New Dimensions



New Dimensions is an original and powerful forum for inspired and inspiring voices and views on a wide range of timely and timeless topics. Activism, art, education, science, psychology, philosophy, health, spirituality, global transformation, cross-cultural traditions, the interconnectedness of all life All these and more are featured in this award-winning one-hour interview program that has been broadcast on public radio since 1973. For more information and over a thousand hours of downloadable programs visit


  • Healthier, Safer, More Livable Communities, Block by Block - John Crowley, Leslie Curchack - ND3773

    30/11/2022 Duration: 57min

    The Cool Cities Challenge is a non-political grassroots effort that encourages the building of strong communities and support social ties around emergency preparedness and lowering of the carbon footprint. It encourages connections between neighbors block by block. The results translates into higher civic engagement, safer, and healthier neighborhoods. John Crowley is co-founder of Cool City Petaluma 2030 and co-owner of the Aqus Café in Petaluma, California. He’s a social instigator and champion connection-maker. It was his intention in starting Aqus Café to recreate an Irish pub atmosphere with a focus on social dynamics that create opportunities and support the connection of individuals, businesses, and nonprofits by bringing them together with their various interests, talents, and energy. He believes that social capital determines the health and happiness of a community and that as individuals of a town are provided more opportunities to interact and connect the entire town benefits. Leslie Curchack is a

  • A Safe Harbor for the Climate - Peter Fiekowsky - ND3772


    Here we explore an optimistic and realistic look at how we can and must restore the health of our atmosphere to levels that support all life on this planet. Fiekowsky has extensively researched and come up with specific, concrete steps we can take that can bring about a restoration of the kind of healthy climate humankind has flourished under for 10,000 years. Peter Fiekowsky is an MIT educated physicist and engineer, an entrepreneur, a philanthropist, and a social innovator. He has worked at NASA and the Fairchild/Schlumberger Artificial Intelligence Lab in Palo Alto, California and has taught at MIT. He holds 27 patents and was instrumental in launching the Foundation for Climate Restoration whose purpose is to work with top scientists, innovators, policymakers, and others to create the understanding and policy needed to further climate restoration. He is co-author with Carole Douglis of Climate Restoration: The Only Future That Will Sustain the Human Race (Rivertown Books 2022).Interview Date: 9/25/2022 &n

  • Dreams-Our Internal GPS - Linda Yael Schille - ND3771

    16/11/2022 Duration: 57min

    Dreams embody our hopes, fears, and creativity. They come from our unconscious pool of wisdom as a viable means of knowledge of self as we commit to valuing and honoring them by tracking, recording, and thinking about the messages they’re trying to reveal. They’re a permanent witness to our life’s journey, a portable, practical, and unlimited resource. Linda Yael Schiller, MSE, LICSW is a psychotherapist who has taught dream work and run dream groups for over three decades. She teaches and consults on trauma treatment, PTSD, and nightmares. She is the author of Modern Dreamwork: New Tools for Decoding Your Soul’s Wisdom (Llewellyn Publications 2019) and PTSDreams: Transform Your Nightmares from Trauma through Healing Dreamwork (Llewellyn Publications 2021).Interview Date: 9/15/202    Tags: Linda Yael Schiller, dream work, dreamwork, nightmares, Jeremy Taylor, REM cycles, synchronicity, Dreams, Personal Transformation

  • Spreading the Positive Virus of Kindness - Lindsay Andreotti - ND3770

    09/11/2022 Duration: 57min

    Andreotti has noticed that there is way more kindness happening on a day-to-day basis than there is drama, negativity, and darkness. She shares with us ways we can expand our awareness and be a vessel of kindness and suggests that one of the strongest forms of kindness is to be a good listener. She is the founder of several companies and has held leadership positions in small and large organizations, including government, nonprofit and Fortune 500 companies. For many years she served as an organizational development coach, business transformation consultant, and executive coach. She believes that when you are authentic and in your brilliance, you can achieve anything. And she's the founder and host of The Kindness Club. She's the author (with co-author, Brian Hilgendorf) of Sex, Intimacy and Business: A Revolution Has Begun And It's Time To Get Undressed (Brilliance Press 2005)Interview Date: 9/5/2022     Tags: Lindsay Andreotti, kindness, self-criticism, Michael Singer, Surrender Exp

  • The Art And Practice Of Listening Well - Leslie Shore - ND3578

    02/11/2022 Duration: 57min

    Listening is a skill that we have to learn. It takes effort, attention, patience, and practice. It’s a process that requires us to use different parts of our brain. Effective listening can improve our relationships and our jobs, as well as enhance our intelligence. Leslie Shore explains what it takes and what gets in the way. Leslie Shore has worked in the retail industry and personal management fields, as well as being a professor and instructional designer, where she has gained much wisdom in what it takes to be an effective listener. She is the owner of Listen to Succeed, a consultancy that focuses on using listening analytics to help personal and professional clients achieve their highest level of effective communication. She is the author of Listen to Succeed: How to Identify and Overcome Barriers to Effective Listening (self-published 2012). Her book is currently being used as a textbook in several universities.Interview Date: 4/15/2016.      Tags: Leslie Shore, listen

  • The Embodied Spiritual Path - Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Ph.D. - ND3769

    26/10/2022 Duration: 57min

    This deep dialogue explores the embodied spiritual path and what it means to live more consciously in a human body. He says, “The body is 3 billion years of evolution and there's a tremendous wisdom and intelligence in it that moves us towards wisdom, connection, mutuality, and interdependence.Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Ph.D. is a coach and consultant on embodied leadership and mastery and has spent more than five decades researching, developing, and teaching Somatics and embodiment practices to organizations in such fields as education, healthcare, leadership team development, military, technology and international peace work, including the United States Marine Corps.He holds a Shihan 7th -degree black belt in aikido and has founded and cofounded several Aikido schools and projects including the Mideast Aikido Project and Training across Borders, organizations that bring citizens from warring countries together to practice aikido. He was advisor to General Jim Jones, the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe from

  • Offering Comfort and Dignity to Deeply Forgetful People - Stephen G. Post, Ph.D - ND3768

    19/10/2022 Duration: 57min

    As our population ages with its emphasis on hyper-cognitive power and productivity, we must begin to acknowledge the equal moral status of people with physical and cognitive disabilities as someone not less significant than that of someone who is more lucid of mind. And, we must better support those who support this growing population.Stephen G. Post, Ph.D. is among a handful of individuals awarded the National Distinguished Service Award from the National Alzheimer’s Association. Post is a leader in research on the benefits of giving and on compassionate care in relation to improved patient outcomes and clinician well-being. In 2001 he founded The Institute for Research on Unlimited Love, which researches and distributes knowledge on kindness, giving and spirituality. Post served as a co-chair of the United Nations Population Fund Conference on Spirituality and Global Transformation. He’s a professor in the Department of Preventative Medicine at Stony Brook University and founder and director of the Stony Br

  • The Old Future is Gone - Wes Jackson, Ph.D. and Robert W Jensen, Ph.D. - ND3767

    12/10/2022 Duration: 57min

    If our future is one of limitation, how may we face it with courage to do the best job with what is possible? Even though easy solutions may not be apparent it does not make asking hard questions irrelevant. According to our guests, what are the four hard questions we must be asking at this time.Robert W Jensen, Ph.D. is professor emeritus in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of many books including Plain Radical: Living, Loving and Learning to Leave the Planet Gracefully (2015 Skull Press), The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men (Spinifex Press 2017) and The Restless and Relentless Mind of Wes Jackson: Searching for Sustainability (University Press of Kansas 2021)Wes Jackson, recognized as a leader in the international sustainable agriculture movement and earned his Ph.D. in genetics. He is cofounder and president emeritus of the Land Institute in Salina, Kansas, and a 1992 MacArthur Fellow. He is the author and co-author of numerous books, inclu

  • The Healing Power of Sound - David Gibson - ND3576

    05/10/2022 Duration: 57min

    Sound is medicine, according to the research of David Gibson. Every person, emotion, and ailment has a tone. Sound and frequency can be used to influence mental states, enhance human experience, and heal disease. He explains how music therapy is being applied in healthcare. “It’s unbelievable what’s been happening with people just by using sound and music.”David Gibson is a leader in the field of sound healing and therapy. He’s the founder and director of the Globe Sound and Consciousness Institute in San Francisco which offers an Associates degree in sound healing therapy. He is also the producer of sound healing music and runs the sound therapy center at the Institute offering different types of sound healing treatments. He is a founder of the sound healing research Association designed to help bring sound healing into the mainstream. He is the author of The Complete Guide To Sound Healing (Sound Healing Center 2013) Interview Date: 3/8/2016    Tags: David Gibson, music therapy, sound th

  • We Are So Much More Than We Know - Joseph Selbie - ND3766

    28/09/2022 Duration: 57min

    Our brain forms many automatic neural circuits including those that support our breathing, heartbeat, and digestion. Here we explore how to create new neural circuits that put us in touch with the larger energetic field of infinite intelligence. Joseph Selbie, a dedicated meditator for nearly 50 years, has taught meditation and yoga throughout Europe and the United States. He is a founding member of Ananda, a meditation-based community and spiritual movement inspired by Paramahansa Yogananda. He resides with his wife at the long-standing Ananda Village near Nevada City, California. He is the author of The Yugas: Keys to Understanding, The Physics of God: How the Deepest Theories of Science Explain Religion and How the Deepest Truths of Religion Explain Science (New Page Books 2021) and Break Through the Limits of the Brain: Neuroscience, Inspiration, and Practices to Transform Your Life (New Page Books 2022)Interview Date: 7/29/2022    Tags: Joseph Selbie, brain science, neural circuits, T

  • The Power of Mentorship - Will Jawando - ND3764

    21/09/2022 Duration: 57min

    As a man born of a Nigerian father and a white mother, Jawando is our guide for the essential gift of mentorship and how staggeringly transformative it can be for an entire community. It’s a reminder of how even a brief encounter of positive mentoring can make all the difference for all our children, most especially those at risk. Will Jawando is an attorney, an activist, a community leader, and a councilmember in Montgomery County Maryland, a diverse community of more than 1 million residents. Called “the progressive leader we need” by the late Congressman John Lewis, Jawando has worked with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Sherrod Brown, and Pres. Barack Obama. HE is the author of My Seven Black Fathers: A Young Activist’s Memoir of Race, Family, and the Mentors Who Made Him Whole (Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2022).Interview Date: 7/8/2022   Tags: Will Jawando, Kalfani, Joseph Jacob, Deen Sanwoola, Nigeria, grandmothers, Dean Hoge, NAACP, Barack Obama, affordable housing, low-income housing, mentors,

  • In the Thick of It All - Mark Nepo - ND3765

    14/09/2022 Duration: 57min

    Inner and outer storms can be transformational agents. Nepo advises us that we must not skip over pain, breakage, and loss. He goes on to say, “And, we must not drown in it or make a permanent residence of it. We have to find the corridor of aliveness that allows us to process our experience and land in the opening the storm has made in us and around us.” Mark Nepo is a poet and philosopher and a most eloquent spiritual teacher. In 2015, he was given a Life-Achievement Award by AgeNation and in 2016 was named by Watkins: Mind Body Spirit as one of the Most Spiritually Influential Living People. He was part of Oprah Winfrey’s The Life You Want Tour in 2014 and has appeared several times with Oprah on her Super Soul Sunday program on OWN TV. As a cancer survivor, Mark devotes his writing and teaching to the journey of inner transformation and the life of relationship. He is the author of many audio learning projects and over 20 books including Reduced To Joy (Cleis Press 2013), Seven Thousand Ways to Listen: St

  • At the Heart of Loneliness - Kira Asatryan - ND3577

    07/09/2022 Duration: 57min

    Despite our being connected 24/7 with others, post-modern life is replete with loneliness. Loneliness is not the same as aloneness. Loneliness is when you lack the feeling of being connected with another. Explore how to build fulfilling and deep connections with others and make closeness flourish. Kira Asatryan is a certified relationship coach who provides individual life coaching, relationship coaching, conflict mediation, and couples coaching. Before becoming a relationship coach, she was director of performance marketing for prominent Silicon Valley technology start-ups and cofounded an online marketing consultancy. She lives in San Francisco. Kira Asatryan is the author of Stop Being Lonely: Three Simple Steps to Developing Close Friendships and Deep Relationships (New World Library 2016)Interview Date: 4/3/2016     Tags: Kira Asatryan, introverted, closeness, caring, intimacy, families, caretaking, loneliness, empathy, inflammation, efficiency, effectiveness, social media, incidental

  • Moving Beyond the Noise to Pristine Attention - Leigh Marz & Justin Zorn - ND3763

    31/08/2022 Duration: 57min

    We are in a constant deluge of noise and information and chat whether it is from our email and social media, or the 24-hour news cycles with its constant announcements of breaking news. Even our households can be filled with noise. Here we explore how to lessen both the exterior and interior noise to hear our own intuition and tune in to our creative gifts. Justin Zorn has served as a senior advisor for Policy and Strategy at the Center for Economic and Policy Research. He has also served as a meditation teacher in the U.S. Congress and is a Harvard-and-Oxford-trained specialist in the economics and psychology of wellbeing. Leigh Marz is a collaboration consultant and leadership coach for major universities, nonprofit coalitions, and federal agencies. Marz and Zorn are the cofounders of Astrea Strategies whose purpose is to help businesses, nonprofits, and leaders find creative and enduring solutions in living beyond the noise. They are the co-authors of Golden: The Power of Silence in A World of Noise.

  • Writing an Ethical Will - Rabbi Steve Leder - ND3762

    24/08/2022 Duration: 57min

    Approaching and facing some essential life questions and leaving them in a written “ethical will” will benefit our loved ones after we have passed and might be more important than any material things we pass on at our death. It will also be helpful in shedding light on our own deepest beliefs and dreams. Steve Leder is senior Rabbi of Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles. After receiving his degree in writing and graduating cum laude from Northwestern University, studying at Trinity College, Oxford University, Leder received a master’s degree in Hebrew letters in 1986 and rabbinical ordination in 1987 from Hebrew Union College. He is the author of many books including The Extraordinary Nature of Ordinary Things (Behrman House 1999), More Money Than God: Living A Rich Life Without Losing Your Soul (Volt Press 2003), More Beautiful Than Before: How Suffering Transforms Us (Hay House 2017), The Beauty of What Remains (Avery 2021) and For You When I Am Gone: Twelve Essential Questions to Tell a Life Stor

  • The Re-creation of the World as Expressed Through Myth - Michael Meade - ND3761

    17/08/2022 Duration: 57min

    Meade advises us that we must break the spell of normalcy itself and we must accept the presence of uncertainty. However, the good news is that with every ending there is a new beginning. This deep dialogue explores the collective rite of passage we are experiencing and how using the wisdom of myths gives us a roadmap to the renewal of life itself. Michael Meade is a renowned storyteller, author, scholar of mythology, and student of ritual in traditional cultures. He has scoured the world to bring to us meaningful folk tales that tap into ancestral sources of wisdom and acts as a guide to connect them to the stories we are living today. Meade is the founder of Mosaic Multicultural Foundation. He also offers regular Living Myths Podcasts and workshops. He’s the author of many books including Why the World Doesn't End: Tales of Renewal in Times of Loss (GreenfirePress 2012), Fate and Destiny: The Two Agreements of the Soul (GreenFire Press 2012), The Genius Myth (GreenfirePress 2016), Awakening the Soul: A

  • Lessons from a Fledgling Democracy - Mamphela Ramphele, M.D., Ph.D. - ND3760

    10/08/2022 Duration: 57min

    How are the successes and failures of the fledgling South African democracy relevant to all democratic nations? Why a nation cannot truly thrive without full socio-economic equity. Why true freedom must also include freedom from an imprisoned mind. What is the importance of teaching a full, robust history of a nation? Mamphela Ramphele, M.D., Ph.D. is an activist, medical doctor, academic, businesswoman, and global servant. Besides her medical degree, she holds a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology. She was the managing director of the World Bank, and is a trustee of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, as well as chairwoman of the Bishop Desmond Tutu Trust. She also serves as co-president of the Club of Rome, which was founded in 1968 as a nonprofit, informal organization of intellectuals and business leaders whose goal is to identify holistic solutions to complex global issues, and to promote policy initiatives and actions to enable humanity to emerge from multiple planetary emergencies. She is the author of A

  • Knowing the Nature of Your Elemental Personality - Debra Silverman - ND3575

    03/08/2022 Duration: 57min

    Debra Silverman suggests that each of us has basic personality traits that can be seen in the context of the four elements of earth, air, water, and fire. Each element has strengths and shadows. Understanding which element is most prevalent in your personality and which ones are weak will help you see what is missing in order to be a more balanced human being. Debra Silverman holds a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and has specialized in helping thousands of individuals achieve emotional health and wisdom based on their unique personality and the four elements of water, air, earth, and fire. She combines this work with her expertise in Soul-Centered Astrology. She is a host of an on-line radio program “Tell me a Story.” She works on an individual basis as well as with groups, and is the author of The Missing Element: Inspiring Compassion for the Human Condition (Findhorn Press 2016).She is the author of The Missing Element: Inspiring Compassion for the Human Condition (Findhorn Press 2016)Intervie

  • The Intersection Of Life And Art - Andrew Harvey- ND3574

    27/07/2022 Duration: 57min

    Andrew Harvey shares his experience of why it takes rigorous discipline to be an artist, why solitude matters, how to cultivate our personal passions, how “networks of grace” can save humanity, and more. He speaks eloquently on how to cultivate sacred friendships and speaks of his “soul brother,” 88-year-old pianist and teacher, Seymour Bernstein, a true wisdom elder. Andrew Harvey is an internationally acclaimed poet, novelist, translator, mystical scholar, and spiritual teacher. He is the Founder/Director of the Institute of Sacred Activism. He is the author of many books including The Direct Path: Creating a Personal Journey to the Divine Using the World's Spiritual Traditions (Harmony 2001), The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism (Hay House 2009), Teachings of Rumi (Shambhala 1999) and Play Life More Beautifully: Conversations with Seymour (Hay House 2016)Interview Date: 2/29/2016    Tags: Andrew Harvey, Seymour Bernstein, composer, solitude, soul friends, spiritual reservoir, Ethan Hawk

  • Rejoining The Community Of Nature Through Personal Totems - Lupa - ND3573

    20/07/2022 Duration: 57min

    Lupa is a strong advocate for connecting with animal or plant totems as allies to enhance our spiritual life and help us reconnect with nature. They can provide a “bridge” between us and the rest of the natural world. She cautions us to understand that totems, whether they be animal, plants, or fungi, are not simple one-dimensional helpers limited to stereotyped meanings from dictionaries. They are vibrant, intelligent, dynamic beings sharing the world with us as much as anyone else, and while we may have forgotten what it is to be in nature’s community, they have not. Lupa is a neo-shaman, artist and sustainability geek. She has been working with animal magic for more than 20 years and has developed a self-created and spirit-directed neoshamanic path. She possesses a master’s degree in counseling psychology with an emphasis on eco-psychology. Her books include New Paths to Animal Totems: Three Alternative Approaches to Creating Your Own Totemism (Llewellyn 2012), Plant and Fungus Totems: Connect with Sp

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