Learn Marketing Interviews



Define, challenge and conquer the BIGGEST issues facing you as an early stage entrepreneur or founder. With powerful episodes from the world's finest business experts, each episode challenges one specific issue and provides detailed, actionable takeaways that you can implement immediately within your business.Volume #1 features actionable interviews with John Lee Dumas, Guy Kawasaki, Rand Fishkin, Jeff Sanders, Bob Burg and Dragons' Den's Doug Richard along with multiple thought leaders, global business people and numerous NY Times / Amazon best-selling authors, Excellence Expected exists to help you live the life you want by dominating the problems that face every entrepreneur on their journey.This isn't just another interview podcast, this is the straight-talking, accountable and actionable show that features one problem, one expert and multiple solutions every single episode.Dont forget, the more you expect from yourself, the more you WILL excel!


  • If You’re Speaking to Everyone, You’re Speaking to No One

    14/09/2015 Duration: 33min

    Noise is something that all small business owners must contend with. It’s never been easier to connect with potential customers, but the noise from competitors, social media and other distractions can be deafening. Customers are now attuned to just switch off. Even if a client or prospective customer does hear what you have to say,… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode95/ (If You’re Speaking to Everyone, You’re Speaking to No One) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • This is Your Life – Market It! With Stacy Curtis from Write of Your Life

    10/09/2015 Duration: 29min

    Each one of us, whether we’re small business owners or not, has had our fair share of tough times. Perhaps we’ve been through a painful divorce, or seen one of our business ventures fail. These challenging experiences and potentially painful memories can have a negative effect on our future endeavours. But, that doesn’t necessary have… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode94/ (This is Your Life – Market It! With Stacy Curtis from Write of Your Life) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • Cut Through The Noise & Generate Sales

    03/09/2015 Duration: 32min

    These days, it feels as if every minute of the day some form of advertising or marketing is battling for our attention. Television, radio, mobile, print and online advertising has reached such a level that it can be difficult to focus on any one product, service or company that can offer us real value. As… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode92/ (Cut Through The Noise & Generate Sales) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • Brand vs Branding – The Vital Difference & Why It Can Make or Break Your Small Business

    31/08/2015 Duration: 29min

    Brand and branding seem to be used interchangeably in business and society in general. Even if some of us know that there is a difference, that difference can seem a little vague. When we hear either word, most of us will quickly start to think about the visual assets of a business, logos and marketing… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode91/ (Brand vs Branding – The Vital Difference & Why It Can Make or Break Your Small Business) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • Are You an Accidental Content Marketer?

    17/08/2015 Duration: 41min

    Not only has social media changed the way we live and see the world, but it’s also become a powerful tool for business. There are now more ways to connect with potential clients than ever before but we have all seen examples of social media being used in ways which have negatively impacted businesses. Perhaps… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode87/ (Are You an Accidental Content Marketer?) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • Digital Playbook – Generating Real, Paying Leads From Your Website

    13/08/2015 Duration: 31min

    These days, just having a website for your small business is not enough. Your site needs to be visible and it needs to generate leads that are going to help your business to grow. How can we drive traffic to our sites and also generate profitable leads? Quick fixes, keyword hacks and creating all manner… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode86/ (Digital Playbook – Generating Real, Paying Leads From Your Website) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • Zac Johnson – You Can Make Money Online. Yes, You!

    06/08/2015 Duration: 30min

    Starting an online business can seem daunting. There sometimes seems to be too many different ways in which to go about it. The wealth of information that we have at our fingertips can also begin to feel overwhelming. We start researching an idea and come across something different in the process. Should I start a… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode84/ (Zac Johnson – You Can Make Money Online. Yes, You!) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • The 3 Step Sales Secret

    27/07/2015 Duration: 29min

    Business is entirely driven by sales. At the end of the day, if you are not selling something, you are not making money. However, not everyone is a natural-born sales person. You may lack confidence, have self-esteem issues, or be afraid that you will be turned down. But you have to learn to sell without… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode81/ (The 3 Step Sales Secret) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • Forget Big Data – Do You Want Clients or Customers?

    23/07/2015 Duration: 39min

    How many people have visited your website? What pages do they visit? How often do they visit? What did they buy? Whether you are a big or small business – the data you collect about your website visitors is vital. In a world of big data, the power for you as a small business could… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode80/ (Forget Big Data – Do You Want Clients or Customers?) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • WARNING, your marketing might just work!

    29/06/2015 Duration: 31min

    Marketing messages barrage us every day of our lives via email, billboards, commercials, etc. Unfortunately, small businesses seeking to market their own business dip into those avenues without really knowing what they are doing! Don't pretend, we've all been there. Don’t just throw cash at things and hope it sticks. Marketing is an investment, not a cost.… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode73/ (WARNING, your marketing might just work!) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • Building An Audience that Will Buy with Content Marketing Secrets from Chris Marr

    18/06/2015 Duration: 28min

    What is content marketing? How can your business take advantage of it? How can you learn more about it? More importantly, what can it do for your audience, influence and profitability? People are becoming more and more passionate and excited about content! Content marketing is a business’s ability to communicate a message to an audience… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode70/ (Building An Audience that Will Buy with Content Marketing Secrets from Chris Marr) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • It’s OK to Be You – Branding Done Honestly

    15/06/2015 Duration: 26min

    The word “brand” is changing, in this world of people-to-people marketing, do you have the confidence to be you? Danielle Watson developed The Purse Process, which identifies four purse process personality personas such as Dumpster Debbie and Vanishing Veronica based on the items found in a handbag or briefcase – awesome, right? These personas identify the cycles… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode69/ (It’s OK to Be You – Branding Done Honestly) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • Words That Sell – The Secrets to Convincing Copy Writing

    25/05/2015 Duration: 29min

    Some people struggle with copywriting. If you get the copy wrong on your Web site, social media profile, online brochures, and other items – it can be detrimental. How do you write great copy? How do you maximise impact in a small amount of space and time? Before taking pen to paper, take the time… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode63/ (Words That Sell – The Secrets to Convincing Copy Writing) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • The Perfect SEO Strategy for The Long Term

    30/04/2015 Duration: 31min

    Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tends to get a bad rap. Some say SEO is too technical, sensational, complicated, and frustrating. Many businesses dismiss SEO as an unpredictable waste of money. However, search is still responsible for most of the business done online. Don’t be on the sidelines when most business is generated through online searches!… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode56/ (The Perfect SEO Strategy for The Long Term) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • Make This Year Your Most Successful Year Ever with Decisive Digital Marketing ft. Oren Greenberg

    02/04/2015 Duration: 33min

    PPC. SEO. What do those stand for? If you don’t know, then you need to familiarise yourself with digital marketing for your business! PPC means pay-per-click, and SEO is search engine optimization. PPC is a way for businesses to pay for putting them at the top of search results as “Ads.” While SEO is free… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode48/ (Make This Year Your Most Successful Year Ever with Decisive Digital Marketing ft. Oren Greenberg) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • Guy Kawasaki – The Art of Social Media

    23/03/2015 Duration: 23min

    For start-ups and entrepreneurs, social media = marketing. Have a social media marketing goal and work hard to achieve it. That should be your strategy! Guy Kawasaki provides some practical tips on how to utilize social media: You do not need to hire consultants and experts to do it. Add videos and graphics to your… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode45/ (Guy Kawasaki – The Art of Social Media) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • Why Your Marketing Strategy Needs a Podcast

    12/03/2015 Duration: 33min

    Welcome to the renaissance of podcasting! Well, it is not actually a renaissance – which is how many people see it. In reality, podcasting has continued to grow year after year. It just seemed like last year, the world finally noticed and paid attention to podcasting! Podcasting is a great way to consume very accessible… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode42/ (Why Your Marketing Strategy Needs a Podcast) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • SEO Strategy – Rand Fishkin of Moz.com On The Future of Google

    09/03/2015 Duration: 32min

    Do you use Google? Bet your customers and clients do! As a business owner or entrepreneur, you should utilise Google to your benefit! Google is known for changing its ranking processes and algorithms regularly. You need to make sure to change and adapt, as well. However, despite the ever-changing world, you can use search marketing… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode41/ (SEO Strategy – Rand Fishkin of Moz.com On The Future of Google) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • How to Attract & CONVERT Customers with Video Marketing

    05/03/2015 Duration: 30min

    To build relationships with your customers, it’s important for businesses to create video content. Share videos regularly and make the customer experience more engaging and helpful. Customers want to see information rather than read it! There are several ways businesses can use videos to interact with customers. Videos can introduce new products, the company’s team,… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode40/ (How to Attract & CONVERT Customers with Video Marketing) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

  • Essential LinkedIn Hacks Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know

    26/02/2015 Duration: 31min

    Where do you go to look for a job? Where do recruiters and employers look for potential employees? LinkedIn!  In business, so much starts with your LinkedIn profile. Everyone checks you out and makes decisions about you before ever contacting you directly. So you need to make sure your profile looks professional. Also, make sure to… The post https://www.excellence-expected.com/episode38/ (Essential LinkedIn Hacks Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know) appeared first on https://www.excellence-expected.com (Excellence Expected, by Mark Asquith).

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