Monster Party



What happens when four Comic Con hardened sci-fi/horror fans sit around some microphones, slam back cocktails, and argue about all things monstrous? It's a podcast called Monster Party! You have been warned.Expect laughs, trivia, and possibly a few hurt feelings as James Gonis, Shawn Sheridan, Larry Strothe, and Matt Weinhold discuss and debate science fiction, horror, and fantasy. The Monster Party has started...who will throw the first punch?



    10/05/2021 Duration: 02h44min

    MONSTER PARTY SAYS, "HEY! YOU'VE GOT YOUR WESTERN IN MY SCI-FI!" JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, discuss what happens when a science fiction film or TV show is cross-pollenated with a non-genre concept. It all goes down in an episode with a slightly long-winded title called... SCI-FI MASHUPS: THE MANDALORIAN AND BEYOND!!! Some of the most popular sci-fi franchises borrow heavily from other genres, especially westerns and samurai films. The STAR WARS franchise is probably the most high profile example, with THE MANDALORIAN being the current standard bearer. Of course, there are a slew of other shows and films, that not only follow this same approach, but attempt to blend even more diverse non-science fiction genres. And we're gonna hit them all! Well, most of them. Okay, some of them. Look, the shows can't all be over three hours! In the tradition of our topic, we decided to mash this episode up with an excellent guest! He's a brilliant writer, blogger, attorney, long-time champi


    27/04/2021 Duration: 02h14min

    MONSTER PARTY IS THROWING A WATCH PARTY! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, fire up their widescreen TVS, and give you snapshot of a typical MONSTER PARTY viewing week. You'll need a stiff drink when you get a gander at... WHAT WE'RE WATCHING!!! Whether it's wading through the sea of streaming genre shows, sampling the treasures and turkeys on Netflix and Amazon Prime, or choosing a classic from our massive Blu-ray and DVD collections, MONSTER PARTY always has something to has something to binge! WARNING: This episode contains a frank and combative discussion about the film, GODZILLA VS. KONG. You may want to listen to it in sign language. MONSTER PARTY WANTS YOU TO "WATCH IT!"


    13/04/2021 Duration: 03h37min

    MONSTER PARTY WANTS TO SHOW YOU THE EFFECTS JAPAN HAS ON US! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, celebrate a subject that is near and dear to their cyborg enhanced hearts. Prepare to take a journey through blue-tinted space, to discover the secrets of... TOKUSATSU: THE ART OF JAPANESE SPECIAL EFFECTS!!! TOKUSATSU is a broad term that basically covers any Japanese film or TV show that relies heavily on special effects. Which pretty much means everything in our DVD libraries! But don't expect just another podcast about the GODZILLA, GAMERA, and ULTRAMAN. This time, we dig deep into the history of TOKUSATSU, and honor the pioneers who helped make it the beloved sub-genre that it is. Not only do we go behind the scenes of such long-running shows as ULTRAMAN and KAMEN RIDER we also shine our Beta Capsules on many of the more obscure offerings from Japan! We're talkin' secret agents, super ninjas, black and white space heroes, crazy kaiju, kids who like to hang out with Satan, a fly with


    30/03/2021 Duration: 02h41min

    MONSTER PARTY WANTS YOU TO LISTEN TO OUR LATEST EPISODE! OR DO YA WANT SOME TROUBLE? JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, are those podcasters your parents warned you about. They want to introduce you a sub genre of rebellious outcasts that society has labeled... DELINQUENTS, PUNKS, AND HOOLIGANS!!! If you want to hang out with the wrong crowd, you've come to the right place. We've got high school bullies, teenage kingpins, go-go dancing hellcats, Japanese nihilists, punk rock gangs, French New Wave hoodlums, and oh so much more! Joining this dangerous gang of MONSTER PARTY ne're-do-wells, is a dangerous character with a switchblade wit. He's a celebrated comedian, actor, writer, improviser, podcaster, and "The Smartest Man In The World." Please welcome back, the great... GREG PROOPS! (THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD PODCAST, WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY?, THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, STAR WARS RESISTANCE, BOB THE BUILDER, STAR WARS: EPISODE 1-THE PHANTOM MENACE) When you're a MONSTER PA


    16/03/2021 Duration: 02h32min

    MONSTER PARTY WANTS YOU TO STARE THROUGH A TOILET PAPER ROLL AND SING: DANGALANG DANG, DANG DANG DANG DANGALANG DANG, DANG DANG DANG DANGALANG DANG, DANG DANG DANG DANGALANG DANG, DANG DANG DOO DANG DOO....DANG DOO DANG! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, dust off their best tuxedos, polish up their cocktail shakers, and renew their licences to kill. Why? Well, it's all part of a not-so-secret mission to celebrate the world's most famous fictional spy... JAMES BOND!!! Created by novelist Ian Fleming, the character of James Bond has been entertaining audiences from the 1950s to the present day.  Whether in books, TV, movies, comic strips, or video games, Bond opens up a glamorous world of action, espionage, sex, and humor. Oh, let's not forget all those glorious gadgets!   For an episode like this, MONSTER PARTY needed it's own version of "M"... and we got it! He's an award-winning novelist, journalist, film historian, director, composer, and SPECTRE envied Bond expert. Please a giv


    26/02/2021 Duration: 02h43min

    MONSTER PARTY JOLTS THE SMACKDOWN BACK TO LIFE! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, thought it couldn't be done. That they couldn't do the MAD MOVIE SMACKDOWN virtually through the ZOOM machine. But with a sip of a girl drink and a chaser of ingenuity, the boys shouted down their own naysaying and are pleased to annouce... MAD MOVIE SMACKDOWN LIVES AGAIN!!! Hopefully, you all know the drill: We open a genre film reference book, quickly flip through it, stop on a page, blindly point to a movie entry, and discuss. Fun, right? Oh, and expect of bit of arguing and character assassination. This is MONSTER PARTY of course. Joining us for this raucous reanimation of a beloved topic is an incredibly talented comedian, writer, producer, and artist. He's a long time friend of the show, but we like to think of him as a  human ray of sunshine! Please welcome back... JOHN MATTA! (MATTA NAPKIN, THE EPIC TALES OF CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS IN SPACE, BEWARE THE BATMAN, BE COOL, SCOOBY-DOO!, GRAND MARQUEE,


    13/02/2021 Duration: 02h12min

    DON'T FREAK OUT, BUT MONSTER PARTY SEES RIGHT THROUGH YOU! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, take a look at a subject that can't be seen. So break out your creepiest pair of sunglasses, and wrap up your head with guaze, because this time the topic is... INVISIBILITY!!! But if you think this podcast is only about the classic Universal "Invisible Man" film series, you may be going mad from the effects of invisibility serum. The MONSTER PARTY gang also take aim at invisibility cloaks, alien camoflauge, hypnotic persuasion, insect-size assassins, transparent families, smoking jackets, nude stamina, and soooo much more! Joining us for the topic that wasn't there, is an acclaimed author, journalist, blogger, and promoter of all good horror, past and present. He's also the genius behind KITLEY'S KRYPT, one of the longest running horror websites on the internet! It's his first time on MONSTER PARTY, so let's all welcome... JON KITLEY! GET READY FOR AN EPISODE THAT'S OUTTA SIGHT! Okay, tha


    03/02/2021 Duration: 02h40min

    MONSTER PARTY WANTS YOU TO GET "REEL"! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, get a peek at the diary of one of most sought-after film projectionists in Hollywood. Pour yourself a stiff drink and crack open a box of MIKE AND IKE, as we present... CONFESSIONS OF A FILM PROJECTIONIST!!! Brace yourself for apocalyptic tales of projection booth catastrophes, theater politics, unruly audiences, special-ed splatter, zombie rationalizations (yes, again!), A-List security guards, seedy movie palaces, and celebrities who make you want to... well... let's save that for epsiode. Wink! This episode's confessing projectionist also happens to be a talented comedian, podcaster, film programmer, and has a pretty amazing movie poster collection. She's worked at such celebrated theaters as THE ARCLIGHT, NEW BEVERLY CINEMA, THE CINEFAMILY AT THE SILENT MOVIE THEATER, GRAUMAN'S CHINESE THEATER, and MANY more! MONSTER PARTY welcomes... GARIANA ABEYTA! (OUT OF PRINT, POPCORN MAFIA, THE SET-UP, THE ROTTEN TO


    18/01/2021 Duration: 02h53min

    MONSTER PARTY WANTS YOU TO "TUNE IN, TURN ON, AND NERD OUT!" JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, invite you to drop a tab of audio acid! It's a consciousness expanding journey into those genre films that feature mind altering substances. MONSTER PARTY and MR. COCAINE present... DRUGS!!! Whether it's milk that helps you fight, a spice that helps you steer a spaceship, or a type of LSD that turns you into a homicidal maniac ten years after you take it, drugs have a way taking a plot and making it... well... trippy. Joining us for this psychedelically psychoactive cinematic soiree, is a friend of the show who alters minds with his work.  He's a talented comedian, writer, producer, and actor, not to mention OUR drug... FRED BELFORD! (PINKY MALINKY, NOT EXACTLY NEWS, SECRET MOUNTAIN FORT AWESOME, COW AND CHICKEN, BRAND X WITH RUSSELL BRAND, MEGALODON) NOTE: MONSTER PARTY DOES NOT ENDORSE THE USE OF ANY MIND ALTERING SUBSTANCES. EXCEPT MAYBE A BIT OF MOLOKO PLUS!


    04/01/2021 Duration: 02h35min

    MONSTER PARTY BEGINS THE NEW YEAR WITH "THE END!" JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, celebrate the arrival of 2021 by unravelling the sometimes mysterious, and shocking finales of their favorite genre films! It's a third act thriller we call... WTF ENDINGS!!! Rather than have a guest for the episode, this time, we offer an intimate investigation featuring the core members of the MONSTER PARTY team. The guys tackle questions like, "Is it possible to accidentally wander into Hell?", "Can a fetus travel through space?", "Is the Statue of Liberty on a Forbidden Zone beach, really a surprise?" and "M. Night Shayamalan... why?" WELCOME TO 2021 EVERYBODY! SEE, THINGS ARE ALREADY GETTING BETTER!


    23/12/2020 Duration: 03h31min

    MONSTER PARTY RINGS OUT THIS HORRIBLE YEAR WITH A VIRTUAL RAGER! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, are throwing their seasonal office party, and everyone is invited! Especially... DEMON BOOZE! So break out the girl drinks, eggnog, whiskey sours, and absinthe, because it's time for... THE MONSTER PARTY HOLIDAY BASH!!! For this "anything goes" event, we've welcomed back a MONSTER PARTY favorite, and the life of any party. He's an acclaimed comedian, writer, actor, TV host, and filmmaker, who goes by the monstrous moniker of... MARK PITTA! (HOUSESITTER: THE NIGHT THEY SAVED SIEGFRIED'S BRAIN, MARK PITTA & FRIENDS: LIVE AT THE THROCKMORTON THEATER, MORNINGS ON 2, THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JAY LENO, THE TONIGHT SHOW STARRING JOHNNY CARSON, DR. KATZ: PROFESSIONAL THERAPIST, TOTALLY HIDDEN VIDEO)  HAPPY HOLIDAYS MONSTER PARTIERS! AND 2020... GO F**K YOURSELF!


    06/12/2020 Duration: 02h17min

    IT'S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR... TO BUY STUFF! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, have a some very specific ideas on what Santa should fill his sleigh with. If you enjoyed last year's MONSTER PARTY HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE, prepare to have your bells jingled right off, as we present... THE MONSTER PARTY HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE 2020!!! This season, we've got a brand new selection of stupendous stocking stuffers, guaranteed to please the most persnickety monster kid. Whether you like toys, books, DVDs, art pieces, collectibles, or all the above, MONSTER PARTY has something for you! When it comes to the perfect MONSTER PARTY HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE guest, we feel that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. So, we are proud to welcome back our ex-unpaid intern, who has gone on to start a monster empire of his own. He's a brilliant artist, and the founder of SEA DEMON VINYL... KEVIN SMITH!  This has been a tough year, so let's make this year's presents extra awesome! SANTA... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


    23/11/2020 Duration: 02h51min

    SORRY FILM TURKEYS.. NO PARDON FOR YOU THIS YEAR! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, gather 'round the Thanksgiving table once again, to carve up the genre films with the worst reputation. Yes, you survived the TURKEY SHOOT. But can your candied yams handle... TURKEY SHOOT: THE GOBBLING!!!? Just like last year, MONSTER PARTY presents a scenario: You've just finished polishing off your third helping of pumpkin pie, you've crawled into your favorite easy chair, and popped the top button off your pants. Now... what do you watch? All that tryptophan is coursing through your system, and has made you crave a film that's considered a real turkey. But does that rep mean it's actually a bad movie? Let's find out together! Joining us once again is a dear friend of MONSTER PARTY, and creative force of nature! We are proud to welcome back acclaimed writer, director, novelist, actor, and film historian... C. COURTNEY JOYNER! (HAMMER FILMS: THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION, NEMO RISING, SHOTGUN, DOCTOR M


    09/11/2020 Duration: 02h15min

    THE SKULL IS BACK! AND THE MOLD! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, return to the "Legion" of topics... for it is many! It's... WRATH OF TOPIC FREE FOR ALL!!! Once again, Larry fetches the infamous plastic skull bucket from out of his garage, and fills it with topics. Some are new, but many are leftover from past shows. We shake the skull, pick out a topic, and discuss. It's all coming back now, isn't it? Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, we can't physically pick the topics from the skull, so Larry will be doing the honors. Now, we know what you're thinking, "The whole thing is rigged!" Well, don't worry folks. Skull... we'll see you in court! Joining us for another round of skulldiggery, is a longtime friend and benefactor of MONSTER PARTY. He's an actor, producer, voice artist, and the co-founder of BIF BANG POW! TOYS... JASON LENZI! (IN SEARCH OF TOMORROW, WIPEOUT, CANNONBALL, LIFE AFTER FLASH, BANDS REUNITED, BEAT THE GEEKS) NOTE: THIS EPISODE WAS RECORDED ON NOVEMBER 5, 20


    23/10/2020 Duration: 02h38min

    MONSTER PARTY CELEBRATES AN ALL CHANNELS ALL HALLOW'S EVE! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, ring in their favorite holiday by examining how it is celebrated on non-genre TV shows! It's a petrifying podcast potpourri of prime time panic, simply called... HALLOWEEN TV! This year, forget get about horror friendly TV staples like Night Gallery, The Night Stalker, The X Files, and Supernatural. Prepare yourself for pulse pounding Halloween episodes from such terrifying shows as Happy Days, The Office, The Odd Couple, Starsky And Hutch, The Dick Van Dyke Show, Little House On The Prairie (yeah, you heard us!), M.A.S.H., Mission Impossible, and many, many more! Returning to MONSTER PARTY is a long-time friend of the show, and the man who brought us the epic 4 hour 80's horror documentary, IN SEARCH OF DARKNESS! Please welcome back award-winning writer/producer/filmmaker/magazine editor/blogger... DAVID WEINER! (FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND, IT CAME FROM..., IN SEARCH OF DARKNESS PART I &

  • MASCOTS!!!

    10/10/2020 Duration: 02h01min

    MONSTER PARTY IS "GRRRRRRREAT!!! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, chronicle the captivating creativity of corporate cohorts! In a word... MASCOTS!!! Over the years, mascots have been used to promote everything from fast food, breakfast cereal, and electricity; to tires, medicine, and bug spray. And that's only a small list of the items shilled by these often colorful and cartoonish characters. And yes, we know these characters are being to used to manipulate us. But frankly, we don't care! Because of the heartfelt affection we have for mascots, MONSTER PARTY decided to make this a virtual in-house/non-guest affair. So pour yourself a libation, grab a bowl of cereal, and listen to a podcast that stays crunchy... even in vodka. Silly rabbit, MONSTER PARTY is for MONSTER KIDS!


    30/09/2020 Duration: 03h21min

    THESE DAYS... "MONSTER PARTY IS THE WARMEST PLACE TO HIDE!" JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, put on their splash zone ponchos, and brace themselves for the return of an insanely popular topic. It's that one where one of brings up a movie tagline, and the rest of us try to guess what film it's from. But this time, it's a... TAGLINE TIDAL WAVE!!! In the past, we did HORROR TAGLINES, and we did SCI-FI TAGLINES. Now, we widen the net to include every possible genre film to offer a brash, boisterous blurb! HORROR, SCI-FI, EXPLOITATION, FANTASY... you're more than welcome to this party! When something isn't broke, you don't fix it. That's why we're welcoming back a beloved comedian, actor, and podcaster, who made our previous TAGLINE episodes such a success! Let's give out a MONSTER PARTY shriek for... MIKE SCHMIDT! (THE 40 YEAR OLD BOY, NEVER NOT FUNNY, ASYLUM, CHEAP SEATS: WITHOUT RON PARKER, MALCOM IN THE MIDDLE) WE HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS, "TAGLINE TIDAL WAVE"! ISN'T IT ABOUT TIME WE A


    11/09/2020 Duration: 02h12min

    MONSTER PARTY GOES TRICK OR TREATING RIDICULOUSLY EARLY! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, get a headless start on their favorite holiday. But if we're going to do this special day justice, we need the proper tools. That's why we've packed this episode with what could only be defined as the... HALLOWEEN ESSENTIALS!!! Like every MONSTER PARTY Halloween episode, there'll be talk of costumes, candy, decorations, and unusual personal annecdotes. But when it comes to movies, boy, do we have a treat for you! Joining us for this All Hallows MEGA Eve, is an acclaimed author, horror historian, and a Halloween essential in and of himself. MONSTER PARTY is proud to welcome, for the first time on the show... DAVID J. SKAL! (FRIGHT FAVORITES: 31 MOVIES TO HAUNT YOUR HALLOWEEN AND BEYOND, THE MONSTER SHOW: A CULTURAL HISTORY OF HORROR, DRACULA: A NORTON CRITICAL EDITION, HOLLYWOOD GOTHIC: THE TANGLED WEB OF DRACULA FROM NOVEL TO STAGE TO SCREEN, DEATH MAKES A HOLIDAY: A CULTURAL HISTORY OF HALL


    27/08/2020 Duration: 02h30min

    IN THIS EPISODE, MONSTER PARTY SUMMONS THE ELDER GODS! AT LEAST THAT'S WHAT THE GUYS LIKE TO CALL THEMSELVES. JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, gather under a gibbous moon, to explore the dark universe of one of literature's most famous, and controversial writers. So pour yourself a stiff brandy, and try to ignore the rats in the walls, as we bring you an episode we simply call... LOVECRAFT!!! The terrifying tales of HOWARD PHILLIPS LOVECRAFT, have  frightened readers for decades. He created a vast pantheon of inter-dimensional creatures, whose names we are warned not to say. Probably because many of them are unpronounceble.  But although monstrosities like Cthulhu, Yog-Sothoth, Azathoth, and Nyarlathotep are tongue-twisters, they are household names to the lovers of weird fiction. But what about H.P. Lovecraft... the man? In this episode, we will explore the various factors that shaped Lovecraft and his work. We'll discuss his influences, his inner circle of collegues, and the la


    17/08/2020 Duration: 02h06min

    MONSTER PARTY GOES CHANNEL SURFING IN DANGEROUS WATERS! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, hypnotically regress to a time when television networks bent over backwards to frighten, shock, and amaze you!  Feel free to adjust the rabbit ears of your brain, as we present you with.... TV MOVIE FLASHBACKS!!! The 1970s, 80s, and occasionally the 90s, were a golden age when it came to groundbreaking genre and exploitation "made for TV" movies. At a time when monster kids needed it the most, network television provided a steady diet of ghosts, monsters, murder, witchcraft, dystopian futures, delinquency, substance abuse, and people living behind your walls! Oh, what fun we had! Joining us for this cathode ray reminisce is an acclaimed comedian, musician, and podcaster, who hosts the mega popular show, TV GUIDANCE COUNSELOR! Please welcome our special new friend... KEN REID! (TWICE NOMINATED BOSTON PHOENIX'S "BEST COMEDIAN IN BOSTON", SECRET MENU, EUGENE MIRMAN COMEDY FESTIVAL, THE BRIDGETOW

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