Nathan, Nat & Shaun

Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 28th April 2017



Uber says they'll have flying cars by 2020 - what?! Working the system with returns - Nathan bought an expensive electric shaver years ago and has had new replacements multiple times, thanks to the warranty! Shane has had his TV upgraded 3 times and Aaron has had his starter motor replaced for free multiple times. Shaun's youngest son Ollie hates doing homework, so much so they found his in the bin! When you were that person? Suzy went to sleep for 10 hours on a 13hr flight in the aisle seat and didn’t tell the guy in the window seat.. Ben dug his knees into the chair in front of him because they put their seat back and Tarn was inappropriate in church. Chris Masten - the terrible game against hawthorn last week and the Derby this weekend! Jo Griggs - House Rules begins on Sunday so spoke all about the new season as well as her love for bird watching. Vanilla Ice - coming to Perth for the 'I love the 90s' tour!  See for privacy information.