Buddhism Guide



Karma Yeshe Rabgye is a Western Monk in the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Originally from England, he now lives in Northern India. Yeshe spent several years in a monastery in the foothills of the Himalayas teaching young monks basic Buddhist philosophy and meditation. He now offers teachings freely to all in a manner that is unpretentious and clear. He does not demand students to blindly accept what he says, but instead invites them to examine their own minds and experiences to discover the validity of Gautama Buddhas teachings. Yeshe quietly demonstrates Gautama Buddhas teaching on compassion through the charitable trust Sangye Menla that he founded in 2008 in Chandigarh, Northern India. The trust provides medical assistance and care to people from the Himalayan region in India.


  • The Art of Letting Go

    26/04/2015 Duration: 06min

    There are many great podcasts on Buddhism as a religion and even more on Buddhism as a philosophy. This podcast is about Buddhism as a way of life, which means there is no Buddhist jargon or dogma. It is not based in the metaphysical world, but has its feet planted firmly on this planet. It is easy to understand and practical. I use the Buddha’s early teachings as the foundation for the podcast, and explain them in a way that is relevant to your life today. The Podcast is aimed at people who cannot read, who are visually impaired or English is not their first language. Support my work on Patreon See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • A Critical Mind

    12/04/2015 Duration: 06min

    There are many great podcasts on Buddhism as a religion and even more on Buddhism as a philosophy. This podcast is about Buddhism as a way of life, which means there is no Buddhist jargon or dogma. It is not based in the metaphysical world, but has its feet planted firmly on this planet. It is easy to understand and practical. I use the Buddha’s early teachings as the foundation for the podcast, and explain them in a way that is relevant to your life today. The Podcast is aimed at people who cannot read, who are visually impaired or English is not their first language. Support my work on Patreon See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • What is your goal?

    28/03/2015 Duration: 04min

    There are many great podcasts on Buddhism as a religion and even more on Buddhism as a philosophy. This podcast is about Buddhism as a way of life, which means there is no Buddhist jargon or dogma. It is not based in the metaphysical world, but has its feet planted firmly on this planet. It is easy to understand and practical. I use the Buddha’s early teachings as the foundation for the podcast, and explain them in a way that is relevant to your life today. The Podcast is aimed at people who cannot read, who are visually impaired or English is not their first language. Support my work on Patreon See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • The Importance of a Balanced Lifestyle

    15/03/2015 Duration: 05min

    There are many great podcasts on Buddhism as a religion and even more on Buddhism as a philosophy. This podcast is about Buddhism as a way of life, which means there is no Buddhist jargon or dogma. It is not based in the metaphysical world, but has its feet planted firmly on this planet. It is easy to understand and practical. I use the Buddha’s early teachings as the foundation for the podcast, and explain them in a way that is relevant to your life today. The Podcast is aimed at people who cannot read, who are visually impaired or English is not their first language. Support my work on Patreon See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Misunderstanding Buddhism

    07/03/2015 Duration: 04min

    There are many great podcasts on Buddhism as a religion and even more on Buddhism as a philosophy. This podcast is about Buddhism as a way of life, which means there is no Buddhist jargon or dogma. It is not based in the metaphysical world, but has its feet planted firmly on this planet. It is easy to understand and practical. I use the Buddha’s early teachings as the foundation for the podcast, and explain them in a way that is relevant to your life today. The Podcast is aimed at people who cannot read, who are visually impaired or English is not their first language. Support my work on Patreon See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Attachment isn't love

    27/02/2015 Duration: 04min

    There are many great podcasts on Buddhism as a religion and even more on Buddhism as a philosophy. This podcast is about Buddhism as a way of life, which means there is no Buddhist jargon or dogma. It is not based in the metaphysical world, but has its feet planted firmly on this planet. It is easy to understand and practical. I use the Buddha’s early teachings as the foundation for the podcast, and explain them in a way that is relevant to your life today. The Podcast is aimed at people who cannot read, who are visually impaired or English is not their first language. Support my work on Patreon See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Indulging in Superstitions

    13/02/2015 Duration: 10min

    Episode 14, 13 February 2015, Indulging in Superstitions. [10:11]Intro: Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog. A contemporary look at Gautama Buddha’s Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. For more information, visit: http://www.buddhismguide.org You can find more episodes of this audio blog on iTunes and Stitcher Podcasts. A transcript of this episode is available at http://buddhismguide.org/audio-blog-archive/audio-blog-transcripts/episode-14-transcript-indulging-in-superstitionsEpisode 14: Indulging in Superstitions. [00:45]1. Superstition as a way of avoiding responsibility. For centuries, people have been indulging in superstitions, lucky charms, omens, divinations, and fortune telling. They've used these things to help them make decisions and keep them from taking responsibility for their own actions.2. The Harm Caused by Superstition. [03:45] You may say there's no harm done, but I beg to differ. These two stories show just how harmful this type of trickery can be. I believe t

  • Something to Meditate on

    07/02/2015 Duration: 08min

    Episode 13, 7 February 2015, Something to Meditate on. [08:55]Intro: Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog. A contemporary look at Gautama Buddha’s Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. For more information, visit: http://www.buddhismguide.org You can find more episodes of this audio blog on iTunes and Stitcher Podcasts. A transcript of this episode is available at http://buddhismguide.org/audio-blog-archive/audio-blog-transcripts/episode-13-transcript-something-to-meditate-onEpisode 13: Something to Meditate on. [00:45]1. Single Minded Concentration. In Gautama Buddha's Eightfold Path, what is traditionally talked about in Right Meditation is being able to concentrate single mindedly, on the object of your meditation. The way to live a responsible life, is to meditate on the Eightfold Path, make it a part of your life, and then check your progress every day at a daily review session.2. Right View. [02:37] The first part of the Eightfold Path is Right View. So, while meditating on R

  • Being Human

    31/01/2015 Duration: 04min

    Episode 12, 31 January 2015, Being Human. [04:43]Intro: Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog. A contemporary look at Gautama Buddha’s Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. For more information, visit: http://www.buddhismguide.org You can find more episodes of this audio blog on iTunes and Stitcher Podcasts. A transcript of this episode is available at http://buddhismguide.org/audio-blog-archive/audio-blog-transcripts/episode-12-transcript-being-humanEpisode 12: Being Human. [00:40]1. "A Brotherhood of Man". In the words of John Lennon: "Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger; A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people sharing all the world; You may say I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one. I hope some day you will join us, and the world will live as one." A Brotherhood of Man seems such a dream at the moment, and as for sharing the world - forget it. We are so far removed from the world wher

  • Mindfulness - The Bottom Line

    19/01/2015 Duration: 11min

    Episode 11, 19 January 2015, Mindfulness - The Bottom Line. [11:11]Intro: Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog. A contemporary look at Gautama Buddha’s Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. For more information, visit: http://www.buddhismguide.org You can find more episodes of this audio blog on iTunes and Stitcher Podcasts. A transcript of this episode is available at http://buddhismguide.org/audio-blog-archive/audio-blog-transcripts/episode-11-transcript-mindfulness-the-bottom-lineEpisode 11: Mindfulness - The Bottom Line. [00:45]1. Mindfulness. Gautama Buddha stated in various Sutras that there are Four Foundations of Mindfulness: Mindfulness of body; Mindfulness of feelings; Mindfulness of mind; Mindfulness of mental states.2. Mindfulness of Body. [02:45] This means being aware of your body and all the actions carried out by it.3. Mindfulness of Feelings. [05:03] There are Three Types of Feelings: Pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral.4. Mi

  • Right Livelihood

    13/12/2014 Duration: 04min

    Episode 10, 13 December 2014, Right Livelihood. [04:21]Intro: Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog. A contemporary look at Gautama Buddha’s Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. Find out more, at http://www.buddhismguide.org A transcript of this episode is available at http://buddhismguide.org/audio-blog-archive/audio-blog-transcripts/episode-10-transcript-right-livelihoodEpisode 10: Right Livelihood. [00:30]1. Right and Wrong Livelihoods. [00:35] A Right Livelihood is one, which does not bring any harm to anyone or anything. Gautama Buddha listed 5 professions that constitute a wrong livelihood. They are: Dealing in weapons; Dealing in humans; Dealing in meat production; Dealing in intoxicants, and Dealing in poisons.2. Fortune Telling. [02:09] In the Sutra, "The Fruit of the Contemplative Life", Buddha stated this: "Whereas, some priests and contemplatives, living off food given in faith, maintain themselves by wrong livelihood. By such lowly a

  • Right Action

    13/12/2014 Duration: 06min

    There are many great podcasts on Buddhism as a religion and even more on Buddhism as a philosophy. This podcast is about Buddhism as a way of life, which means there is no Buddhist jargon or dogma. It is not based in the metaphysical world, but has its feet planted firmly on this planet. It is easy to understand and practical. I use the Buddha’s early teachings as the foundation for the podcast, and explain them in a way that is relevant to your life today. Support my work on Patreon See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • The Spark That Fires Us Into Action

    07/12/2014 Duration: 07min

    Episode 7, 7 December 2014, The Spark That Fires Us Into Action.Intro: Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog. A contemporary look at Gautama Buddha’s Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. Find out more, at http://www.buddhismguide.org A transcript of this episode is available at http://buddhismguide.org/audio-blog-archive/audio-blog-transcripts/episode-7-transcript-the-spark-that-fires-us-into-actionThis Episode: The Spark That Fires Us Into Action. [00:17]1. Right Intention. [00:24] Right Intention is divided into three parts: Letting Go, Good Will and Harmlessness.2. Letting Go. [00:47] What we are letting go of, is attachment to, or craving for, objects of desire. How much we let go is a personal thing, but the more we loosen our grip on objects of desire the less we suffer. Because Gautama Buddha stated that clinging to desire is one of the causes of our suffering. Until we are able to let go of this craving, we will never reach a place where there is no more su

  • The Power Of Speech

    07/12/2014 Duration: 07min

    Episode 8, 7 December 2014, The Power Of Speech. [07:06]Intro: Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog. A contemporary look at Gautama Buddha’s Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. Find out more, at http://www.buddhismguide.org A transcript of this episode is available at http://buddhismguide.org/audio-blog-archive/audio-blog-transcripts/episode-8-transcript-the-power-of-speechThis Episode: The Power Of Speech. [00:17]1. Speech is a very powerful tool. [00:20] If we hit someone, it will hurt them for a short time and then go away, but if we verbally attack someone, those words can stay with them for many years. On the other hand, well thought-out words can stop conflict, make friends, and heal rifts. This is the power of speech, and this is why Gautama Buddha included Right Speech in the Eightfold Path. Right Speech can be divided into four parts: refrain from lying, refrain from divisive speech, refrain from harsh words, and refrain from gossiping.2. Lying. [01:

  • Gautama Buddha's Fourth Truth

    06/12/2014 Duration: 05min

    Episode 6, 6 December 2014, Gautama Buddha's Fourth Truth.Intro: Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog. A contemporary look at Gautama Buddha’s Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. Find out more, at http://www.buddhismguide.org A transcript of this episode is available at http://buddhismguide.org/audio-blog-archive/audio-blog-transcripts/episode-6-transcript-gautama-buddhas-fourth-truthThis Episode: Gautama Buddha's Fourth Truth. [00:17]1. What is your view? [00:22] In the fourth of Gautama Buddha's truths, he explains the path we need to take to free ourselves from suffering. It is known as the Eightfold Path, and it comprises of three aspects: Seeing Clearly, is the first part and it includes: Right View, and Right Intention. 2. Right View. [01:19] Setting out on the Eightfold Path without the Right View is like starting a journey without a map. If you get into your car without knowing where you are going and what landmarks you are going to encounter along t

  • Gautama Buddha's Third Truth

    05/12/2014 Duration: 05min

    Episode 5, 5 December 2014, Gautama Buddha's Third TruthIntro Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog. A contemporary look at Gautama Buddha’s Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. Find out more, at http://www.buddhismguide.org A transcript of this episode is available at http://www.buddhismguide.org/audio-blog-archive/audio-blog-transcripts/episode-5-transcript-gautama-buddhas-third-truthThis Episode: Gautama Buddha's Third Truth. [00:17]1. This Truth is called Nirvana, liberation, enlightenment, and so on [00:22] Some think, that if you reach Nirvana you will never be born again, others think you will be reborn, but you can pick where. For people who do not believe in rebirth, they see it as something we can achieve in this lifetime.2. The Highest Happiness. [01:46] Gautama Buddha said that Nirvana is the highest happiness, but he wasn't talking about mundane happiness we strive for in our everyday lives. He was talking about absolute freedom from evil, freedom from craving, attachment, de

  • Everything Must Change

    04/12/2014 Duration: 06min

    Episode 4, 4 December 2014, Everything Must ChangeIntro Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog A contemporary look at Gautama Buddha’s Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. Find out more, at http://www.buddhismguide.org A transcript of this episode is available at http://www.buddhismguide.org/audio-blog-archive/audio-blog-transcripts/episode-4-transcript-everything-must-changeThis Episode: Everything Must Change [00:17]1. Unawareness [00:21] In the last posting I mentioned unawareness. So, what are the things we are unaware of? Usually, in Buddhism they talk about three main things, namely: Suffering, Non-Self, and Impermanence. I've covered Suffering in the post entitled "Gautama Buddha's First Truth" and Non-Self was covered in the post "How We Experience The World". So I'll talk about the third one here:2. Impermanence [00:52]3. The First Seal: All compounded things are impermanent. [01:40] In Tibetan Buddhism there are four seals, and the first seal is:

  • Gautama Buddha's Second Truth

    03/12/2014 Duration: 08min

    Episode 3, 3 December 2014, Gautama Buddha’s Second TruthIntro Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog A contemporary look at Gautama Buddha’s Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. Find out more, at http://www.buddhismguide.org A transcript of this episode can be found at http://buddhismguide.org/audio-blog-archive/audio-blog-transcriptsThis Episode: Gautama Buddha’s Second Truth. [00:17] In the First Truth, Gautama Buddha encouraged us to fully understand that there is suffering in every corner of our lives. In his Second Truth, he tells us what causes these sufferings.1. Desire [01:05] Our desires are never-ending. Once we have something new, we start wanting something else. So, if we understand this we will not become attached to things, which in turn will end that particular type of suffering.2. Anger and Aversion. [02:37] Aversion is the opposite to attachment, and Anger leads to hatred, discrimination, aggression, and a lack of compassion.3. Unawareness [05:41] Here unaware

  • How We Experience The World

    02/12/2014 Duration: 07min

    Episode 2, 2 December 2014, How We Experience The World IntroWelcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog •A contemporary look at Gautama Buddhist Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. •Find out more, at http://www.buddhismguide.org [00:17]This Episode: How we experience the world. •The Five Aggregates: 1.Form, 2.Feeling, 3.Conception, 4.Mental Formation, and 5.Consciousness. [00:40]1. Form - or matter: physical factors. [01:20]2. Feeling - The Second Aggregate [02:32]3. Conception - this is where we attach a name to an experience. [03:28]4. Mental Formation - the impression created by previous actions. [04:28] 5. Consciousness - the final aggregate; which is very powerful. [05:26]Putting it all together: [06:48]Outro •You can find more information about this subject in Karma Yeshe Rabgye’s books at http://www.buddhismguide.org/books/ 1.The best way to catch a snake – A Practical Guide to the Buddha’s Teachings; 2.Life’s meandering path – A Secular Approach to Gautama Buddha’s Guide to Living; 3

  • Gautama Buddha's First Truth

    01/12/2014 Duration: 06min

    Episode 1, 1 December 2014, Gautama Buddha’s First TruthGautama Buddha’s First teaching, the first of the Four Noble Truths, is that there is suffering.Suffering is inescapable and manifests in three forms: the suffering of pain, the suffering of happiness and, the all pervasive suffering.Through fully understanding this first teaching, and appreciating the true nature of our relationship with the world, we see how suffering is unavoidable and necessarily manifests in our lives.Only then are we are able to seek a solution; firstly, through identification of its causes, the teaching of the Second Noble Truth.Intro - Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog, a contemporary look at Gautama Buddhist Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. * Find out more at http://buddhismguide.org[00:19] This episode: Gautama Buddha’s First teaching. * On the Four Noble Truths; * The foundation on which Buddhism is built. [00:47] The First Noble Truth: There is suffering. * The definition of suffering; * A

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