Media Roots

Is the US Making Bioweapons Under the Guise of "Biodefense" in Ukraine & Elsewhere? w/ Gumby



Robbie Martin brings onto the podcast Gumby, a meticulous and unique researcher who specializes in the subject of what the US government calls "Biodefense". Recently Putin and other members of the Russian government have accused the US government of doing dangerous experiments and potentially making biological weapos in several Pentagon Defense Threat Reduction Agency sponsored labs in Ukraine. Robbie and Gumby take a close look at these accusations and the political upheaval and media reactions they have caused in the first half of the podcast. In the second half they break down which deadly pathogens or unmistakable biological weapons the US actually does experiment on in Ukrainian labs as well as examining the multitude of other DTRA sponsored labs in several other countries that used to be part of the Soviet Union like Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Defense Threat Reduction Agency Youtube: Defense Threat Reduction Agency Document Cache [compiled by Robbie Martin hosted by Our