Buddhism Guide

The Power Of Speech



Episode 8, 7 December 2014, The Power Of Speech. [07:06]Intro: Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog. A contemporary look at Gautama Buddha’s Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. Find out more, at http://www.buddhismguide.org A transcript of this episode is available at http://buddhismguide.org/audio-blog-archive/audio-blog-transcripts/episode-8-transcript-the-power-of-speechThis Episode: The Power Of Speech. [00:17]1. Speech is a very powerful tool. [00:20] If we hit someone, it will hurt them for a short time and then go away, but if we verbally attack someone, those words can stay with them for many years. On the other hand, well thought-out words can stop conflict, make friends, and heal rifts. This is the power of speech, and this is why Gautama Buddha included Right Speech in the Eightfold Path. Right Speech can be divided into four parts: refrain from lying, refrain from divisive speech, refrain from harsh words, and refrain from gossiping.2. Lying. [01: