Media Roots



Podcast by Media Roots


  • The 9/11 Bulletin : Interview with Jon Gold

    11/07/2014 Duration: 02h59min

    Media Roots Radio presents a new exclusive series of 9/11 specific broadcasts hosted by Robbie Martin called 'The 9/11 Bulletin'. Please enjoy part 1 of our series featuring an in depth discussion with 9/11 truth and justice seeker Jon Gold. disclaimer: Jon says he made a few mistakes during this interview when citing things from memory. One of them was that Richard Clarke was given a flight manifest at 9:59 with the name of the hijackers on it. Instead… "Richard Clarke heard that the FBI had the names at 9:59 AM, the time of the collapse of WTC Tower 2. See Richard A. Clarke, Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terrorism (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004), 13-14" Another is the date of the multiple hijackings incident that took place in the 1970's referred to as the "Dawson's Field Hijackings." The last mistake, so far as he knows, is that Dic

  • Media Roots Radio - Occupy Silicon Valley & the Missing Outrage Over Private Sector Spying

    11/07/2014 Duration: 02h29min

    Abby and Robbie Martin discuss the potentiality of an ‘Occupy Silicon Valley’ protest movement in a similar mold to ‘Occupy Oakland’ taking place in California’s San Francisco Bay Area. They address the ethical issues revolving around tech-companies like Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Soundcloud and debunk the notion that private corporations will install privacy safeguards on their own without the pressure of public consumer outrage. Robbie goes into the history of Silicon Valley’s roots, which tie directly to the Pentagon’s post-WWII defense industry private sector push. For more information visit

  • Media Roots Radio - AT&T / NSA Whistleblower Mark Klein

    18/06/2014 Duration: 01h14min

    Abby and Robbie Martin interview former AT&T technician and whistleblower Mark Klein about his experience exposing AT&T's cataloging and duplication of private user data for the NSA, and why every American should be concerned about private sector surveillance. Mark goes into his personal history of being an anti-war activist during the Vietnam War and how it led to his distrust of the two party system. He also discusses NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden's leaks and the journalists distributing them.

  • Media Roots Radio - Snowden, Greenwald, Wikileaks & the NSA

    28/05/2014 Duration: 01h42min

    In this episode of Media Roots Radio, Robbie and Abby Martin detail the history of the NSA’s ‘Program’ as told in PBS’ State of Secrets and the whistleblowing by Thomas Drake, Bill Binney and eventually Edward Snowden. They also examine several of the criticisms coming towards Greenwald and Snowden from the left leaning alternative-media and more ‘fringe’ circles of the Internet, such as ‘there’s nothing new in the documents’and that ‘they aren’t releasing them fast enough’. They also discuss the near death of Net Neutrality, Uruguay’s badass president and the dark underbelly of corporate surveillance. For more information visit:

  • Media Roots Radio - DC Think Tanks Create New Cold War Tipping Point

    02/05/2014 Duration: 02h30min

    Media Roots Radio - DC Think Tanks Create New Cold War Tipping Point by Abby & Robbie Martin

  • Media Roots Radio- Abby Martin's Stand, The Neo-Cons Attack, 'PNAC 2.0'

    20/03/2014 Duration: 01h16min

    Here's the short version on Breaking the Set: Abby & Robbie Martin do the first Media Roots Podcast since Abby made international headlines for her off-script remarks opposing the Russian / US involvement in Crimea. They discuss the corporate media hijacking the message to further demonize Russia and outline how an influential DC think-tank called the Foreign Policy Initiative (or FPI) was directly involved in smearing her and RT as a tool to "rally" the people into the brink of a new Cold War. All roads lead to a tightly knit 'hip' and 'young' group of hardcore neoconservative DC players who place themselves in 'millennial' publications like the Daily Beast, Daily Banter and Buzzfeed to push insidious neoconservative propaganda that derives from William Kristol's Foreign Policy Initiative. James Kirchick is not only a senior fellow for (and the sole prominent journalist of) the FPI, but he also used to be an employee of a US funded 'white propaganda' radio net

  • Media Roots Radio - Ukraine Meddling, Obama Reignites Cold War

    26/02/2014 Duration: 02h15min

    Robbie and Abby talk about Ukraine's uprising: the hubris of America to advocate regime change in sovereign countries it knows little about, the history of the US preaching morality to nations the US has a strategic interest in, and the need for Occupy Wall Street part two to prepare itself with proper resistance gear. They also discuss the MSM's attack on the Sochi Olympics and the Obama administration's ramping up of the Cold War 2.0.

  • Media Roots Radio - Corporatism's 'Free Market' and the 3-D Printing Revolution

    02/01/2014 Duration: 01h02min

    On this edition of Media Roots Radio, Abby and Robbie Martin discuss the myth of the 'liberal media,' corporatism's perpetuation of structural violence and the pipe dream of the 'free market' when it comes to the notion that deregulation results in corporate accountability. They also outline the latest developments in 3-D printing, and talk about how the technology could be as revolutionary as the Internet by democratizing production and manufacturing, leveling the playing field for creators and innovators all over the world.

  • Media Roots Radio - Historical Revisionism & Corporate Mercenaries

    24/12/2013 Duration: 01h31min

    On this edition of Media Roots Radio, Abby and Robbie Martin catch up on current events and dissect the corporatocracy, its control over information and policy, espionage and infiltration of global activism, private mercenaries and corporations’ role in war profiteering over the decades and the historical revisionism being done by the political and media establishment. They also discuss the bombshell revelations of the CIA cover-up regarding Saudi Arabia’s involvement in the 9/11 attacks.

  • Media Roots Radio - LAX Shooting, State Crimes Against Democracy (SCADs)

    10/11/2013 Duration: 01h10min

    Abby and Robbie Martin discuss the LAX shooting that happened last month and the implications it could have for others peacefully protesting TSA policies. They talk about willful blindness preventing people from accepting reality when it comes the extent of government criminality. Since the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ has become weaponized against those questioning government propaganda, the term ‘State Crimes Against Democracy’ should be used when describing secret acts committed by government elements, such as financial looting with the banking industry. For more information go to

  • Media Roots Radio - Government Shutdown Partisan Hackery

    09/10/2013 Duration: 01h11min

    On this edition of Media Roots Radio, Abby and Robbie Martin discuss the US government shut down’s partisan dog and pony show as a result of hypocritical ‘Obamacare’ woes. They talk about Obama’s use of extraordinary rendition to kidnap people who pose no threat to the US, self-immolations on the rise, negative reactions to talking about the clitoris and Noam Chomsky vs. neo-con mastermind Richard Pearle in a 1988 debate. For more information go to

  • Abby Martin on Coast to Coast AM

    28/09/2013 Duration: 45min

    Abby Martin talks to John B. Wells on the widely syndicated radio show Coast to Coast AM about the rise of alternative media, her citizen journalism with Media Roots, her activism with Occupy Oakland and how her TV show "Breaking the Set" has managed to piss off Rand Paul, Nestle and the Israeli lobby. For more information go to,, &

  • Media Roots Radio - Manufactured Agitprop on the World's Stage

    27/09/2013 Duration: 01h10min

    Abby and Robbie Martin discuss the news of the day including a District Court judge forcing torture victims to pay their torturers' legal fees; Latin American leaders standing up to US imperialism in light of the NSA leaks; the establishment's use of agitation propaganda to manufacture outrage at other nations while still believing in the undercurrent of American exceptionalism. For more information visit

  • Media Roots Radio – Obama's Syrian War

    30/08/2013 Duration: 01h28min

    On the latest edition of Media Roots Radio, Abby and Robbie Martin discuss how a new war against Syria seems all but inevitable. They talk about the eerily similar establishment rhetoric between the Iraq war buildup and today’s Syria war mongering – specifically the potential unilateral US military action in defiance of the UN, the ‘humanitarian’ justification and the scare tactics of ‘chemical weapons’. A recent speech by Secretary of State, John Kerry, marked a distinct turning point in the ferocity of the Syria rhetoric, which is dissected by Robbie and Abby in its entirety. For more information please go to

  • Media Roots Radio- American Bisque & Conspiracy to tell the Truth

    15/08/2013 Duration: 58min

    Abby and Robbie Martin talk about current events, US foreign policy, the establishment's use of the term 'conspiracy theory' as a pejorative and Robbie's new film 'American Bisque', a three part series outlining every presidential administration's corruption and war mongering from Nixon to Obama. Check out more at

  • Media Roots Radio Boston Marathon Bombings

    20/04/2013 Duration: 58min

    Media Roots Radio Boston Marathon Bombings by Abby & Robbie Martin

  • Media Roots Radio - Post 9/11, How We All Became Boiled Frogs

    15/04/2013 Duration: 02h57min

    In this episode of Media Roots Radio, Abby and Robbie Martin go over a comprehensive timeline of political events in the decade following the 9/11 attacks by covering the establishment's use of agitation propaganda and psychological warfare to condition the public into accepting a new era of endless war and civil liberties erosions. For more information visit

  • Media Roots Radio - Police Thuggery, Divide & Conquer, Libertarians & Leftists Unite!

    11/03/2013 Duration: 01h32min

    On this episode of Media Roots Radio, Abby and Robbie Martin talk about the LAPD's manhunt against Chris Dorner and the subsequent cover-up of his death, how 9/11 and Ron Paul coalesced the divide between libertarians and leftists and caused people to rally behind core unifying issues, the corporate co-option and transmogrification of the Ron Paul movement and the current divide growing between the two factions of anti-establishment political ideologies. For more information visit

  • Media Roots Radio - Corporatocracy

    18/02/2013 Duration: 46min

    Robbie & Abby Martin discuss the unecessary rhetoric of words like 'communist' or 'free market' which create two inaccurate sides of a debate. False hopes for Obama's second 'liberal' term are discussed as well as America's elusive and mostly obscured foriegn policy motivations.

  • Media Roots Radio - The Boys Who Cried Wolf

    28/01/2013 Duration: 01h36min

    Media Roots Radio - The Boys Who Cried Wolf by Abby & Robbie Martin

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