Media Roots

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 623:45:03
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Podcast by Media Roots


  • Chris Kyle Fans Express American Exceptionalism Through Sexual Violence

    11/05/2015 Duration: 01h10min

    Abby and Robbie Martin are joined by journalist Rania Khalek about how Abby got doxxed and bombarded with rape and death threats for wearing a "F*ck Chris Kyle" shirt, and why so called "freedom" lovers express American Exceptionalism through sexual violence.

  • Chelsea Manning & the Military Entertainment Complex with Alexa O'Brien

    05/05/2015 Duration: 01h17min

    On this edition of Media Roots Radio, Abby and Robbie Martin speak to investigative journalist Alexa O'Brien about Manning’s exposures, the ongoing erosion of civil liberties and her research into the conjoining of entertainment, tech and military industries. Follow Alexa @carwinb

  • Adversarial Journalism in Russia & Dissecting the Propaganda Wars with Mark Ames

    01/05/2015 Duration: 01h10min

    Journalist Mark Ames is the founder of The Exile, Exiled Online, senior editor for Not Safe for Work and regular contributor to Pando Daily Mark lived in Russia and eventually started working on the satirical and hard hitting paper The Exile from the late 90s until it was effectively shut down by Moscow's media censorship arm in 2008 Robbie Martin of Media Roots has a discussion with Mark about his experience in Russia, the completely ignored corrupt Boris Yeltsin years after the fall of the USSR and the complexities of the current information war.

  • Baltimore Police State & Justice for Freddie Gray

    30/04/2015 Duration: 01h10min

    Robbie and Abby Martin discuss the Baltimore Uprising and murder of Freddie Gray on Media Roots Radio, institutionalized racism abetting pockets of mutiny, rampant police unaccountability, the convoluted narrative of the war in Syria and huckster Liz Wahl's insane testimony to Congress about Russia "weaponizing" information.

  • DC: The Emperor Wears No Clothes with Ken Silverstein

    25/04/2015 Duration: 42min

    Journalist Ken Silverstein takes on the DC establishment by exposing the shady inner workings of the system and calling out the lackeys behind the scenes.

  • Persian and Experimental Electronic Music with Ata Ebtekar aka Sote

    22/04/2015 Duration: 52min

    Ata Ebtekar also known as Sote has been carving his own path in the lexicon of electronic music for the better part of 2 decades. Ata attended school in Germany and later audio engineering school in the San Francisco bay area. It happened to be the same school Robbie Martin (co-host of Media Roots Radio and aka Fluorescent Grey) attended, Expression Center for New Media. Expression was home to not just audio students but also cgi and visual students many of whom later ended up working for Hollywood fx companies. Ata was a few classes ahead of Robbie and through a random series of circumstances they became friends and later Ata became an artist who would release multiple works on Robbie's long running music imprint 'Record Label Records'. For a while Ata would travel to and from Tehran to the united states regularly, staying for months and years at a time in each location but now Ata is in Tehran to stay, further exploring the unexplored outer edges of electronic and experimental music. Ata aka Sote will rel

  • Cyber Warfare, Spying & US Govt's Collection of Dick Pics with Sam Sacks

    19/04/2015 Duration: 46min

    As Obama issues an executive order granting him authority to sanction people engaged in civil society online and with the renewal of the Patriot Act on the horizon, the conversation about mass surveillance and privacy rights couldn’t be more vital. Co-founder of the news co-op the District Sentinel Sam Sacks joins Media Roots Radio to discuss all things spying.

  • Saudi Arabia's Yemen War, Terror Factory & US Bribery with Ali Al-Ahmed

    12/04/2015 Duration: 50min

    Director of the Institute for Gulf Affairs, Ali Al-Ahmed, talks about the oppressive monarchy of Saudi Arabia: the American backed war in Yemen and unyielding partnership between the two countries; the export of terrorism and spread of ultra orthodox Wahhabism, the political bribery on behalf of Gulf States to maintain a culture of silence.

  • Gov't Agents Gone Rogue, Iran Letter & House of Cards Propaganda

    02/04/2015 Duration: 01h26min

    Abby and Robbie Martin discuss the case of hacker Matt DeHart, the bizarre circumstances surrounding the Bin Laden raid, the Tom Cotton letter to Iran attempting to undermine the diplomatic negotiations, Vice's interview with Obama and House of Cards Season Three's anti-Russian propaganda.

  • Connecting the War at Home and Abroad with Eugene Puryear

    31/03/2015 Duration: 27min

    Eugene Puryear, organizer with the ANSWER coalition and author of Shackled and Chained connects the war at home and abroad on a systems level while deconstructing the toxic neoliberal ideology that dominates global policy in the 21st century.

  • Netanyahu's Victory & Zionism Unmasked with Rania Khalek

    22/03/2015 Duration: 36min

    Abby Martin speaks to Rania Khalek of the Electronic Intifada about what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's reelection victory means for occupied Palestine and the US political establishment.

  • US vs Venezuela: Regime Change & Resilience with Mark Weisbrot

    13/03/2015 Duration: 35min

    Mark Weisbrot of Just Foreign Policy and the Center for Economic Policy Research talks to Abby Martin about the bigger picture behind the US' absurd declaration that Venezuela is an "extraordinary threat" to national security.

  • Breaking the Set in the New Cold War w/ Abby Martin

    12/03/2015 Duration: 01h25min

    Abby and Robbie Martin talk BTS RIP, the Cold War resurrection & how reactionaries have splintered the left on Media Roots Radio:

  • Charlie Hebdo & 9/11 Islamophobia Flashbacks

    12/01/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    Charlie Hebdo & 9/11 Islamophobia Flashbacks by Abby & Robbie Martin

  • North Korea Hype, War on Terror Psy-Op, 'Liberal' Warmongers

    06/01/2015 Duration: 02h14min

    North Korea Hype, War on Terror Psy-Op, 'Liberal' Warmongers by Abby & Robbie Martin

  • Conspiracy of Silence in Hollywood, the BBC and the CBC

    12/12/2014 Duration: 49min

  • Abby and Robbie Martin Visit Hiroshima, Revenge of the DC Shills

    09/12/2014 Duration: 01h20min

  • 'The 2001 Anthrax Deception': Interview with Graeme MacQueen

    22/11/2014 Duration: 02h14min

    'The 2001 Anthrax Deception': Interview with Graeme MacQueen by Abby & Robbie Martin

  • Clinton's "War on Terror" Part 2 of 2

    10/09/2014 Duration: 02h56min

    Clinton's "War on Terror" Part 2 of 2 by Abby & Robbie Martin

  • Abby Martin Goes to Gitmo

    05/09/2014 Duration: 01h57min

    Recently I traveled to one of the most nefarious prisons in the world: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Despite repeated government pledges to close the infamous detention facility down, 149 men remained indefinitely imprisoned there. According to a Bush administration official, the vast majority of prisoners are innocent, and were either swept up in a dragnet or handed over in exchange for US bounties. It's already hard enough to travel to Gitmo as a journalist, but upon arrival I realized the experience was going to be totally controlled, with 24/7 military official escorts preventing us from going near the detainees I had come to report on. However, I was able to speak with several top brass who serve as defense attorneys for the military commissions, a corrupted system that grants alleged terrorists less rights than in civilian courts. The fact that six men are facing formal charges at the prison in relation to 9/11 & the USS Cole bombing gives the world the false impression that even alleged terrorists get their

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