Develpreneur: Become A Better Developer And Entrepreneur

An Introduction To the Developer Focused Episodes



We will start the tech track of episodes with an overview of what topics to expect.  This discussion also helps tie our past blog post articles into these upcoming podcast episodes.  We want to set a suitable destination as we embark on this journey.  Thus, this too looks at what we think makes for a better developer. Be A Better Developer We start from ground zero.  However, it will not hurt to try out our Launching an Internet Business series of tutorials.  The tutorials ask for only a few minutes a day and are a great tool for building a habit.  They also help you see where we are coming from.  All of this as well as some of the areas we like to visit in becoming better ourselves.  This is not a journey you will take alone, we are all in it with you. I also see this and the next two episodes as a sort of introduction to who I am and my goals in this podcast.  Develpreneur has been created out of a love for all of us to do a better job as developers so let's not waste any more time.