New Dimensions



New Dimensions is an original and powerful forum for inspired and inspiring voices and views on a wide range of timely and timeless topics. Activism, art, education, science, psychology, philosophy, health, spirituality, global transformation, cross-cultural traditions, the interconnectedness of all life All these and more are featured in this award-winning one-hour interview program that has been broadcast on public radio since 1973. For more information and over a thousand hours of downloadable programs visit


  • Breaking the Silence Across the Divide of Death - Matthew McKay, Ph.D. - ND3572

    13/07/2022 Duration: 57min

    Most people believe the loss of the body is the loss of life, but when Matthew McKay’s 23-year-old son Jordan was suddenly shot and killed, for Matthew, it was not the end of Jordan’s life. It was the beginning of a quest to penetrate the veil of death through some extraordinary communications. These virtual conversations led Matthew to co-author a book, with his son. Matthew McKay, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and professor at The Wright Institute in Berkeley, CA. The Wright Institute offers Masters and Ph.D. programs to psychologists and provides support and evaluation for the research needs of its students. McKay is also the founder and publisher at New Harbinger Publications. He is the author and co-author of many books, including: The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook: Practical DBT Exercises for Learning Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation ^ Tolerance (coauthor Jeffrey Brantley) (New Harbinger Publications 2007) and Seeking Jordan: How I Learned the Truth about De

  • The Nature Of Consciousness - Christian de Quincey, Ph.D. - ND3568

    05/07/2022 Duration: 57min

    Here we take a closer look at many assumptions, unquestioned conclusions, and beliefs that are pervasive in our culture, such as our universe exploding from nothing in a big bang, or “we create our own reality”, or “humans are the most special of all the species on the planet”. In this provocative dialogue we explore the nature of consciousness, energy and matter. Christian de Quincey, Ph.D. is Professor of Philosophy and Consciousness Studies at John F. Kennedy University and Dean of Consciousness Studies at the University of Philosophical Research. He is the founder of the Wisdom Academy. His books include Radical Nature: The Soul of Matter (revised edition) (Park Street Press 2010), Radical Knowing: Understanding Consciousness through Relationship (Park Street Press 2005), Consciousness from Zombies to Angels (Park Street Press 2008), Deep Spirit: The Noetic Code (The Wisdom Academy Press 2008) and Blindspots: 21 Good Reasons to Think before You Talk (Park Street Press 2015) Interview Date: 1/5/2016&n

  • The Compelling Spiritual Path of a Gay Former Nun - Jan Phillips - ND3758

    29/06/2022 Duration: 57min

    Phillips, a gay, former novice of the Catholic Church, reveals her religious crucible and the wisdom she’s gained along the way. She says, “I’m no longer a seeker, I’m a finder. Every morning, I find my source. As I say in one of my poems, ‘I eat God for breakfast, and all day long. I metabolize love. ‘” Jan Phillips is an award-winning photographer, writer, multimedia artist, and workshop leader. She's a co-founder of the Livingkindness Foundation, a global network for grassroots philanthropists. Early in her life she entered a convent as a novice to become a nun at the Catholic community of nuns at St. Joseph’s Provincial House in Latham, New York. After three years she was abruptly and surprisingly dismissed which led her on a life-quest to seek her personal spiritual truth. Jan Phillips is the author of many CDs and books including The Art of Original Thinking: The Making of a Thought Leader (9th Element Press 2006), Marry Your Muse: Making a Lasting Commitment to Your Creativity (Quest Books 1997), God I

  • Questions To Bring Us Closer to Divine Presence - Judith Valente - ND3756

    22/06/2022 Duration: 57min

    This conversation encompasses a wide range of what it means to be human and life’s universal questions from very different perspectives. Valente responds to Trappist monk Brother Quenon’s question, “Does this bring you closer to God?” by saying “I think that's the question we have to ask ourselves all the time in our work. Is this bringing me closer to the Divine Presence? Judith Valente is a former staff writer for the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal and is a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in journalism. Valente contributes to the US Catholic magazine and National Catholic Reporter. Besides her life as a journalist, she’s a poet, retreat leader, TV & Radio Producer, and Benedictine lay Associate. Judith Valente and Brother Paul Quenon, OCSO are co-authors of : How to Be: A Monk and a Journalist Reflect on Living & Dying, Purpose & Prayer, Forgiveness & Friendship (Hampton Roads 2021) Interview Date: 4/8/2022   Tags: Judith Valente, Paul Quenon, Thomas Merton,

  • Getting In Touch with Our Interior Greatness - Guy Finley - ND3759

    15/06/2022 Duration: 57min

    In this provocative dialogue, Finley guides us in how to better cope with our own sense of being overwhelmed by unbidden occurrences and the conditions of life. He points out that what we are truly seeking is a higher understanding of our relationship to Divine Source. Guy Finley is a spiritual teacher and author. He is the Founder and Director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit center for transcendent self-study located in Merlin, Oregon. He hosts the Life of Learning Foundation’s Wisdom School and offers free online classes open to all every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Each class also includes a question-and-answer session with Guy. He is the author of over 45 books including The Secret of Letting Go (Llewellyn Publications 2008), The Lost Secrets of Prayer: Practices For Self-Awakening (Llewellyn Publications 1998) and The Seeker, the Search, the Sacred: Journey to the Greatness Within (Weiser Books 2011). Also: CD: 5-Prayers for Self-Transformation - a self-discovery courseInterview Date:

  • Getting Help and Giving Help - A Pandemic of Love - Shelly Tygielski - ND3757

    08/06/2022 Duration: 57min

    Tygielski describes a movement that offers direct aid, connecting those who need help with those who want to be of help. Even when problems seem too big to solve, she says, “We start to pare down and look at things on a smaller level (such as within our own families or our children’s schools). Once we start there, it’s surprising how far reaching those effects are.” Shelly Tygielski is founder of the Pandemic of Love movement and is a self-care activist, community organizer, and mindfulness teacher. She is the author of Sit Down to Rise Up: How Radical Self-Care Can Change the World (New World Library 2021)Interview Date: 4/18/2022   Tags: Shelly Tygielski, Pandemic of Love, nonprofit disrupter, Covid Pandemic, Self Care, Self-Care, intention, baby steps, Canal Point Elementary School in Pahokee, Florida, Music teacher Mr. Goindoo, Pyoitr Kropotkin, Peter Kropotkin, Darwin, survival of the fittest, cooperation, collaboration, David Loye, Dan Siegel, Mwe Up Community, Personal Transformation, Co

  • Giving Your Fullness Will Take You Where You Need To Go - Justine Willis Toms, DHL - ND3567

    01/06/2022 Duration: 57min

    Justine Willis Toms shares principles that lead to a more useful and fulfilling life. She asks the question: is worry fruitful and will it lead me to an effective outcome? She also encourages us to create circles of friends who support us in our fullness. She shares the lessons of the caterpillar and the butterfly. Since 1973, Justine Willis Toms has been exploring personal, social and spiritual transformation through her work as an electronic journalist, editor and writer. She is co-founder, executive director and host of New Dimensions Radio. She is a founding convener of The Millionth Circle Initiative and has been actively involved in circle work since 1980. She serves on the board of World Prayers as well as Women’s Perspective. In June 2004, she was one of 30 people in the world invited to participate in The Synthesis Dialogues with his holiness the Dalai Lama. She was inducted into the Broadcasters Hall of Fame in 2011. She is the author of True Work: Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do (wi

  • Accessing a Greater Field of Universal Wisdom - Colleen Mauro - ND3570

    25/05/2022 Duration: 57min

    Whether you believe intuition is our soul speaking to us, or that it’s coming to us from a greater field of universal wisdom and knowledge, intuition has been proven to assist us in the betterment of our lives and of the human condition. This dialogue explores examples of how intuition and spiritual telepathy can bring us powerful and enlightened insights. Colleen Mauro is the founder and former editor-in-chief of Intuition magazine published from 1988 to 2001. It explored the potential of the mind and the many varied ways of intuitive knowing, and featured research and how-to information on intuition, inspiration, and telepathy for the general reader. Colleen Mauro is the author of Spiritual Telepathy: Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdom of Your Soul (Theosophical Publishing House 2015)Interview Date: 1/22/2016   Tags: Colleen Mauro, Intuition, Telepathy, gut feeling, ESP, Mind Dynamics, spiritual telepathy, Patanjali, Alice Bailey, Helena Blavatsky, clairvoyance, channeling, mind training

  • Awakening to the Deep Wisdom Hidden in Classic Literature - Dean Sluyter - ND3755

    18/05/2022 Duration: 57min

    For those of us who are committed to a life of awakening and truth, Sluyter gives us deep insight into the writings of such luminaries as Mark Twain, William Blake, Ernest Hemingway, Virginia Woolf, J.D. Salinger and many more. You’ll not be bored in his class as he takes us deep into the spiritual insights hidden in the writings of these revered literary geniuses. Dean Sluyter lived in New Jersey for 33 years where he developed the Literature of Enlightenment Program at the Pingry School and worked with inmates at Northern State Prison and Mountain View Youth Correctional Facility. He now lives in Santa Monica, California and teaches natural methods of meditation and awakening throughout the United States and beyond. He's known for his funny, down-to-earth style and for making life-transforming teachings accessible and easy. He is the author of many books including The Zen Commandments (Tarcher/Putnam 2001), Why the Chicken Crossed the Road and Other Hidden Enlightenment Teachings (Tarcher/Putnam 1998),

  • The Survival of Human Consciousness - Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. - ND3753

    11/05/2022 Duration: 57min

    Here we explore afterlife investigations such as near death experiences, after death communication, reincarnation, instrumental transcommunication, mediumship, and much more. Mishlove explores survival after death and whether or not consciousness is separate from the brain. Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. is the only person who has been awarded a doctoral diploma in Parapsychology by an accredited American University - the University of California at Berkeley. For the past 50 years he's been a pioneer in the research of parapsychology. He is the founder and host of the radio and TV program series Thinking Allowed, and most recently, New Thinking Allowed. Both are available on YouTube. Dr. Mishlove is the recipient of the prestigious Bigelow Institute Award of $500,000 for his essay on parapsychology entitled Beyond the Brain: The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death. His books include Roots Of Consciousness: The Classic Encyclopedia of Consciousness Studies Revised and Expanded (Da Capo Press;

  • Liberating Yourself Into Open-Hearted Awareness - Loch Kelly, M.Div. LCSW - ND3569

    04/05/2022 Duration: 57min

    Loch Kelly describes open-hearted awareness as a direct experience of our interconnectedness and the feeling of being held by the same essence that holds all life. It is a dynamic place that sparkles with life. Some describe it as “a child on the first day of summer vacation.” It is beyond head-knowing. It taps into a deeper source of intelligence and wisdom. Loch Kelly, M.Div, LCSW is founder of the nonprofit Open-Heart Awareness Institute. He is an educator, licensed psychotherapist, and recognized leader in the field of meditation, who was asked to teach Sutra Mahamudra by Mingyur Rinpoche and to teach nondual realization by Adyashanti. He collaborates with neuroscientists in the study of meditation to discover ways to improve compassion and well-being. He’s an emerging voice in modernizing meditation and social engagement. He is the author of Shift Into Freedom: The Science and Practices of Open-Hearted Awareness (Sounds True 2015) and a CD set of Meditations: Shift Into Freedom: A Training in the Science

  • Becoming a True Wisdom Elder - Connie Zweig, Ph.D. - ND3752

    27/04/2022 Duration: 57min

    With extended longevity comes a chance to become a true wisdom elder. To leap from adulthood to elderhood we're challenged to uncover our unconscious denials and resistances around repairing the past and reclaiming our creativity thus revealing ways to discover and share our talents and wisdom to become a force for change in ourselves and in the lives of others. Connie Zweig is a psychotherapist and has been initiated into Elderhood as a certified Sage-ing leader. She is known as an expert in Shadow Work and uncovering our inner shadow. Although she is retired from clinical practice, she leads online workshops listed on her website which is also populated with many activities, blogs, videos, and audio references. She is the author of several books including Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature (Tarcher/Perigee 1991 reprint iUniverse 2017), with (Steve Wolf, PhD.) Romancing the Shadow: A Guide to Soul Work for a Vital Authentic Life (Wellspring/Ballantine; Reprint edition 1999)

  • A Spiritual Journey of a Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman - ND3751

    20/04/2022 Duration: 57min

    This deep dialogue uncovers many spiritual laws in everyday life. Millman gives us a taste of the four mentors who guided him on his spiritual quest. He calls these teachers The Professor, The Guru, The Warrior-Priest, and The Sage. They transmitted practical wisdom and spiritual laws for living wisely and well. These laws are immutable as gravity. Dan Millman is a lifelong student and longtime teacher of practical wisdom devoting his life to mastery, first in sports and then in everyday life. He is a former World trampoline champion, Stanford gymnastics coach, and Oberlin College professor. He teaches The Peaceful Warrior’s Way and is the author of 18 books published in 29 languages including Way Of the Peaceful Warrior (adapted to a 2006 feature film.) (HJ Kramer Revised Edition 2006), The Laws of Spirit: A Tale of Transformation (HJ Kramer book, published jointly, New World Library 1995), The Life You Were Born to Live: A Guide to Finding Your Purpose (HJ Kramer, Anniversary Edition 2018) and Peaceful Hear

  • Become a Pilgrim and Explore Inner & Outer Wilderness - Brooke Williams - ND3750

    13/04/2022 Duration: 57min

    Committed advocate of the preservation of wilderness and an explorer of both the outer and inner wilderness, Brooke Williams is constantly looking to understand and experience the value of wild places and what that means for modern humans. Here we explore wildness for ideas, possibilities, and inspiration across the great divide in which we find ourselves as Americans. Brooke Williams is an advocate for the preservation of wilderness. He writes about evolution, consciousness, and his own adventures exploring both the inner and outer wilderness. He lives in Utah with his wife and partner, the writer and former New Dimensions guest, Terry Tempest Williams. He is the author of several books including Half-Lives: Reconciling Work and Wildness (Johnson Books 1999), Escalante: The Best Kind of Nothing (photos by Chris Noble) (University of Arizona Press 2006), Open Midnight: Where Ancestors and Wilderness Meet (Trinity University Press 2017 and Mary Jane Wild: Two Walks & A Rant (Homebound Publications 2021)Int

  • Toltec Insights And Truths - don Miguel Ruiz - ND3564

    06/04/2022 Duration: 57min

    Revisit the four agreements that are steeped in Toltec philosophy and wisdom, as brought to us by don Miguel Ruiz. Be inspired by the new insights he shares with us after suffering a near-fatal heart attack that left him in a coma for nine weeks, during which time he traveled in a dream state between life and death. Don Miguel Ruiz is a renowned and most beloved spiritual teacher dedicated to sharing wisdom and love through practical concepts in order to promote transformation and ultimately change lives for the better. He’s the youngest of 13 children, born in rural Mexico to parents who were healers and practitioners of ancient Toltec traditions. As a young adult, he graduated from medical school and practiced neurosurgery until a near-fatal car crash forever changed the direction of his life. Since then, he consistently delivers the deepest truths in the most relevant ways. He is the author of many books including The Four Agreements (Amber-Allen Publishing 1997), The Fifth Agreement (Amber-Allan 2011

  • Tap Into Your Inner Knowing Through The Body - John J. Prendergast, Ph.D. - ND3563

    30/03/2022 Duration: 57min

    Many spiritual practices guide us in what is known as “waking up.” Even though this process gives us a great sense of freedom and spaciousness, Prendergast suggests that the path to “waking up” is by “waking down.” Tuning into our body often brings forth a useful image, and will help us to live with more authenticity. John J. Prendergast, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist, retired professor of psychology, spiritual counselor, and founder and editor-in-chief of Undivided: The Online Journal of Nonduality and Psychology. He is the author of Listening From the Heart of Silence (co-author G. Kenneth Bradford) (Paragon House 2007) and In Touch: How to Tune In to the Inner Guidance of Your Body and Trust Yourself (Sounds True 2015)Interview Date: 12/5/2015    Tags: MP3, John J. Prendergast, interconnection, attention, emotion, sensation, original ignorance, fear of abandonment, waking up, waking down, circles, circle work, beliefs, fear, desire, relaxed groundedness, mindfulness, awareness of being, pr

  • Collaboration-The New Currency for a New Era - Dawna Markova, Ph.D. & Angie McArthur - ND3562

    23/03/2022 Duration: 57min

    A “mind share economy” is all about collaboration where the currency is ideas. The more ideas you share with each other the richer all of you are. A “market share economy” is based on the premise that the more of something you have and the less someone else has, what you have is more valuable. This sets up a culture of competition, and creativity suffers. Dawna Markova, Ph.D. is the CEO Emeritus of Professional Thinking Partners. She’s known Internationally for her research in the fields of learning and perception. She’s a former senior affiliate of the Society for Organizational Learning, originated at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. Angie McArthur is the CEO of Professional Thinking Partners and co-founder of SmartWired and the Smart Parenting Revolution. As an expert in communication and learning styles, she has developed strategies for authors, corporations, CEOs, and the ongoing Executive Champions’ Workshop.Interview Date: 10/1/2015    Tags: MP3, Dawna Markova, Angie McArthur, coop

  • A Heroine’s Journey with Authentic Indigenous Healers - Marie-Rose Phan-Lê - ND3561

    16/03/2022 Duration: 57min

    The legacy of authentic indigenous healing practices and traditional shamanism is disappearing. Marie-Rose Phan-Lê is doing her part to preserve this precious human resource, which has gifts to give humankind in these challenging times. She has traveled the world seeking healers who have been trained in some of the most ancient healing traditions on the planet.  Marie-Rose Phan-Lê was born in Vietnam, emigrated to France, and later came to the United States. She is the founder and president of Healing Planet Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and presentation of healing and spiritual traditions through media. She is an award-winning writer, director, and producer of a documentary film and companion book. She is the author of Talking Story: One Woman’s Quest to Preserve Ancient Spiritual and Healing Traditions (North Atlantic Books 2014)Interview Date: 10/9/2015    Tags: MP3, Marie-Rose Phan-Lê, authentic self, indigenous healers, Papa K, Kahuna, Lomi Lomi, Aunt

  • From Religiosity To Spirituality - Fr Matthew Fox, Ph.D. - ND3560

    09/03/2022 Duration: 57min

    Fox’s spiritual enthusiasm has taken him beyond the dogma of the Catholic Church, and for this he’s been censored by the Vatican and ultimately expelled from the order of the Dominicans. However, this has not stilled his voice for a mystical theology that speaks to the heart of seekers of a numinous sacred experience. Matthew Fox, Ph.D. is a priest and was a member of the Dominican Order of the Catholic Church for thirty-four years. He holds a doctorate in History and Theology of Spirituality and is a scholar in residence with the Academy for the Love of Learning in Santa Fe, New Mexico, as well as founder and president of Friends of Creation Spirituality. Matthew Fox is the author of more than thirty books including Original Blessing (Tarcher 2000), Hildegard of Bingen: A Saint for Our Times (Nameste Publishing 2012), A Way To God: Thomas Merton’s Creation Spirituality Journey (New World Library 2016) and Order of the Sacred Earth: An Intergenerational Vision of Love and Action (coauthors Skylar Wi

  • The Travel Adventures of an Intrepid Spiritual Seeker - Ralph White - ND3557

    02/03/2022 Duration: 57min

    Ralph White’s life reads like some sort of Indiana Jones story with a spiritual flavor. He grew up on the coast of Wales and then moved to a grimy industrial city on Northern England. You’ll be enthralled by his amazing tales of travels to New York, Chicago, Vancouver, Peru, Ecuador, Tibet, Russia, and more. In between he established The Open Center in New York. His current activities include the Esoteric Quest series of conferences in Europe that focus on the lost spiritual history of the West. He also presents the Art of Dying conferences. He is the author of the memoir The Jeweled Highway: On the Quest for a Life of Meaning (Divine Arts 2015)Interview Date: 9/22/2015    Tags: MP3, Ralph White, Huddersfield England, the moors, music, University of Sussex, Vancouver Canada, Machu Picchu, The Open Center, Esoteric Quest, Tibet, Global network of holistic centers, China, Waldorf Schools, Rudolf Steiner, Robert McDermott, Russia, Travel, History, Global Culture, Social Change/Politics

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