Nathan, Nat & Shaun



Nathan, Nat & Shaun are all current world record holders in their own right Nathan for having snuggled the most number of bunnies in a hammock (the previous world record holder was Cameron Diaz), Nat for putting the most number of socks on her left foot while listening to Michael Jacksons Beat It and most recently Shaun for stuffing the most number of bananas down his pants with a record of 273. Theyre all very proud of their achievements. They also do a breakfast show on Nova 93.7


  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 12th May 2017

    12/05/2017 Duration: 37min

    Oh my god… I'm turning in to my mum! Carly used to be so embarrassed when her mum would yell and carry on at Eagles games, and now she does it too. Jo looks so much like her mum, Facebook always tags her mum as her! Sarah pulls the same concentration face at her mum and Aaron put on a wig for a bit of fun and looked identical to his mum. Marlene joined the guys for Mother's day and spoke about her and Brian's trial run to Ku De Ta… Ellie P's mum Di joined the guys to talk about what it's like being Ellie's mum. Jay took his mother-in-law to Ku De Ta with the guys and spoke to them about why she is so important to him. Masto joined the guys ahead of their clash with the Bulldogs tonight! He spoke about his daily routine getting ready for game, what he eats, and pours shit on his teammates. Masto and his mum joined the guys! Monica told everyone what it little Masto was like growing up, how he was at school and to this day. Pete Rowsthorn joined the guys on Mother's Day and played the game 'sleep with, marry...

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 10th May 2017

    10/05/2017 Duration: 29min

    Liam Bartlett joined the guys this morning to talk about the Lisa Scaffidi scandal. Have you used food as a weapon? Liz and her friend were grocery shopping and she whacked her friend in the mouth with some roast beef and chipped her tooth! Jack over cooked some scones and he and his mates were throwing them at each other which felt like getting hit by rocks. Vicky's hubby threw cauliflower at her and it shattered in to a million pieces. Nat put some tomato sauce on a pie to cool it down before throwing it at a girl at school, but turns out the girl was allergic to tomato sauce. Lucy and Carl from The Last Resort joined the guys to talk about their story, the guilt, the reason behind applying for this show and how it's been watching back on everything that's gone down so far. Cheating with someone you know… Michelle's partner cheated on her for 5 years, and then she found out he was having an affair with her 17 year old niece who was going to their house to babysit their child! Isaac's parents were both... &#

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 9th May 2017

    09/05/2017 Duration: 31min

    A boat came off a trailer in Freo and parked itself right at the lights! What did you do medicated? Nathan's swollen glands meant he took some strong meds yesterday and went to the shops.. Next minute he had $100 worth of random stuff! Felice bought three exercise kits and Brooke went to pee in her husbands sock draw.. Robyn went on eBay to bid on a pony and Megan told people she was a qualified nurse after her surgery but definitely was not! Mark McGowan - everyone seems fairly happy with him so far - bacon and broken promises - secured 2.3 billion for roadworks and train lines - went to the nurses ball at the same time as sexpo. Mark McGowan - offering to duet with Ellie. Mark McGowan - Federal budget and GST share - Scarborough works - cruise liners and ports in WA - being on a cruise as opposed to in the navy. Jamie Oliver (part one) - bought back his australian restaurants - cooking in a short amount of time - bacon - sending food back - staff spitting in food - how hands on he is - jamie lee curtis -...

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - May 8th 2017

    08/05/2017 Duration: 39min

    Megan Markle's first public appearance with Prince Harry at the polo. Insects in the wrong place - A GP rider got a wasp in his suit while he was in the middle of a race! Keira's mum was attacked by a swarm of bees and Alice was bitten while peeing over a bull ant nest! Barry has a fear of cockroaches and had one run up his leg and Angela's husband was bitten by a scorpion. Steve Butler - all the upsets in the AFL over the weekend. His team lost to Freo so he's been copping it. Lawrence Llewelyn Bowen - new British judge on House Rules. Saying you'll do something as a kid and following through - the new French president said when he was 16 that he was going to marry his then teacher - she's now his wife! Rod met his wife at a high school party and knew straight away they would marry. Julie wanted to go to Japan at 13 and ended up working there. Jessie wanted to be a fairy and now has her own fairy business and Diana wanted to be a writer - she's now written a kids book! Wil Anderson - The comedian is in... &#

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - May 5th 2017

    05/05/2017 Duration: 31min

    Should Amy get an epidural or not? Michelle had 7 kids all naturally, Kay had one kid without an epidural but never again! Alex had one kid with drugs, one without… Travis called through to tell Amy to definitely have an epidural to make it easier for her husband! When has there been a big build up, but a massive let down? Sophie thought her friend was taking her out for her birthday, but it turned in to a pyramid scheme for cleaning products. Charlene's dad got her an electric toothbrush for her 19th. Laticia's mum has spoken to her dad in years, when he requested to catch up with her she was really excited a nervous… But turns out he just had a kilo of kangaroo meat for her that he couldn't fit in the fridge! Kirsty thought she'd won a holiday, turns out she was being stitched. Brenton Thwaites joined the guys ahead of the release of the new Pirates of the Carribean movie. He also spoke about some transparent creature he remembers when filming in Kalgoorlie… What's the transparent creature in Kalgoorlie...

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - May 4th 2017

    05/05/2017 Duration: 42min

    When have you complained, but you were wrong? David abused the wrong computer company for leaving the door open and Mel had a crack at Jamie's Italian staff for losing her booking when she realised she'd actually booked another restaurant! Brad yelled at the wrong employee for slacking off and Claire's friend complained about his beef carpaccio being cold. Des Bishop (part 1) is in town for the Perth Comedy Festival. The guys asked him about his heritage and what he's staying and what he's been up to in Perth so far. Des Bishop (part 2) spoke about learning Chinese in 17 months and going on Chinese dating shows. Gilly (part 1) came to the rescue after hearing about Nathan's big ear problems. He's the expert and told us the story of when he discovered his ears were ginormous. Gilly (part 2) spoke about how he was nervous his kids would get his ears, and the guys measured Gilly's ears to compare to Nathan's. Brad Hill joined the guys with his puppy Harry. He spoke about the disaster that was the Western...

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 3rd May 2017

    03/05/2017 Duration: 48min

    This morning we found out that Nathan has one giant dumbo ear, and another shriveled baby ear… What's kinda wrong with you? Kim has finger toes and Cassandra has a stroke bum. Sarah has a toe thumb and one of Sharon's nipples is an innie, the other is an outie! Dodgy packaging… Danielle bought ornaments from Thailand only to discover when she got home they were big knives which could be used as weapons. Brett found millions of dollars’ worth of drugs in a car that was transported here and called the police. Stu bought pain relief in Bali, but it was actually Viagra! Bonnie bought flashlights in Thailand that turned out to be Tasers! Garth Tander is in town for the V8 SuperSprint this weekend and he spoke to the guys all about the mechanics behind a race! Ashlee Mullany, Channel 7 reporter, crossed to the guys live from Bogota, Columbia to give us an update on the Cassandra Sainsbury case. Stephen K Amos is in town for Perth Comedy Festival and he spoke to the guys about his encounters with Samuel L... 

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 2nd May 2017

    02/05/2017 Duration: 39min

    Chelsea is a Perth girl who didn't get through on The Voice last night, but rather got offered to tour with Boy George on the harmonica! When did you leave the door open? Paul and his family came back from a holiday and their door was wide open, but nothing was taken… He checked the CCTV footage to see his wife was the culprit! Jonno's roommate left the door open, the dog got out and ate the neighbours chickens. Michelle left her car door open, reversed and ripped it off. Cooshla's hubby forgot to close up the construction site and they went back to find squatters. Have you hidden someone in your house? AJ had a plumbing job at a woman's house and he found her ex-husband living in her attic. Josie hid her boyfriend in her closet when her mum got home. Susan and her hubby sprung their daughter who was hiding a boy in the boot of her car. Maggie Dent (part 1) spoke about the epidemic of child anxiety. Maggie Dent (part 2) answered Marlyn's question about her 2 year old who is biting everyone. Maggie Dent...

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 1st May 2017

    01/05/2017 Duration: 29min

    Masterchef kicks off tonight on TEN and Matt Preston joined the guys to talk all about this season. We also found out that Brian Morris only just discovered feta… How did you move it? Nicola was moving house so they put all their belongings on a bed and rolled it up the street to their new home. Adam put a couch on the back of his Sedan and one person walked behind the car holding on to it. Sue ripped her car trying to fit a dishwasher in, finally got it in the front seat only to not be able to get it out! Stevie Butler joined the guys to give us a footy wrap and talk about the horrid game that was the Western Derby… Amy and Tyson were the winners of MKR and they joined the guys to talk about the season, the filming and what they're up to now… Partner fails… Shaun wanted a sleep in on Sunday but Megan woke him up every second. Deb didn't notice her hubby had shaved his 3 month beard and Dani's hubby missed the birth of their baby because he wanted to go home.  See for pri

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 28th April 2017

    28/04/2017 Duration: 42min

    Uber says they'll have flying cars by 2020 - what?! Working the system with returns - Nathan bought an expensive electric shaver years ago and has had new replacements multiple times, thanks to the warranty! Shane has had his TV upgraded 3 times and Aaron has had his starter motor replaced for free multiple times. Shaun's youngest son Ollie hates doing homework, so much so they found his in the bin! When you were that person? Suzy went to sleep for 10 hours on a 13hr flight in the aisle seat and didn’t tell the guy in the window seat.. Ben dug his knees into the chair in front of him because they put their seat back and Tarn was inappropriate in church. Chris Masten - the terrible game against hawthorn last week and the Derby this weekend! Jo Griggs - House Rules begins on Sunday so spoke all about the new season as well as her love for bird watching. Vanilla Ice - coming to Perth for the 'I love the 90s' tour!  See for privacy information.

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 27th April 2017

    27/04/2017 Duration: 30min

    Nathan is on the search for a couch and he's kinda considering a recliner… When have you embraced your inner elderly? Dan is 29 and he has 3 recliners. Dee is 25 and she has arthritis in her knees! Lauren has a recliner couch and an adjustable bed at 27 years old and Michelle is only 38 and uses old lady tea cups. How did you react when you found out you were being cheated on? Anna let her boyfriend’s tyres down and then followed him home to make sure he didn't crash and die. Wendy gave her hubby a dog meat pie to eat and Darren put fish in his girlfriend’s hub caps. James Blunt joined the guys to talk about the logies, his new song, his previous albums and life in general. Have you worked for the wealthy? Set up with WA's Rich List 2017. Jemma worked for a company who gave staff a free trip every year, all expenses paid. John's company would give staff who joined the 10 year club a free trip every two years with their partners included and all expenses paid.  See for pri

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 26th April 2017

    27/04/2017 Duration: 44min

    What can you be identified by? When food nearly killed you. Brad Hill and his puppy Harry. Pete Helliar When did you just walk away?  See for privacy information.

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 24th April 2017

    27/04/2017 Duration: 38min

    Learning to drive with mum and dad - a learner driver was done doing 43 kilometres over the limit with their dad in the car. Derek learnt to drive in a buggy with no brakes. Thunder Stealers - Molly Meldrum stole the spotlight from Samuel Johnson at the Logies.Danielle's sister announced her pregnacy at her wedding and it's Naomi's bday today but also her brothers! Anya wrote an article for a national magazine but didn't get the credit and Taylor's sister broke her arm while Taylor was winning awards! Steve Butler - Freo's win and the WCE's loss. Derby this weekend! Seal - The Voice starts again tonight! Sophie Monk is the new Bacholorette! What do the guys think about it?  See for privacy information.

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 20th April 2017

    20/04/2017 Duration: 28min

    Who's the scumoid in your life? Chris' friend always calls and hangs up so she doesn't have to pay for the call and Jess works at a charity shop where a lady asked for a discount off .50c. Elly Chaney told a corker about an absolute stinge and Ben's mate made him give some of his $1000 that he won at the cas, but didn't return the deal when he won $18k! Brad Hill was just getting to training and he spoke about the breakfast they get and the game over the weekend. Elly Chaney's ex of 5 years just got engaged to the girl he's been seeing for just over a year… What did your ex do next? Jamie decided not to have her baby as her partner wasn't ready for a family, but then he broke up with her. Michelle's husband got her and her best friend knocked up on her wedding night! Nikki's husband married their eldest son's ex-girlfriend. There were sexy noises during a tennis match… Rostyn Griffiths joined the guys ahead of their match this Sunday. Also spoke about the incident recently with their goalkeeper…  S

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 7th April 2017

    07/04/2017 Duration: 34min

    Mrs Gruer is Natalie's old principal from school and she's only just retiring at 80! She spoke about her years of being the principal and how many kids made an impact on her life. Confess! Nat has been eating sneaky containers of lotus chips, and she hasn't told Gav. Steve is addicted to Subway cookies and Anthony can't stop eating chips and gravy. Catherine stays up to watch awful crime shows and Zac is addicted to liquorice. Out of everything Nathan could've hit on the penny farthing… He hit a little girl. What did you hit? Katie threw a boomerang that hit a little girl on the balance beam in the playground! Belle's daughter ran over her brother and Paul hit the only other guy on the slopes and dislocated his shoulder. Masto joined the guys ahead of their clash against Richmond tomorrow night. He spoke about the game, a bit of an update on coffee cheaters and how he wants to create a Wikipedia page for the guys. Kenny Lowe joined the guys to talk about the best A league player in his opinion, where... &

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 6th April 2017

    06/04/2017 Duration: 18min

    What did you go to see or do but in hindsight it was super lame? Michael lined up for the opening of Aldi and Paul lined up for a few hours at Comicon. Donna drove all the way from Mandurah for both of the H&M openings! Jess went to see Guy Sebastian and Shannon Noll at the airport! Kim is the man behind making Nathan's penny farthing dreams come true! He joined the guys to talk about his experience with riding and potential accidents that may happen… Nathan rode the penny farthing successfully! However, it did end with him crashing in to a little girl. Her tears are still on his shoulder. The guys spoke to Lani, the innocent little girl who Nathan crashed the penny farthing in to. They also said farewell to Kim!  See for privacy information.

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 5th April 2017

    05/04/2017 Duration: 36min

    When should you have done a background check? Kat had a border stay with her and soon found out he was growing mushrooms in the closet. Chris' real estate agent didn't do a background check on the place he bought and it turned out to be a meth lab. Anthony did a background check on a guy applying for a job at his funeral home who turned out to be a fraud and had faked his own death in America. Danny McGinlay, the man behind the Western Bulldogs banner slogans joined the guys ahead of this weekend’s clash against Freo. He spoke about the banner preparation and how long they take to get made… Stakeouts! Kate wanted to drive by her ex's house to see if he was having a party, but accidentally stalled, revved really hard before driving away! Sharon's husband waited in the bushes for the teens to do another knock and run and caught them. Kylie's hubby waited in the bushes for 5 hours to catch people lighting fire to their cotton palms, but as soon as he went inside to get a jumped, they struck again. Caroline's...

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 3rd April 2017

    03/04/2017 Duration: 44min

    When you believed something that wasn't true - Nathan and Suzy learnt Picnic at Hanging Rock isn't real! Paige thought monkeys made imprints on the sand after it rained, Glenda's daughter didn’t think donkeys were real and Dean only just found out about Hanging Rock not being real and is horrified! Mortifying text message experience - former Nova employee Bec sent a msg to the wrong person calling their suburb a giant turd. Jo sent her husband a message that was supposed to go to her friend about wearing the sexy boots he'd told her not to wear out. Melissa had a fight with her friend in Bali and accidentally sent a bitchy message meant for her sister to the friend! Bec was managing a kids cricket team in South America and accidentally sent all the parents a message bitching about their kids! Dr Scott Parazynski - NASA astronaut - Perth from space, internet and reception in space, what its like to take off and how does he sleep? Dr Scott Parazynski - callers with questions. Dion wanted to know if he's seen...

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 31st March 2017

    31/03/2017 Duration: 33min

    Cartwheels and Handstands - a Bunbury school has banned them so Maggie Dent joined the guys to give her 2 cents. Lauren fractured her shin doing a cartwheel, Anna Lee hurt herself doing one last week and she's 26 and Debbie's daughter is always breaking bones! Chris Masten - Pav's Sport! Spoke about tomorrow's game against the Saints and a recap on last week. The lengths you go to keep the kids asleep - Pav showered outside at 430am this morning so that he wouldn't wake his baby. Ben had a silent dinner party and Chelsea vacuumed for 3.5 hrs straight. Peta went outside in her dressing gown to blowdry her hair. Donna Hay - surprise birthday chat with Nat. Brian Morris gave a sexy dance for Nat on the balcony.  See for privacy information.

  • Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 28th March 2017

    28/03/2017 Duration: 32min

    Mangrove Meg joined the guys to talk about how she's holding up in her boat against Cyclone Debbie! Have you been scammed by a friend? Kylie's friend bought their car, didn't pay for it all, abandoned it in Brisbane somewhere, leaving them to pay a $2,000 fine. Scott's friend cost him $180k and is now in jail. Jess' ex borrowed her credit card to buy a motorbike, and then broke up with her and she's never seen him again. Josh Morgerman is a storm chaser from the USA who has travelled to AUS to check out Cyclone Debbie! When did you have to get your neighbours approval? Nathan had to get approval to build a 3m shed, they said no, so he built a 2.7m shed. Zena's neighbours didn't ask them for permission to party in their spa when they went out! Danielle's neighbours made her pay to get rid of a tree, and Pina's having driveway dramas with her neighbours. Brendon Julian joined the guys to talk about how the Aussies are going to lose.  See for privacy information.

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