Wise Skies Astrology Podcast

October Astrology Forecast 2021: Restoring what’s correct for you



The Biggest Transit of 2021 (Saturn square Uranus) occurs three times: February 17, June 15 and December 24. This astrological event comes awfully close again October 1–12th, and is the foreshadowing to a new cycle beginning in 2027.  “Change, before you have to.” - Jack Welch -  www.WiseSkiesCollective.com - book a session!  Full Forecast - coming soon! Special Dates Article -coming soon! YouTube Juice Join the Membership! [$22] October 6: Pluto Direct in Capricorn + New Moon in 13-Libra October 7: Venus enters Sagittarius October 10: Saturn Direct in Aquarius October 13: Foundations of Nine Star Ki [$20] October 18: Jupiter Direct in Aquarius October 18: Mercury Direct in Libra October 20th: Full Moon in 27-Aries