Media Roots



Podcast by Media Roots


  • Ep 1: A Brief History of Hallucinogens, MK-Ultra, the CIA, LSD, Leary & the Psychedelic 60s/70s

    01/06/2022 Duration: 02h40min

    Media Roots Radio on Psychedelics: Episode 1: A Brief History of Hallucinogens, MK-Ultra, the CIA, LSD, Leary & the Psychedelic Sixties / Seventies Robbie and Abby Martin start the series by exploring the Western world's initiation into psychedelics: the CIA buying up the world's supply of LSD to administer MK-Ultra's dark experimentation against unwitting subjects as well as thousands of volunteers through research organizations and front groups at elite universities which spawned Silicon Valley. They discuss the evolution of main characters like Timothy Leary and how the San Francisco Bay Area became a hotbed of psychedelic renaissance through the hippie movement, from the Grateful Dead to Ken Kesey. Figures like John Lilly were attempting to sync consciousness with dolphins using hallucinogenic drugs and performance art by the likes of Alex Grey and others became representative of the era. Nixon's 'War on Drugs' started the reactionary wave of psychedelic criminalization. This is Episode 1 of an ongoi

  • UNLOCKED: the Smallpox Vax Rollout Begins, Hauer's Biodefense Ploy, Iraq 'May Have the Virus' Pt 3

    25/05/2022 Duration: 03h26min

    [ UNLOCKED Patreon exclusive episode ] Robbie Martin continues his series on the George W Bush smallpox bioterror scare, this time laying out the series of events and shining a light on the hyperbolic media coverage that culminated with the official Whitehouse smallpox vaccination rollout plan. A plan which creepily paralelled the buildup to the US invasion of Iraq. When the MSM covered smallpox bioterrorism from 2002-2003, Iraq becomes an increasingly mentioned potential suspect for unleashing this deadly plague. Why do virtually no Americans remember this additional hysterical fear mongering campaign about smallpox from Bush & Cheney? Robbie tries to figure out the answers as he takes you further down the labyrinthine memory hole of the post-9/11 era. This is Part 3 of an ongoing Anthrax-adjacent Media Roots Radio series about Smallpox bioterrorism. ICYMI, check out the Wheel of Winter's Darkness & Smallpox Bioterror Scares Pt 1 & the Smallpox Doomsday Failsafe Scenario, 100s of Tons of Virus 'Missing' P

  • UNLOCKED: the Smallpox Doomsday Failsafe Scenario, 100s of Tons of Virus 'Missing' Pt 2

    24/05/2022 Duration: 03h21min

    UNLOCKED: the Smallpox Doomsday Failsafe Scenario, 100s of Tons of Virus 'Missing'. Part 2 of the ongoing Smallpox Bioterror Hoax Media Roots Radio series by Robbie Martin. Subscribers now have access to a new set of documents..... the Smallpox Cache:: Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this podcast and would like to listen to the entire series please consider subscribing to Media Roots Radio on Patreon //

  • New Wave of Anti-LGBTQ Legislation, Manhattan Institute, CIA & Spooky Rufo’s Disney Leaks 2 of 2

    30/04/2022 Duration: 01h23min

    In the second edition, Abby and Robbie dive deeper into what could be behind the new weaponized rhetoric of the right calling gay teachers and their political enemies 'groomers'. They discuss the disturbing trend of anti-LGBTQ legislation sweeping the country and what think tanks are behind the bills. As they discuss the organizations fueling this artificial culture war, strange associations emerge like Uyghur baseball teams, the 'Broken Windows Theory' and even the CIA. They wrap by discussing the history of LGBTQ repression in the US. Make sure to check out Part 1: Why Neoconservative Zionist Ron DeSantis is Called a Populist & Florida’s Silly Symphony Patreon subscribers at the $5 tier get access to an exclusive bonus episode per month. FOLLOW // // //

  • Why Neoconservative Zionist Ron DeSantis is Called a Populist & Florida’s Silly Symphony 1 of 2

    30/04/2022 Duration: 01h43min

    In a special two-part episode, Abby and Robbie Martin examine the current firestorm surrounding fake populist Ron DeSantis waging a political war with Disney originating from the passing of the 'Don't Say Gay' bill in Florida. They cover his extensive neocon policies and hardcore Zionism that make his "populist" label spurious and no more than political theater. Check out Part 2: the Resurgence of Anti-LGBTQ Legislation, the Manhattan Institute & Spooky Rufo’s Disney Leaks Patreon subscribers at the $5 tier get access to an exclusive bonus episode per month. FOLLOW // // //

  • How Billionaire Military Industrial Complex Tech Giant Elon Musk Will Save Free Speech

    23/04/2022 Duration: 01h18min

    Abby and Robbie Martinn go over headlines and cover Elon Musk’s bid to buy Twitter to protect “free speech”, exploring his shady background, military projects & why it’s problematic for any billionaire to control the media. Patreon subscribers at the $5 tier get access to an exclusive bonus episode per month. FOLLOW // // //

  • Hollywood Gets Tough On Putin, Ukraine Scorched Earth Info War, Banning Russia

    31/03/2022 Duration: 02h28min

    Abby and Robbie Martin talk about the Oscars 2022, Hollywood's hawks, the scorched earth nature of the information war over Ukraine, mass censorship of Russian media and the latest assessment of the horrors on the ground. Patreon subscribers at the $5 tier get access to an exclusive bonus episode per month. FOLLOW // // //

  • Is the US Making Bioweapons Under the Guise of "Biodefense" in Ukraine & Elsewhere? w/ Gumby

    27/03/2022 Duration: 02h51min

    Robbie Martin brings onto the podcast Gumby, a meticulous and unique researcher who specializes in the subject of what the US government calls "Biodefense". Recently Putin and other members of the Russian government have accused the US government of doing dangerous experiments and potentially making biological weapos in several Pentagon Defense Threat Reduction Agency sponsored labs in Ukraine. Robbie and Gumby take a close look at these accusations and the political upheaval and media reactions they have caused in the first half of the podcast. In the second half they break down which deadly pathogens or unmistakable biological weapons the US actually does experiment on in Ukrainian labs as well as examining the multitude of other DTRA sponsored labs in several other countries that used to be part of the Soviet Union like Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Defense Threat Reduction Agency Youtube: Defense Threat Reduction Agency Document Cache [compiled by Robbie Martin hosted by Our

  • W Fakes Taking the Smallpox Vax & Project Bioshield on the Eve of War Pt 4

    16/03/2022 Duration: 04h33min

    [ UNLOCKED Patreon exclusive episode ] Part 4 of the Media Roots Radio Smallpox Bioterror Hoax miniseries starts just 4 months before the launch of the Iraq war. In this episode Robbie lays out a litany of exclusively pulled TV archive clips, official US documents and official statements in late 2002 and early 2003 which make a strong case for the ‘pre-event’ Smallpox vaccination program playing a crucial (but memory-holed) role in the propaganda talking points deployed by the Bush administration for the war. Colin Powell mentions smallpox in his infamous UN speech about Iraq’s alleged ‘mobile biological weapons labs' and the fear became so intense domestically that 40% of Americans polled at the time believed that a smallpox bioterrorism attack was ‘likely’. Part 1 of this miniseries is also unlocked but if you’d like to hear the entire miniseries (Part 2, 3, 5 & more) become a Media Roots Radio subscriber @ for as little as $5 to gain access. Extra Materials: Smal

  • RIP RT America, The End of An Era

    16/03/2022 Duration: 02h22min

    Abby and Robbie talk about latest in the war in Ukraine and the banning of Russia Today in Europe and the US. Abby gives an honest account of what it was like to work for RT and the legacy of her show Breaking the Set, which has been pulled off YouTube. Patreon subscribers at the $5 tier get access to an exclusive bonus episode per month. FOLLOW // // //

  • Revenge of the Kagans, DOD's 11 Ukrainian Bio Labs, 60 Mins Targeted Individuals, Havana Reviews

    01/03/2022 Duration: 02h19min

    Robbie Martin goes solo on the last episode of February 2022. Starting off Robbie talks about the under-reported warning about how a war in Ukraine might cause an accidental release of 'deadly pathogens' at (11) US DOD linked biological labs there. He then continues to explore the volatile frightening cluster-fuck with Russia's military entering Ukraine specifically by analyzing the cold reactions of the infamous neoconservative Kagan family. The episode concludes with Robbie playing parts of the new 60 Minutes segment on 'Havana Syndrome' and sharing reactions from sound designers and electronic musicians on the alleged audio recording of the 'Havana Syndrome' sonic weapon itself. Intro/Outro Music: Fabio Frizzi - Zombi Havana Music: Zoviet France - Ascend A Fall & Caught in The Square Havana Syndrome Sound Reviews by: @jessehamel_ @compostghoul @x7557x @ProlePumpkin @bHarb12 (twitter handles) Ukraine & Georgia's Defense Department sponsored labs: US offic

  • Fog of Cold War, Sitting Duck Op, Doomsday Clock 100 Seconds to Midnight

    01/03/2022 Duration: 01h30min

    Abby and Robbie Martin discuss Russia's invasion of Ukraine: what precipitated the attack, the fog of war and media propaganda and how US policy created this tinderbox. Patreon subscribers at the $5 tier get access to an exclusive bonus episode per month. FOLLOW // // //

  • US Can’t Quit Azov, Biden Blinked, Manifesting War & Marring Beijing 2022

    23/02/2022 Duration: 02h08min

    Opening the podcast Abby & Robbie Martin reflect about the reactions to the previous Media Roots Radio episodes then they pivot to the western media smears directed at China during the 2022 Beijing Olympics. The episode concludes with a lengthy discussion about the dangerous escalating situation between Russia and the United States in Ukraine under the Biden administration. Patreon subscribers at the $5 tier get access to an exclusive bonus episode per month. FOLLOW // // //

  • the Covid Red Pillᵀᴹ, Pentagon Bioweapon Erasure & the Vapor of the Globalist Villain Pt 2 of 2

    05/02/2022 Duration: 02h24min

    UNLOCKED Abby and Robbie continue their discussion about Covid by talking about ‘The Great Reset’ theory, explore the controlled opposition of Robert Malone, different vaccines being used around the world and the false pro vs. anti lockdown narrative. Part 2 of 2. Listen to Part 1: Patreon subscribers at the $5 tier get access to an exclusive bonus episode per month. FOLLOW // // //

  • Rehabilitating Cheney, Jan 6 QAnon Casualties, Getting Covid Pt 1 of 2

    01/02/2022 Duration: 02h32min

    Abby and Robbie discuss the bizarre liberal commemoration of January 6th that rehabilitated Dick Cheney and brought the cast of Hamilton to perform, the cover up at the Capitol, Abby getting Covid and general thoughts about the pandemic response, vaccinations and increasingly polarized debate over the last two years. Be sure to listen to part two, about the lockdowns, Robert Malone and exploring the "Great Reset" theory at Patreon subscribers at the $5 tier get access to an exclusive bonus episode per month. FOLLOW // // //

  • Biden Wags the Dog on Ukraine, Alt-Media Race to Bottom & Cops Play Into Crime Panic w/ Yasha Levine

    01/02/2022 Duration: 02h18min

    Abby and Robbie talk to investigative journalist and author of the book Surveillance Valley, Yasha Levine, about his thoughts on the crime wave hysteria, the Russia "incursion" in Ukraine and the alt-media race to the bottom. SUBSCRIBE // Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this podcast please subscribe to Media Roots Radio on Patreon // Patreon subscribers at the $5 tier get access to an exclusive bonus episode per month. FOLLOW // // //

  • A Very Media Roots Xmas, Ode to 2021

    01/01/2022 Duration: 01h48min

    Abby and Robbie Martin wrap up 2021 by discussing the anniversary of January 6th and QAnon's lasting impact, Trump's recent off-script media appearances, US Navy poisoning Hawaii's water, Biden's drone war and the extradition of Assange on Media Roots Radio. Happy New Year Empire babies! Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this podcast please subscribe to Media Roots Radio on Patreon // Patreon subscribers at the $5 tier get access to an exclusive bonus episode per month. FOLLOW // // //

  • the Ghislaine Trial, TerraMar and the Maxwell Mossad Connection w/ Brace Belden

    21/12/2021 Duration: 01h15min

    Robbie Martin of Media Roots Radio brings on Brace Belden to discuss TrueAnon's on the ground coverage of the now wrapping up Ghislaine Maxwell trial in Manhattan district federal court. She was charged with what could essentially be described as sex trafficking and grooming underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein. Many aspects of the trial are discussed as is Ghislaine's strange past including her new age vibes project TerraMar. Brace and Robbie also go into the history of Ghislaine's father Robert Maxwell and how his news outlets at the behest of himself became part of (at the very least) an information war to destroy and bury whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu, who attempted to share with the world the proof of the Israeli nuclear weapons program. Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this podcast please consider subscribing to Media Roots Radio on Patreon // FOLLOW // // //

  • UNLOCKED: the Wheel of Winter's Darkness & Smallpox Bioterror Scares Pt 1 of 2

    09/12/2021 Duration: 02h07min

    Robbie Martin continues the Amerithrax 20th anniversary series ( sort of ) with a deep-dive into the origins of the motherload of catastrophic imaginary terrorism, smallpox bioterrorism. It is common to hear people remark that the 2001 anthrax attacks have been 'memory-holed' in the public consciousness, if that's the case then the Bush-era smallpox program is a memory-hole within a memory-hole. Starting with the early history of Smallpox, variolation and the very first vaccines, Robbie tells the story of how a disease that was eventually eradicated globally became a powerful fearmongering tool that shaped the Clinton, Bush and Covid-19 eras. After George W Bush got elected and the PNAC dream came true, of not just one but two 'catalyzing' events ( anthrax & 9/11 ), the idea of innoculating the entire American public via smallpox vaccination became one of the primary Bush policy postures simultaneously with the drive towards the Iraq war. This is Part 1 of a 2 part episode. Part 2 will be released sometime i

  • America is Destroying Planet Earth

    01/12/2021 Duration: 01h42min

    Abby and Robbie Martin talk about how the Pentagon is the world's biggest institutional polluter and a massive contributor to climate change that is virtually absent from any environmental discussion. Abby explains their new Empire Files film Earth's Greatest Enemy, and the craziest moments from Scotland's COP26 UN climate summit. Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this podcast please subscribe to Media Roots Radio on Patreon // Patreon subscribers at the $5 tier get access to an exclusive bonus episode and per month as well as access to the Florida 2001 Event Attacks Map by Robbie Martin. FOLLOW // // //

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