Buddhism Guide

Everything Must Change



Episode 4, 4 December 2014, Everything Must ChangeIntro Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog A contemporary look at Gautama Buddha’s Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. Find out more, at http://www.buddhismguide.org A transcript of this episode is available at http://www.buddhismguide.org/audio-blog-archive/audio-blog-transcripts/episode-4-transcript-everything-must-changeThis Episode: Everything Must Change [00:17]1. Unawareness [00:21] In the last posting I mentioned unawareness. So, what are the things we are unaware of? Usually, in Buddhism they talk about three main things, namely: Suffering, Non-Self, and Impermanence. I've covered Suffering in the post entitled "Gautama Buddha's First Truth" and Non-Self was covered in the post "How We Experience The World". So I'll talk about the third one here:2. Impermanence [00:52]3. The First Seal: All compounded things are impermanent. [01:40] In Tibetan Buddhism there are four seals, and the first seal is: