Living An Inspired Life



Life is a beautiful event, if we choose to look at it that way. Daily reminders of the majesty of life. Let's chat.


  • #44: Get Better Everyday

    19/12/2017 Duration: 02min

    We don't need to be perfect to live the life of our dreams. We just need to be improving every day. When we make it our mission to improve, then we don't get so bogged down with perfectionism. In this episode, I dive into improvement, and what that means for us as individuals who are trying to get to the next level. Chris Janke-Bueno is a personal fitness trainer and owner of My Core Balance personal training studio in San Jose, California. For more information on our programs, visit Thanks for listening!

  • #43: Inspiring Call-Ins

    15/12/2017 Duration: 02min

    I love getting call ins from people. Here are a few recent calls to the show, and my responses to them. I hope you enjoy the podcast. Chris Janke-Bueno is a personal trainer and owner of My Core Balance personal training studio in San Jose, California. For more information on our programs visit Thanks for listening!

  • #42: It Takes Tenacity!!!

    15/12/2017 Duration: 05min

    Recording the segment almost brought me to tears, as I recalled the effort and struggle over the last 12 years of building up a business. In 2008, I closed the doors of my first business Functional Strength Training. I went through three years where I was training one client in his living room. Then, 2011 I started up my current business, My Core Balance. Now I'm far from my end goal, but getting this far took faith and perseverance: tenacity. When you are endeavoring to achieve any goal, you will most likely want to quit multiple times. That is normal. Keep going anyway. Chris Janke-Bueno is a personal trainer and owner of My Core balance personal training studio in San Jose, California. For more information on our programs, visit Thank you for listening!

  • #41: Take The Fork In The Road

    15/12/2017 Duration: 06min

    Ever get to a place in your life where you're forced to make a big decision? Have you ever been so indecisive about you just did nothing? In this episode, I talk about the value of just making a decision. Sometimes we're not sure where a path will lead, and the only way to find out is to actually take that path. Then, if it turns out to be the wrong path you can always readjust. Ultimately, we can only act in the present time. I hope you enjoy this episode. Chris Janke-Bueno is a personal trainer and business owner of My Core Balance personal training studio in San Jose, California. For more information on our programs visit

  • #40: Slow & Steady Wins... ???

    14/12/2017 Duration: 01min

    We've all heard the saying slow and steady wins the race. The tortoise beats the hare. But is there a time to go fast? Of course there is. In this episode, I talk about when you want to act quickly, and when you want to really take your time and go slowly. I hope you enjoy this episode. Chris Janke-Bueno is a personal trainer and business owner. He started My Core Balance in 2011, which is a personal training studio in San Jose, California. For more information on our programs, visit Thanks for listening!

  • #39: Everyone is Your Client

    14/12/2017 Duration: 03min

    In this highly interconnected world of social media, how do you differentiate between who your client is and who a prospect is? Of course there are stages such as prospect and client, but I have found that it helps to think of everybody as a client. When you think of everyone as a client, you have no issues with helping everyone. You give generously, and people feel your sincerity and warmth, even if they are your client that is consuming your free products. For business success, I strongly recommend treating everybody as if they were a paying customer. Because someday they might be, might as well get used to treating them that way now, and they will also get used to being treated that way by you which will make the transition to becoming a paying customer easier. Chris Janke-Bueno is a personal trainer and business owner. He owns My Core Balance personal training and fitness studio in San Jose, California. For more information on our programs, visit Thanks f

  • #38: Be OK with Contradiction

    12/12/2017 Duration: 02min

    Black-white. Up-down. In-out. Life is full of seeming opposites. At first, these opposites may seem incompatible, but they are not. In this episode, I talk about how we can actually enhance our lives by being able to live in that contradiction and be OK with it. I hope you enjoy this episode, as I do believe that it is very important in calming the ups and downs of this life. Chris Janke-Bueno is a personal trainer and owner of my core balance, a fitness studio in San Jose, California. For more information on our programs, visit Thanks for listening!

  • #37: The Value of Baby Steps

    12/12/2017 Duration: 05min

    If you are a goal setter, go-getter then often times you might want your goals right now. In this episode, I talk about the value of taking just a single step today. It's all about the little things. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Chris Janke-Bueno is a personal trainer and owner of My Core Balance personal training studio in San Jose, California. For more information on our programs, visit Thanks for listening!

  • #36: Go REALLY Big

    07/12/2017 Duration: 04min

    In this episode I talk about the value of seeing the big picture… The really big picture. Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of life we get so bogged down with details that we forget how great this life is. Thank you so much for listening, and if you have a comment or question feel free to email me Chris at my core Chris Janke-Bueno is a personal trainer and owner of my core balance fitness in San Jose, California. For more information visit our website at Thanks for listening.

  • #35: Happiness is the Way

    05/12/2017 Duration: 09s

    You've probably heard the quote that "there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way." In this episode, I talk about the nature of happiness and how to achieve it. Also, what happiness is not.… You don't need money in your bank account to be happy, it comes from inside. I hope you enjoy this episode, and if you have any questions or comments I would love to hear from you. Chris Janke-Bueno is a personal trainer and owner of My Core Balance personal training studio in San Jose, California. For more information on our programs visit Thanks for listening.

  • #34: Stop & Ask For Directions

    03/12/2017 Duration: 09s

    Remember before smart phones when occasionally he would have to stop at the gas station and ask for directions? Sometimes it might feel like our goals are very hard to reach, or we don't know how to get there. At these times, we need to stop and ask for directions from somebody who has achieved those goals before. Thanks for listening to the episode. Chris Janke-Bueno is a personal trainer and owner of My Core Balance personal training in San Jose, California. For more information visit

  • #32: Find Your Inspiration

    03/12/2017 Duration: 09s

    Living in inspired life literally means being in spirit. In this episode I talk about ways to live from your inner spirit. Hi, I'm Chris Janke-Bueno. I'm a personal trainer and owner of My Core Balance fitness studio in San Jose, California. For more information on our programs, visit

  • #31: Your Comfort Zone

    03/12/2017 Duration: 09s

    Getting out of our comfort zone is vital if you want to grow. In this episode I talk about the distinction that helps us enjoy this growth. Hi, I'm Chris Janke-Bueno. I'm a personal trainer and owner of My Core Balance personal training in San Jose, California. For more information visit

  • #30: Quit Daydreaming!!!

    30/11/2017 Duration: 01min

    In this episode I talk about creating a balance between healthy visioning and daydreaming, and just getting stuff done. There is tremendous value in dreaming up things that have not been accomplished yet. And sometimes we just need to buckle down and get our tasks done. It might not be fancy, but it's practical. Chris Janke-Bueno is a personal trainer and business owner in San Jose California. He created My Core Balance in 2011. For more information, visit

  • #29: Challenging Life Workouts

    30/11/2017 Duration: 04min

    Often times after we face big challenges in our lives we look back and see these challenges as blessings. Usually we see that these challenges have helped us grow in someway. In this episode, I challenge you to think of these challenges as opportunities that that help you grow while you're going through them. Think of them like workouts. The challenge you just enough to help you grow. I hope you enjoy the episode. Chris Janke-Bueno is a personal trainer and a owner of my core balance personal training studio in San Jose, California.

  • #28: It's a Great Life!

    29/11/2017 Duration: 03min

    I'm recording this podcast sitting in the middle of a park. I'm literally stopping to smell the roses, remembering how fortunate we are just to live where we live and when we live. In the midst of all your struggles, take at least some time to remember how good we all have it. This helps create perspective, which can ironically help to drive us forward. … Chris Janke-Bueno is a business owner, personal trainer at My Core Balance, and wannabe motivational speaker. I hope you enjoyed this episode. Please go out and share it with anyone who you think would benefit from it. Thank you for listening.

  • #27: How To Live Your Dreams

    29/11/2017 Duration: 10min

    Wow! I feel absolutely on fire after my day of work today. I trained eight clients at My Core Balance personal training studio, met with a buddy of mine who recorded a podcast with me, and did a workout of my own. I started at 6 AM today and I am just finishing now at 5 PM. When you do what you love, you don't use energy, you gain energy. In this episode, I give you three practical techniques to live your dreams. You deserve to be living the life of your dreams, the life that you create for yourself. Take small steps every day to live out that dream. -------------- Chris Janke-Bueno is a business owner of My Core Balance personal training studio in San Jose, California. For more information on our programs, visit We hope you enjoyed this podcast. Thank you for listening.

  • #26: Thank You For The Call-In

    29/11/2017 Duration: 01min

    Thank you for the call-in to the show. I really appreciate the fact that so many of us are going through such similar experiences, and it helps us stay strong together. Thank you My name is Chris Janke-Bueno, and I am a business owner, fitness lover, and hopefully motivating to those of you who are listening. My fitness business is called My Core Balance, and it is a personal training studio in San Jose, California. Our website is Thank you for listening!

  • #25: Happy Thanksgiving

    23/11/2017 Duration: 02min

    Happy Thanksgiving! Being thankful is a powerful human emotion. And we can be thankful regardless of what is happening on the outside in our world. Our inner world is determined by our decisions, and it is always in our control to be thankful. Chris Janke-Bueno is an author, motivational speaker, and business owner. He operates, a system to achieve all your fitness goals without injuring yourself.

  • #24: Get Rid of Fear

    20/11/2017 Duration: 03min

    We have all been afraid. What do we do when we get scared? Here's one very simple yet absolutely profound thing to remember, that will put your fear into perspective.

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