Bent Oak Church



This is the sermon podcast for Bent Oak Church. Each week we preach through scripture, book by book. You can find more information about the church at


  • Birth of John the Baptist Foretold (Luke 1:5-25)

    05/09/2023 Duration: 47min

    Luke opens his gospel by placing the story in the time of Herod, but Luke also introduces us to the humble and righteous priest Zechariah. Those were two names that would not normally have been in the same sentence. Herod was known all around the Roman empire for his power, wealth, building projects, and violence. Zechariah was unknown. But God appeared to Zechariah, having heard his most desperate prayers. The Messiah was coming and Zechariah was the first to learn of it.  

  • So that You Might be Certain (Luke 1:1-4)

    29/08/2023 Duration: 36min

    We begin a new series this week on the gospel of Luke. We explore the background of the book as well as Luke's introduction to the work. Luke wrote Jesus's story so that we might have greater certainty and conviction about who Jesus is, what he taught, and what he has done for us. 

  • Remember me for Good (Nehemiah 13)

    22/08/2023 Duration: 46min

    As we conclude our look at Ezra and Nehemiah, we come across an unexpected chapter. The story does not resolve as expected. Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem to find the people slipping back into the same sins. His anger explodes, and the book concludes with the simple but poignant prayer, "Remember me, O my God, for good."

  • They Rejoiced with Great Joy (Nehemiah 11-12)

    16/08/2023 Duration: 39min

    Having repented and renewed their covenant with God, the people gathered to dedicate the new walls of Jerusalem. They did so by worship. The city was filled with the sounds of worship, and it produced a joy that was heard far outside of Jerusalem. We explore how repentance has its natural end in a surprising experience of joy. 

  • A Renewed Covenant (Nehemiah 10)

    07/08/2023 Duration: 53min

    Having reminded the people of God's steadfastness and having repented of their own unfaithfulness, Ezra led the people in renewing the covenant. We take a closer look at God's covenant with his people and how the story of Nehemiah helps us recognize the covenant we have received. 

  • Sackcloth and Ashes (Nehemiah 9)

    01/08/2023 Duration: 54min

    Having celebrated God's faithfulness, the people were finally ready to consider their own unfaithfulness. On the twenty-four day of the month, they came together in sackcloth and ashes to repent before the Lord. But even in their repentance, God's mercy and steadfast love were at the center. Chapter nine offers a long prayer of repentance and remembering. It offers us a model for what our own repentance can look like. 

  • The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength (Nehemiah 8)

    25/07/2023 Duration: 42min

    Having completed the wall, the people of Jerusalem began to gather. They called for Ezra to return and read the law. As the law was read, they began to weep, but Ezra commanded them to stop. Instead, he reminded them that the joy of the Lord was their strength. We take a closer look at those familiar words and how they sustained the people of Jerusalem and how they sustain us as well. 

  • Betrayal and Opposition (Ezra 6-7)

    18/07/2023 Duration: 51min

    Nehemiah had faced opposition before. He often faced threats and risks from the neighboring nations, but suddenly Nehemiah found opposition coming from within the walls of Jerusalem. We take a look at how Nehemiah responded to betrayal from friends and learn why God can be trusted in times of our own difficulties. 

  • Things Fall Apart (Nehemiah 5)

    11/07/2023 Duration: 50min

    In the previous chapter, we saw a picture of unity. God's people shared the work, protected one another, and sacrificed to build a better city. But it didn't take long for things to fall apart. Soon they were taking advantage of one another in ways that aligned them with their pagan neighbors. It's a warning about how quickly we pick up the ways of the world and how naturally we justify it to ourselves. 

  • The People Build Together (Nehemiah 3-4)

    04/07/2023 Duration: 40min

    Nehemiah and the people of Jerusalem began to rebuild the city. Each family took their section of the wall and built it together. But, as has been the pattern, opposition soon emerged. First, it was taunting and then the threat of violence. But the people did not give up. They guarded one another, encouraged greater faith, and committed to seeing the project through. 

  • Nehemiah and the Walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1-2)

    27/06/2023 Duration: 47min

    When Nehemiah learned of the disrepair of Jerusalem, his heart was broken. He longed to rebuild the city, but Nehemiah also served the king of Persia. His loyalties would be questioned, and his life would be at risk, but Nehemiah prayed, trusted, and sought to return to the city. We take a closer look at the man, his situation, and the complexity of the task.

  • According to the Law? (Ezra 10)

    19/06/2023 Duration: 50min

    As we look at the final chapter of the book of Ezra, we ask some hard questions about the book's final image. The book has taken us from the stirring of their hearts by the Spirit to men sitting in the cold rain negotiating the abandonment of wives and children. The final image of Ezra is a complicated question of our unfaithfulness, our need for a plan to fix it, and the tension of what we can never put back together on our own. 

  • What Shall We Do? (Ezra 9)

    13/06/2023 Duration: 44min

    Having arrived in Jerusalem, Ezra discovered that many of the priests and leaders were marrying their foreign neighbors who worshiped pagan Gods. We take a closer look at the situation and Ezra's prayer of intercession. We consider why this sin continually plagued Israel and how Ezra builds our expectations for Christ's intercessions.

  • Fasting Over Fear (Ezra 8)

    06/06/2023 Duration: 52min

    Having been introduced to Ezra and his plans to return to Jerusalem and teach the law, we are next given the details of his preparation. Though he returned with a group of Jews, they were small and worried about the dangers of their trip. Ezra wanted to turn their attention back to God. He called for a fast and prayer to overcome their fear. They needed to humble themselves to recognize the hand of God that was on them. 

  • Hearing and Doing the Word (Ezra 7)

    01/06/2023 Duration: 39min

    With Ezra 7, we begin the second story of Israel's return. This return would be led by Ezra, a scholar and expert in the Law. He was commissioned to teach the Jews the Law and to see that they obeyed it. No move of God or church project is complete if it does not include new attention to God's word and a commitment to live it.

  • Joy Comes from the Lord (Ezra 6)

    24/05/2023 Duration: 44min

    With the support of the prophets and a new decree from the king, Israel completed the construction of the temple. They joined together in a new Passover feast that welcomed many of their converted neighbors. We are reminded of God's ability to turn the heart of the Persian king and also God's ability to fill his people with joy. There was gladness for their success, but real joy only comes as a gift from God. 

  • The Work of the Prophets (Ezra 5)

    17/05/2023 Duration: 47min

    With progress stopped, God sent prophets to speak to Israel and call them back to their task. We look at the role of the Old Testament prophets and how the words of Haggai and Zacheriah help us learn to respond to God's word in our own day.

  • Discouraged and Afraid (Ezra 4)

    09/05/2023 Duration: 50min

    After so much progress and celebration, the rebuilding of the temple grinds to a halt. The people became discouraged and afraid of the mounting pressure around them. We take a closer look at how the fear of man can cause us to withdraw from the work of God and how to find courage for our times.

  • Unity and Worship (Ezra 3)

    02/05/2023 Duration: 42min

    Having arrived back in their land, Israel's first task was to worship. They came together in unity to rebuild the altar and begin the daily sacrifices. We take a closer look at that unity and the priority of worship in our lives and church. 

  • A Remnant (Ezra 2)

    25/04/2023 Duration: 43min

    Ezra chapter two is a list, a long list of names, and a tally of those who returned. The list may be long, but its total represents only a fraction of what Israel had been. It is only a remnant. But still, it is a remnant that has remembered who they are and who God has led them to be. They are a model for any who live through exile. 

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