Monster Party




MONSTER PARTY GOES CHANNEL SURFING IN DANGEROUS WATERS! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, hypnotically regress to a time when television networks bent over backwards to frighten, shock, and amaze you!  Feel free to adjust the rabbit ears of your brain, as we present you with.... TV MOVIE FLASHBACKS!!! The 1970s, 80s, and occasionally the 90s, were a golden age when it came to groundbreaking genre and exploitation "made for TV" movies. At a time when monster kids needed it the most, network television provided a steady diet of ghosts, monsters, murder, witchcraft, dystopian futures, delinquency, substance abuse, and people living behind your walls! Oh, what fun we had! Joining us for this cathode ray reminisce is an acclaimed comedian, musician, and podcaster, who hosts the mega popular show, TV GUIDANCE COUNSELOR! Please welcome our special new friend... KEN REID! (TWICE NOMINATED BOSTON PHOENIX'S "BEST COMEDIAN IN BOSTON", SECRET MENU, EUGENE MIRMAN COMEDY FESTIVAL, THE BRIDGETOW