Bent Oak Church



This is the sermon podcast for Bent Oak Church. Each week we preach through scripture, book by book. You can find more information about the church at


  • Love Your Enemies (Luke 6:27-36)

    31/01/2024 Duration: 45min

    Having begun his sermon on the mount with the beatitudes, Jesus next turned his attention to the topic of love. And not just any love. Jesus commanded his followers to love their enemies. We take a closer look at how to love and Jesus' logic for the real source of loving enemies. 

  • Blessings and Warnings (Luke 6:12-27)

    23/01/2024 Duration: 42min

    Jesus went up on the mountain to pray. Coming down, he gathered his twelve disciples and, before the crowd, laid out a surprising series of blessings and warnings. Jesus spoke with remarkable clarity, neither distracted by the crowd's approval nor by the scribe's opposition. 

  • Lord of the Sabbath (Luke 6:1-11)

    17/01/2024 Duration: 48min

    Controversy continued to build around Jesus. The Pharisees watched Jesus's disciples plucking grain on the Sabbath and asked why they did not keep it holy. The controversy grew worse when Jesus healed a man with a withered hand. But Jesus saw things very differently. Quoting from the scriptures, he explained that "the son of man was lord of the sabbath."

  • Do Wedding Guests Fast? (Luke 5:33-39)

    09/01/2024 Duration: 38min

    The Pharisees continued their objections. Jesus may have come to call sinners to repentance, but his ministry didn't look like one of repentance. Jesus's disciples were busy eating and drinking. So Jesus turned to the image of marriage and God's promise to restore his bride. 

  • Jesus Calls a Tax Collector (Luke 5:27-33)

    02/01/2024 Duration: 42min

    As Luke records the crowds continuing to grow and the Pharisees increasingly suspicious, he also records Jesus's recognition of certain individuals whom he called to be his disciples. We have seen Jesus's call of Peter who was cleaning his nets, in this weeks passage we look at Jesus's call of Levi who sat at his tax booth.

  • Immanuel: Frank Kendrick

    20/12/2023 Duration: 01h50s

    Frank Kendrick shares his story of God's faithfulness as we wrap up our Immanuel series this Christmas season.

  • Immanuel: David Roush

    12/12/2023 Duration: 33min

    David Roush kicks off our Immanuel series by sharing his testimony of how God has been with him even in unseen times. 

  • Immanuel: Kristen Kansiewicz

    12/12/2023 Duration: 31min

    Kristen Kansiewicz continues our Immanuel series by exploring what it means follow a "with us God," and how we can place our lives daily in his presence. 

  • Jesus Forgives Sin (Luke 5:12-26)

    28/11/2023 Duration: 40min

    The crowds came because Jesus was doing miracles. Even the religious leaders came having heard about his power and authority. But Jesus turned their attention to sin and his desire to forgive sins. We take a closer look at our tendency to overlook sin and why it was central to Jesus's ministry.

  • Jesus Calls His First Disciples (Luke 5:1-11)

    24/11/2023 Duration: 40min

    Having been rejected in Nazareth and misunderstood in Capernaum, another crowd formed around Jesus at the sea of Galilee. But Jesus's attention quickly shifted to a few fishermen and their boats. Luke gives us the calling of Peter as an example of how true followers should respond to Jesus.

  • Miracles at Capernaum (Luke 4:31-44)

    14/11/2023 Duration: 45min

    Having left Nazareth, Jesus continued teaching in the synagogue at Capernaum. There, he did many miracles, including casting out demons and healing the sick. Yet Jesus saw something in the response of the people, which caused him to raise another point of objection. Even after all they had witnessed, they did not understand why Jesus had really come. We take a closer look at Capernaum and the response of its people.

  • Jesus Rejected By His Hometown (Luke 4:14-30)

    07/11/2023 Duration: 52min

    Luke records with a brief summary that Jesus was teaching and preaching throughout Galilee. He was being warmly received, that is, until he taught in his hometown of Nazareth. We take a closer look at Jesus's message and how his friends and family could shift from praising him to attempting his execution.

  • The Temptation of Christ (Luke 4:1-12)

    31/10/2023 Duration: 43min

    Jesus began his ministry by moving into the wilderness, where he was tempted by Satan. The passage gives us a sense of Jesus's faithfulness and the depth of his knowledge of scripture. Pastor Barry walks us through the passage and helps us think about Jesus's responses and our own.  

  • Jesus Receives the Holy Spirit (Luke 3:21-38)

    24/10/2023 Duration: 46min

    Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, and while the gospel writers recognize it as the start of Jesus's ministry, Luke draws our attention also to Jesus in the posture of prayer. It was while praying that Jesus received the Holy Spirit. In this week's sermon, we take a closer look at how Jesus was prepared for the work ahead. 

  • The Voice in the Wilderness (Luke 3:1-20)

    17/10/2023 Duration: 49min

    Luke recognizes John as the voice in the wilderness preparing the way for Jesus. But John's preparation is one of warning. Jesus will come as a judgment; that is, he will come as one revealing hearts and motivations. Jesus comes as a sword, ax, and threshing fork. Still, for those willing to receive him, even that word of judgment comes as good news.

  • Why Were You Looking For Me? (Luke 2:39-52)

    10/10/2023 Duration: 47min

    Luke narrates the growth of Jesus in a single story. From the infancy of the child to the emergence of his public ministry, Luke overs just one story. Jesus was lost. It took his parents three days to find him. When they did, he was in the temple discussing scripture. Like all parents,  Mary seemed both relieved and frustrated by the situation.  Jesus offered an unexpected answer. One Jesus's parents would have to long consider. 

  • A Sword to Pierce Your Soul (Luke 2:22-38)

    03/10/2023 Duration: 53min

    Mary and Joseph went up to the temple to present Jesus and to make their sacrifice of purification. But the Spirit had brought Simeon to meet them. Simeon came with a prophecy and also a hard word. Jesus would be a sign rejected, not even Mary would escape the sword of his words. We take a closer look at Simeon and Anna and their words about Jesus. 

  • The Birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1-21)

    27/09/2023 Duration: 49min

    Perhaps the most striking thing about Jesus's birth was how unremarkable the event actually was. So far, Luke's gospel has been full of angels, miracles, and the Holy Spirit, but Jesus's birth comes like almost every other birth. Jesus has come into the world as we all come into the world. It is the shepherds in their fields that welcome us into the good news. They found Jesus wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. That was their sign that a king had been born. God was with us. 

  • John's Recognition of Jesus (Luke 1:39-80)

    19/09/2023 Duration: 44min

    Having heard of Elizabeth's pregnancy, Mary went with haste to visit. As she entered, John, just six months in Elizabeth's womb, leaped for joy. Central to the theme of Luke 1 is the work of the Holy Spirit. We take a look at the role of the Spirit and the joy and worship the Spirit initates. 

  • The Announcement to Mary (Luke 1:26-38)

    12/09/2023 Duration: 45min

    Having announced the birth of John to Zechariah, the angel Gabriel next traveled to Nazareth, where he announced a second birth. Mary would conceive a child. He would be great and establish the throne of David for eternity. His name would be called Jesus. In spite of the complexity and uncertainty this announcement must have created, Mary responded with remarkable humility and submission. "Let it be according to your word," she responded. 

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