Buddhism Guide

Mindfulness - The Bottom Line



Episode 11, 19 January 2015, Mindfulness - The Bottom Line. [11:11]Intro: Welcome to Buddhism Guide’s Audio blog. A contemporary look at Gautama Buddha’s Teachings, from Karma Yeshe Rabgye. For more information, visit: http://www.buddhismguide.org You can find more episodes of this audio blog on iTunes and Stitcher Podcasts. A transcript of this episode is available at http://buddhismguide.org/audio-blog-archive/audio-blog-transcripts/episode-11-transcript-mindfulness-the-bottom-lineEpisode 11: Mindfulness - The Bottom Line. [00:45]1. Mindfulness. Gautama Buddha stated in various Sutras that there are Four Foundations of Mindfulness: Mindfulness of body; Mindfulness of feelings; Mindfulness of mind; Mindfulness of mental states.2. Mindfulness of Body. [02:45] This means being aware of your body and all the actions carried out by it.3. Mindfulness of Feelings. [05:03] There are Three Types of Feelings: Pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral.4. Mi