tiffany’s heartfelt messages for the Wise Skies Community? Virtual tips are greatly appreciated through venmo @Tiffany-Harelik or via paypal at: https://www.paypal.me/tiffanyharelik

  • August Astrology Forecast

    21/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    The Numerology shifts to a 4-5: Get things in order. Minimize distractions. Take note of anything that overcomplicates your life or triggers anxiety, and be willing to clean it up. Astrology at a Glance 8th - Lion’s Gate Portal  & New Moon in Leo 11th - Mercury enters Virgo 15th - First Quarter Moon 19th - Uranus retrograde 22nd - Full Moon in Aquarius + Sun enters Virgo 30th - Mercury enters Libra + Last Quarter Moon Get the full forecast at www.WiseSkiesCollective.com 

  • Lion's Gate Portal

    21/07/2021 Duration: 13min

    Every year from July 28th until August 12th, the Lion's Gate portal opens, peaking on August 8th. It combines ancient astrological wisdom with numerology frequencies to open roads, clear paths, and grant wishes. The celebration of the Lion’s Gate dates back thousands of years to the ancient Egyptians and Mayans. Join Tiffany for short meditation and Lion's Gate Lore. For more practical magic: www.WiseSkiesCollective.com

  • Connecting the Cosmic Dots

    09/07/2021 Duration: 39min

    Wise Skies is a trusted source to help you navigate the ups and downs of life with metaphysical counseling and classes. No background knowledge is needed to enjoy Wise Skies. Our Mission is to make astrology, tarot, and psychic development accessible in a way that is fun, practical, and solution-oriented. This special recording from Tiffany serves as a warm welcome to the Wise Skies Collective. It's no mistake our paths have crossed... join us for more fun at www.WiseSkiesCollective.com

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