Ceti Alpha 3: A Star Trek Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 327:00:28
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Darren, Daniel, and Phillip are marooned on Ceti Alpha 3 with only their expansive knowledge of Star Trek, and a sense of humor, to keep them alive. Join the trio as they discuss 50 years of Trek TV series and feature films.


  • 220 - Star Trek: Cadets Part 1

    25/06/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    Star Trek Series ConceptCome up with an original Star Trek show concept, how hard could it be? Darren, Daniel and Phillip pitch a series set after Star Trek: Nemesis involving a new second Starfleet Academy on Alpha Centauri. Who will they bring from the established show cast? Who is the new headmaster and how much like Hogwarts will this show be?

  • 219 - TOS Trivia

    18/06/2021 Duration: 47min

    TOS-era TriviaIt's a holiday here on Ceti Alpha 3 - so it's time to invite the gamemaster to join us for some Star Trek: The Original Series trivia. However, we are not all TOS experts, so these trivia questions are a little ... different. So play along and see if you can guess what's wrong, what episodes are being referenced, and how well you know the actual NCC-1701 ship.

  • 218 - I Can See My House From Here

    04/06/2021 Duration: 48min

    Is It Really That Bad? "Unexpected" Edition.We all know the line from the infamous "Star Trek: Enterprise" episode - "This is a nipple." Yes, that's right, the one where Commander Tucker gets pregnant. This is our "Enterprise" installment in our "Is It Really That Bad?" series that looks at episodes with a bad reputation and tries to see if they deserve it. The trio examines what the first half of the episode could have led to in different hands. They also all share how they collectively spit-take during one Klingon's line. Does this first season episode help create the dimensions of these new characters? Or do we choose to skip it in our re-watch? Let us know what you think of "Unexpected."

  • 217 - Delta Ro

    28/05/2021 Duration: 58min

    Ro in Voyager - Ro Laren captured the hearts of many fans in her few appearances in The Next Generation. There was the attempt to get her into Deep Space Nine, but the actress moved on in her television career. However - what is we managed to get Ro back for "Star Trek: Voyager"? As viewers know, we last saw her with the Maquis. The trio imagines what if she joined Chakotay's crew and got stranded in the Delta Quadrant ... what role would she play on the Intrepid-class vessel? We talk about Ro's role with the crew, her position on the ship, and which rank pips she would wear. Would Voyager have been even better with a battle-hardened Bajoran? Join us as we explore Ro Laren in "Voyager."

  • 216 - M3 Computers and Beyond

    21/05/2021 Duration: 51min

    TOS "Prequels" in "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds"Every Trek series has unique and wonderful stories. There are also many episodes that look into the vast Trek canon to delve into planets, characters, and aliens that were touched on prior. We all await the arrival of the newest series, "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" - and we all want to see what prior Trek episodes come alive for Captain Pike and his Enterprise crew. Since they are the "pre-Kirk" crew (other than Mr. Spock), there are some issues for them encountering too many scenarios used in The Original Series. But that doesn't stop the trio for pitching what TOS stories could be used for their sister-23rd Century show. Which of our choices do you think is the best? And what TOS element would you like to see in SNW?

  • 215 - Holographic Bread Bullet

    15/05/2021 Duration: 44min

    Is it Really That Bad? “Spirit Folk” Edition. We’ve all thought about what we would do on the Holodeck. From adventures, fantasies, Starfleet training, and more - maybe creating a work group field trip to an Irish village might not be on the list. But the Voyager crew are all about Fair Haven. In this second episode set in this holographic get-away, the program (surprise!) goes awry and our favorite characters must deal with the repercussions. The trio look at whether they love/hate the idea of Fair Haven and how this “small stakes” episode lands in season six.

  • 214 - A Dax for All Seasons

    30/04/2021 Duration: 55min

    What if ... ? - The Dax SymbiontThere are some stories in the Star Trek franchise that are missing some context. A minor character we wished we knew more about. A story told that we never see. And then there are the big ones - the Jadzia Dax goodbye we never got. Oh sure, there were some words in the infirmary. But we all know she deserves a very special episode before we say hello to Ezri. The trio therefore decides to add an extra episode to the end of season six of "Deep Space Nine." What if, after Jadzia dies, the Dax symbiont is placed into ... and we do the entire crew. Listen as we tell what the episode would look like with Ben becoming the "old man" with Jake at his side. Or an episode where Odo adds spots to himself and gets to share the many faces of Dax. Or a small family story with Miles O'Dax. Let us know which character would have handled being a temporary Dax the best.

  • 213 - The Animated Romulan Wars

    23/04/2021 Duration: 01h03min

    Animated Enterprise, Season Five. The first Star Trek series of the twenty-first century was canceled. Many fans have speculated about what a fifth season of Star Trek: Enterprise would have looked like. In this era with an animated “Star Trek: Lower Decks” and the upcoming “Star Trek: Prodigy,” we imagine a return of the NX-01 crew in a CG-animated series. Welcome to “Star Trek: Romulan War,” part of the new “Star Power Hour” on Cartoon Network. With a refit NX-01, the crew welcomes new members, fights Remans, and ... yes, there’s no theme song in this one, jeebus! Let us know what stories you would like to see in this second-chance Trek series!

  • 212 - Once Upon a Time There was a Dal'Rok

    17/04/2021 Duration: 50min

    Is it REALLY That Bad - "The Storyteller" EditionThere are Star Trek episodes that have bad reputations, but do they always deserve them? The stories that are usually the target of audience "hate" occur during the first season. In that spirit, the trio tackles the first season "Deep Space Nine" episode "The Storyteller." Does the story of O'Brien and Bashir helping a Bajoran village against their boogie monster stand up? And what about the forgotten-about B-story about a young Bajoran leader entering into negotiations while befriending Nog and Jake? We put on the coat of many colors, dangle our legs from the Promenade's second story, and ask if "The Storyteller" is really that bad.

  • 211 - Major Ro

    09/04/2021 Duration: 54min

    Ro on DS9. Many Star Trek fans have heard the story that Michelle Forbes was originally approached to star in "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,' reprising her character of Ro Laren. Whether it's true, we are glad that Nana Visitor/Kira Nerys got to play the station's first officer for seven seasons. But what would that alternative show look like, with Ro as a main character from the very first episode? What role would she have with Sisko, Starfleet, and her fellow Bajorans? And what would Kira's role be, if Ro is already there? Would they get along? What romance (if any) would Ro have during the seven seasons of DS9? The trio dreams up this alternative version of "Deep Space Nine," with a dynamic Ro character. Are you glad she didn't show up? Or would she have made the show even better? Let us know!

  • 210 - Smoke Break Conference

    02/04/2021 Duration: 53min

    Is It Really THAT Bad? - "The Last Outpost" EditionIt was the first season of The Next Generation, and it was time to introduce the newest alien in the franchise. They would be equal to the Enterprise in power and technology, would be feared by our enterprising crew, and ... it was the Ferengi. With laser whips. Wearing furs. And not knowing when to STAND STILL ALREADY! The trio look at this TNG episode that introduced the profit-loving "Yankee traders" that would make their mark, especially in "Deep Space Nine." Is their introduction as bad as we think it is? What stayed the same and what changed? And how long should it take to beam down to a planet in one episode?!?!

  • 209 - For the Love of Spock

    19/03/2021 Duration: 53min

    For the Love of Spock - The “Star Trek: Voyager” documentary crowdfunding campaign is nearing the end, so what better time to look at other 455 Films productions? In 2016, they released “For the Love a Spock,” a feature spotlighting Trek’s most famous Vulcan and the man who portrayed him. It followed on the heels of Leonard Nimoy’s passing, and opened a window into director Adam Nimoy’s relationship with his father. The trio looks at the strengths of the documentary and what more they would have like to see. What can this production tell us about how Voyager’s story will be told?

  • 208 - Sisko Draws the Line

    12/03/2021 Duration: 58min

    What if? ... DS9 Joins "Star Trek: First Contact"It is no secret that the trio loves "Star Trek: First Contact." But what if ... Captain Sisko had commanded the U.S.S. Defiant during the Borg invasion? In this re-imagining of the second TNG film, Sisko, Chief O'Brien, and Lt. Cmdr. Worf all join the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise-E to fight the Borg, save Zephram Cochrane, and help Lily. What does Ben think about facing the Borg who killed his wife ... and what happens when he comes face-to-face with revived Locutus of Borg? Can Miles and Lily save First Contact? Let us know what you think of this cross-over re-written film blending TNG and DS9.

  • 207 - The Dark Veil

    06/03/2021 Duration: 56min

    Book Review “Star Trek: Picard - The Dark Veil.” This month starts production of season two of “Star Trek: Picard” - while it may be another year before we get a new episode, we are still getting new stories from this larger story setting. The trio engages “book club mode” to discuss the second PIC novel - “The Dark Veil” by James Swallow. This book is set on the U.S.S. Titan, with Captain William T. Riker in command. This story takes place approximately 14 years before the event of “Picard” season one, when the Romulan Empire is still facing the threat of the “star death” (supernova) and the Federation has banned synthetic life, following an attack on Mars. This story blends the storylines of Romulans, Tal’Shair, and some other shadowy organizations. We finally meet young Thad Troi-Riker and his linguistic talents, as well as the crew of the Titan. Let us know if you enjoyed this adventure as much as we did!

  • 206 - Colonel Green 5th Grade Report

    19/02/2021 Duration: 51min

    Is It Really That Bad? Edition - "The Savage Curtain"The trio continues their mission of debunking ... or confirming ... fan-held opinions of "bad" Star Trek episodes. But what happens when their experiment goes awry and one co-host watches the wrong episode? The other two co-hosts must then explain the episode -- will it make it better or worse? Come find out when we tackle the near-final episode of The Original Series. With a floating Space Lincoln, rock monsters, and (another?) fight of good vs. evil - is this episode really that bad?

  • 205 - Remembering Christopher Plummer

    13/02/2021 Duration: 01h04min

    Star Trek VI. One way to memorialize the passing of Christopher Plummer is watching his performance of General Chang in “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.” Not only does this memorable Shakespeare-quoting villain almost pop off the screen, we’re also reminded that this is a pretty good film! The trio share their favorite moments from this movie, their nerdy nitpicks, and how this last TOS-era film relates to the rest of the franchise.

  • 204 - Happy 55, Star Trek!

    05/02/2021 Duration: 49min

    2021 Trek AnniversariesThis year promises a lot of Trek shows and content, but there's even more to celebrate in 2021! This year marks anniversary for the film "Star Trek: First Contact " and the series "Star Trek: Enterprise." What did each of bring to Trek?More than that, this year also marks what would have been Gene Roddenberry's 100th birthday. How can be observe all the good works done by the Great Bird of the Galaxy? And to cap it all off - this year also marks the 55th anniversary of the entire Star Trek franchise.What are the best ways to celebrate each of these occasions? The trio talks new merch, commemorative plates, and more - let us know how you'll be recognizing these Trek milestones this year.

  • 203 - Last Stop for 40,000 Light Years

    30/01/2021 Duration: 50min

    Story Arcs. In their first non-“Star Trek: Discovery” discussion of the year, the trio talk about the best use of story arcs in television Trek. From the series arc in “Voyager” to the mini-arcs of “Deep Space Nine” to the various season-long arcs in “Enterprise,” there’s been a variety of approaches in storytelling. What type of stories will be in the next series, “Strange, New Worlds”? Let us know know your favorite story arcs!

  • 202 - Warp Core Slip-n-Slide

    14/01/2021 Duration: 01h09min

    Third Season Finale - Star Trek: DiscoveryThat's all she wrote! Season three of "Discovery" comes to a close with the final revelation about The Burn, the final battle to retake the ship, and how this crew will be lead as they finally settle into their roles in this "future" Federation. There's lots of action and a wrap of storylines - so where does it all leave us?

  • 201 - My Heels Touch The Ground

    09/01/2021 Duration: 58min

    Su’Kal/There Is A Tide: The trio is back for a new year of Trek! This month means the closing of season three of “Star Trek: Discovery.” The finale is billed as a three-part adventure, so we look at two of those parts about the cause of The Burn, the Emerald Chain’s diplomatic skills, and what this future Federation is all about. Let us know what you are looking forward to in Trek in 2021!

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