Dream Life, Best Fit Role With Nikki Smith



Discover your dream life, best fit role


  • Do you prioritise your ‘to do’ list over your ‘bucket’ list?

    20/03/2018 Duration: 35min

    “A lot of people think that everything we want to do costs time and money. But it’s not a matter of resources. It’s a matter of resourcefulness. If you want to do something badly enough – when the what and the why is strong – the how will work itself out.” Trav Bell, The Bucket…

  • When we live well, we die well

    02/03/2018 Duration: 36min

    As a palliative care nurse, Mel has seen many people work hard and earn with a focus on enjoying retirement. Then they reach retirement and their life is cut short by cancer. In this podcast, Mel shares how to live now rather than waiting for this or waiting for that. Discover how working in this…

  • Struggling with career change?

    21/02/2018 Duration: 45min

    Are you an achiever running on empty? Spinning your wheels with a job search that’s unsustainable AND anxiety inducing? Is it me or this part time job? Why am I not coping? No matter how good a role/business looks like on paper, it may not be the best-fit for you or your family. Katie had…

  • Mini-experiment magic#1: How to play to your strengths to solve a problem & create a business

    19/12/2017 Duration: 11min

    I’ll say it again: mini-experiments create magic in your work and life! They: take the pressure off you – remove the need for something new to be a success from the get go calm the people around you – they don’t need to worry about you as you’re simply testing something out. You don’t need…

  • Live by the sea & work from home: from dream to reality

    31/10/2017 Duration: 29min

    Do you ever fantasise about working from home by the sea? Sarah Marshall has realised this dream while being employed by a Melbourne-based organisation. Listen to us chat about her career change and the mini-experiments that have landed her there. If you’re inspired by Sarah’s story, book in for a free discovery session & find…

  • How to quit your job, define your ideal role & hire a chef

    05/09/2017 Duration: 22min

    I have a lovely friend from uni days, Ness, who now lives close by on the Victorian coastline. We caught up a while ago and had a chat about her school admin role and how frustrated she was. I suggested we look at her strengths profile and see how it matched her role. You can…

  • Interview with Liv Downing: mindfulness & meditation

    26/07/2017 Duration: 34min

    Olivia Downing, founder and CEO of Liv Mindfully, is a psychologist, meditation teacher and mindfulness coach and educator. She helps corporates, schools and individuals to live and work to their full potential. Liv and I go way back, and I love her refreshing take on mindfulness. She combines the science with self-deprecating humour and bite‑sized…

  • Interview with Sam Sutherland: mini-experiments, taking career control (and feeling like a fraud!)

    28/04/2017 Duration: 38min

    Do you ever feel like a fraud at work (for a minute, an hour or even half the day)? If yes (and if we’re honest, we’ve all been there!), you’ll love this interview with Sam Sutherland. Sam shares how to: negotiate your salary like an expert, even though you’re likely to feel like a fraud!…

  • Jacqui’s career success story: from a negative work environment to playing to your strengths

    23/03/2017 Duration: 32min

    This podcast episode provides an inspiring example of how you do have choices when you’re in a negative work environment. Meet Jacqui Brauman. She who took an extreme approach when she was fed up working in a negative environment in which she was subjected to sexual harassment, being slapped and a significant pay gap. Jacqui…

  • Behind the scenes of Fred Purcell’s career transformation: How a career leap of faith can make you fly

    08/02/2017 Duration: 52min

    Are you feeling stuck in your industry? My latest podcast provides an inspiring example of how you can make dramatic change in your career and find genuine fulfilment. That’s what Fred did. When I met Fred he was a senior manufacturing engineer in the sugar industry, who often worked on continuous improvement projects. He was…

  • Interview with Orissa Feeney: How to launch successfully, play to your strengths & live a flexible life

    17/10/2016 Duration: 33min

    In this interview with Orissa Feeney we discuss the crossroads she faced in deciding whether to work for someone else or for herself; her desire for a more flexible work life: one where she could drop‑off/pick‑up her son from school; and her path to ‘make it work’ living where she wants to - on the…

  • Interview with Kate Riordan: How to take the pain out of returning to work

    16/04/2016 Duration: 37min

    Kate’s story will resonate with many of you. Kate has two beautiful kids. Once they were both at school, she thought about returning to work but felt stuck and depressed. For 6 months she repeatedly thought to herself, I don’t want to go back to my old role, but have no idea what to do…

  • Interview with Jacob Sokol, founder of sensophy.com

    26/01/2016 Duration: 23min

    Jacob is the founder of sensophy.com. He works with people in their 20s and 30s to help them find and live their purpose. We discuss how he changed from a role he was ‘allergic’ to in his 20s to create a successful business that plays to his strengths and fuels his passion. Let me know…

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