Rocky Mountain Christian Church



The opposite of Light is darkness. Thereâ??s a lot of darkn in our world right now. Hurricanes. Shootings. Fires. Broken relationships. The political climate. Our own sin and shortcomings. The only answer for darkness is Light. Find the true Light that gives life to everyone in this new series that happens December 3-24.


  • Kenya 2021

    17/10/2021 Duration: 25min
  • Learning To See

    10/10/2021 Duration: 33min
  • Humility

    26/09/2021 Duration: 37min
  • Compassion

    19/09/2021 Duration: 38min
  • Humility

    12/09/2021 Duration: 38min
  • Love

    05/09/2021 Duration: 35min

    We believe that love was a core value in the life of Jesus. Because of that, it should be a core value of our church. What does that look like? We believe the most loving thing we can do is invite others to see who Jesus is and what He has done for them. Let's talk about how to do that with the people we care the most about.

  • Pursuit

    22/08/2021 Duration: 45min

    Do you value your relationship with Jesus? What would it look like for you to pursue your relationship with Him? We believe pursuing a relationship with Jesus is one of the most important things we could ever choose to do. Let's talk about why and how to pursue that relationship.

  • Loving People At Your Table

    15/08/2021 Duration: 46min

    Who have you chosen to include in your table? Better question, who have you decided to exclude from your table? WE believe that our tables should look like the table Jesus sat at. A table filled with outcasts and oddballs. The people we like to other instead of include.

  • Who's At Your Table

    08/08/2021 Duration: 36min

    It is so easy to live life in isolation. But God created us for community. God lived in a community and if our goal is to become like Him so that we can love like Him, we need to be plugged into a community of people.

  • Value Of The Table

    01/08/2021 Duration: 34min

    Jesus has invited us to his table. No matter who we are or what we bring with us, there is a seat for us. He has also called us to invite others to join us at the table with Him. Who are you inviting to join you at the table with Jesus?

  • Anderson Farms

    25/07/2021 Duration: 26min

    A summer celebration at Anderson Farms! What does it mean for us to be the church?

  • Hello

    18/07/2021 Duration: 36min

    When trust is broken, it creates a relational gap. When humanity sinned, it created a relational gap between God and us. Yet, God chose to lean in and pursue that relationship. The next time you are hurt and a relational gap is created, what should you do? What do you wish others would do for you? Love Chooses trust.

  • I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

    11/07/2021 Duration: 36min

    We're all looking for something. For most of us, we end up looking in the wrong places. What are you looking for? Where can you find that?

  • Brother

    04/07/2021 Duration: 35min

    Many times in scripture, Jesus and his followers refer to life as a race. Sometimes we try to run that race the wrong way. It isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. Who do you have running with you because you can't do it well alone.

  • Love The Least Of These

    27/06/2021 Duration: 39min

    Mephibosheth has a pretty incredible story. This young boy went from having everything he could ever need or want to becoming a nobody in the land of nothing. David changed his life. Maybe you find yourself in a similar spot, a similar feeling of being a nobody from nowhere. The good news is that Jesus has a different story for you.

  • Integrity vs. Ambition

    20/06/2021 Duration: 38min

    When Saul was chasing David, David had all the right in the world to believe that God had abandoned him. The promise of being the future king felt like it was disappearing. But David was a man of integrity and trusted God in the hardest days.

  • Love Your Enemy

    13/06/2021 Duration: 29min

    David learned a lot of lessons the hard way. He also had to learn a few lessons multiple times. We're not so different from David. Sometimes we need to learn some hard lessons multiple times. Let's take a look at the story of David and Abigail and see what we can learn.

  • Less Sin

    30/05/2021 Duration: 35min

    When you sin, you break God's Law. The message of Jesus: When you sin, you break God's heart. Why? Because sin kills. It killed Jesus, don't let it kill you. When someone dies for you, you don't have to wonder where you stand with them. So, go and sin no more.

  • Less Worry

    23/05/2021 Duration: 40min

    Can Jesus really say "Do not worry?" What does it mean to not borrow tomorrow's trouble and bring it into today? Let's talk about living life with less worry and more trust.

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