Buddhism Guide

The Spark That Fires Us Into Action



Episode 7, 7 December 2014, The Spark That Fires Us Into Action.Intro: Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog. A contemporary look at Gautama Buddha’s Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. Find out more, at http://www.buddhismguide.org A transcript of this episode is available at http://buddhismguide.org/audio-blog-archive/audio-blog-transcripts/episode-7-transcript-the-spark-that-fires-us-into-actionThis Episode: The Spark That Fires Us Into Action. [00:17]1. Right Intention. [00:24] Right Intention is divided into three parts: Letting Go, Good Will and Harmlessness.2. Letting Go. [00:47] What we are letting go of, is attachment to, or craving for, objects of desire. How much we let go is a personal thing, but the more we loosen our grip on objects of desire the less we suffer. Because Gautama Buddha stated that clinging to desire is one of the causes of our suffering. Until we are able to let go of this craving, we will never reach a place where there is no more su