Ceti Alpha 3: A Star Trek Podcast



Darren, Daniel, and Phillip are marooned on Ceti Alpha 3 with only their expansive knowledge of Star Trek, and a sense of humor, to keep them alive. Join the trio as they discuss 50 years of Trek TV series and feature films.


  • 060 - Captain Killy

    12/01/2018 Duration: 01h10min

    “Despite Yourself” AnalysisStar Trek: Discovery returns with a mid-season premiere that puts our crew in the Mirror Universe ... and starts killing people off. The trio is join by Lee Hutchison to not only gauge the accuracy of Captain Lorca’s Scottish accent but how we should handle all the plot twists in this episode. Are the myriad of “surprises” getting you excited about the rest of season one? Or does the producers’ chants of “trust us” make you nervous? Let us know!

  • 059 - To Boldly Go

    05/01/2018 Duration: 42min

    "Star Trek Continues" Series Finale Discussion The five year mission of the original starship Enterprise, NCC-1701, was cut short by NBC in the 1960s. But fans kept the stories alive in a variety of forms, one of those being the recent series "Star Trek Continues" (http://www.startrekcontinues.com). The two-part series finale "To Boldly Go" features our favorite Star Trek characters, along with "new" members of the STC crew, joining together for a final mission that leads to goodbyes, promotions, and a look forward to "Star Trek: The Motion Picture." The trio talks about what they saw as the highs and lows of the two-parter, and their admiration for these devoted Star Trek fans.What do you think of "Star Trek Continues"? Did you like how the series finale bridged the gap between the television series and the movie franchise? 

  • 058 - Rom and Quark Discover Christmas

    29/12/2017 Duration: 31min

    Ceti Alpha 3 Holiday Special. The trio has spent over 50 episodes talking about the Star Trek franchise. This holiday week, Daniel, Phillip, and Darren take the time to reflect on holidays in Star Trek, how various characters would view the myriad of Christmas traditions, and what makes a Ferengi say "Bah Humbug!" Join the stranded crew and enjoy the festive roundtable discussion of a Ceti Alpha 3 Holiday Special (with no mentions of Life Day ... we swear).

  • 057 - They Left the Bag in the Probe

    22/12/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    Trek Outside of Trek, Part 2There are a variety of Star Trek episodes that take place outside of the environment of starships, space stations, aliens, and technology. They depict almost "day in the life" episodes that are far and away from the trials and tribulations of Starfleet and its time. In this second installment, the trio looks at two such "Treks" outside of Trek with "Carbon Creek" (ENT) and "Far Beyond the Stars" (DS9). The former is considered a good entry for its series, while the latter is considered a fan favorite.Do you enjoy these non-traditional stories more because they are so character focused? Or is this unique way of stroytelling a turn-off? Take a listen and let us know!? 

  • 056 - Dystopia Planitia

    15/12/2017 Duration: 45min

    Starship DesignDaniel, Darren and Phillip design their own starships in the Star Trek universe. Will this year have more warp nacelles or double hulls? Ring drives or spore drives? Listen and find out.

  • 055 - The Orville

    08/12/2017 Duration: 59min

    "The Orville" Season One DiscussionStar Trek fans cannot help comparing Fox's "The Orville" to CBS All Access' "Star Trek: Discovery." The trio leaves all comparisons aside, and instead talk about the first season of Seth MacFarlane's new science fiction series. Characters, aliens, and new technology all make this television show a unique series.How much like Star Trek is it? Does Seth capture the heart of Star Trek: The Next Generation and other Trek series, or is it simply a basis for an entirely new enterprise? Let us know if what you think season two of "The Orville" will bring.

  • 054 - Picard is The One

    01/12/2017 Duration: 55min

    Trek Outside of Trek, Part 1There are a variety of Star Trek episodes that take place outside of the environment of starships, space stations, aliens, and technology. They depict almost "day in the life" episodes that are far and away from the trials and tribulations of Starfleet and its time. In this first installment, the trio looks at two such "Treks" outside of Trek with "The City on the Edge of Forever" (TOS) and "The Inner Light" (TNG). Both these episodes are considered fan favorites -- is it because they are so character focused? Or is it a unique chance to see our favorite characters live their lives outside of the Enterprise?Let us know why you think these two Treks outside of Trek work so well.

  • 053 - And Now For Something Completely Different

    24/11/2017 Duration: 56min

    Humor in Trek. Every mid-season hiatus deserves a laugh, or at least that’s how the trio is spending their first non-Star Trek Discovery episode. They discuss all the light-hearted moments, characters, and lines from around the Star Trek franchise. What’s your favorite laugh out loud Trek moment?

  • 052 - Death Closet

    17/11/2017 Duration: 01h25min

    "Into the Forest I Go" AnalysisThe mid-season finale of "Star Trek: Discovery" packs a spore-filled punch - so the trio welcomes Hayley Stoddart as a guest-host to discuss the episode. From Krazy Klingons, boarding parties, and missing admirals, this episode creates a great cliffhanger while wrapping up some storylines.What do you think awaits the crew of the Discovery in January?

  • 051 - Captain Tilly

    10/11/2017 Duration: 01h16min

    "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" Analysis. Energy beings and Klingon plots prove to be so complicated that the trio is joined by guest Norman Lao (co-host, “Blood of Kings” & “DiscoVille” podcasts) to discuss this episode. They attempt to figure out if anyone died, whether possessed characters have culpability for their actions, and what the cliffhanger ending means for the mid-season finale. Let us know your thoughts — did we get it right?

  • 050 - Spore Drive! Spore Drive! Spore Drive!

    03/11/2017 Duration: 01h05min

    "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad" AnalysisJoin the party as Tristan Riddell (co-host, "Punch It" and "Nerd Nuptial") join the stranded trio on Ceti Alpha 3 to talk episode seven of "Star Trek: Discovery." The quartet goes round and round on Harry Mudd, Michael's ability to romance, and how much of a party animal Stamets can be on the Discovery.How much of a villain do you think Harry Mudd is? Did you enjoy the DISCO party? Let us know!

  • 049 - The Vulcan Matrix

    27/10/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    Darren and Daniel are joined by Char (@ohtheprofanity) from "Punch It" as they discuss the Star Trek: Discovery's 6th episode "Lethe". What past is Captain Lorca hiding? How can Michael enter the matrix of Sarek's mind? This backstory heavy episode takes us deeper into these characters history.

  • 048- Stamet' Jim, I'm a Tardigrade, Not a Navigator

    20/10/2017 Duration: 01h09min

    "Choose Your Pain" AnalysisHarry Mudd, Starfleet prisoners, Acting Captain Saru ... and lots of TV-MA material! All this and more in episode five of "Star Trek: Discovery" as the trio is joined by guest co-host Grace Moore (@BonecrusherJenk) of "Women at Warp - A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast." They discuss the continuing story of Captain Lorca, not knowing character names, and idenitfying the right Klingon.What did you think of the adult themes in this episode? Are you looking forward to more of the same in the rest of season one?  

  • 047 - Don't Fear the Ripper

    13/10/2017 Duration: 01h15min

    "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry" Analysis.Rank None Micheal Burnham begins to settle in with the crew of the Discovery as the trio talks episode four with guest co-host Michelle Toven (@mtoven). Captain Lorca sends the ship on its first mission via the spore drive, and we say goodbye & hello to members of the crew. Join the discussion of the newest episode of Star Trek: Discovery. What surprised you most about this episode?

  • 046 - Dread Pirate Lorca

    06/10/2017 Duration: 01h05min

    "Context is for Kings" AnalysisThe trio talks the third episode of "Star Trek: Discovery," which finally introduces the starship Discovery, its captain, crew, and mission. Guest co-host Eric Barry (@trekkieb47) of "Starfleet Escape PodCast" transports to Ceti Alpha 3 to help discuss prisoner Michael Burhnam's arrival on the Discovery, her landing party mission on the starship Glenn, and how everyone hates her on the dastardly pirate crew.

  • 045 - Robot Face

    29/09/2017 Duration: 01h33min

    "The Vulcan Hello"/"Battle at Binary Star" Analysis.?The first two episodes of "Star Trek: Discovery" gave audiences a taste of what's to come in this sixth live action entry in the Star Trek franchise. The trio dives into the design of the show, the intricacies of the characters and their moral choices, and why each episode needs more of the "Robot Face" character. There is still much more to learn about this new series, but what do these first two entries tell us about what is to come?What are your favorite and least favorite moments from the first two episodes - the two-hour series "prolouge"?

  • 044 - Remain Klingon

    26/09/2017 Duration: 20min

    Star Trek: Discovery Premiere ReactionsIn this supplemental transmission, the stranded trio shares their first thoughts about episodes one and two of Star Trek: Discovery. With CBS and CBS All Access (as well as Netflix, across the globe) showing this new Trek series, Daniel, Phillip, and Darren discuss what stood out, where they think the series is going, and what hit them as life-long Star Trek fans encountering the newest series in the franchise.What were your first impressions? And have they changed after repeated viewings?

  • 043- Battle TNG

    22/09/2017 Duration: 43min

    Star Trek: The Next Generation 30th Anniversary Game ShowIt's been 30 years since the second live-version of Star Trek graced the television airwaves. The trio celebrates three decades of Star Trek: The Next Generation with a game show that pits Daniel and Darren against the "Punch It" co-hosts, Charlynn and Tristan. There are fan polls, 1990s episode teaser trailers, and trivia questions that will keep the teams battling. Which team will show their stellar knowledge of Next Gen? See if you can guess the questions correctly as Phillip hosts "The Battle: A Star Trek: The Next Generation 30th Anniversary Game Show."

  • 042 - See You In The Movies

    15/09/2017 Duration: 53min

    Star Trek After Credits Scenes, Part II.As a follow up to their foray into the six TOS movies, the stranded trio created a whole new slate of after credits scenes for the Star Trek: The Next Generation films, as well as three current Kelvin Universe cinematic features. Darren, Daniel, and Phillip try to include all the Prime Universe players in the TNG movies, and look to boost the "canon-ity" of the JJ-verse films. Which of their after credits scenes work the best? What after-credits scene would help improve these movies?

  • 041 - The Dogs of War

    08/09/2017 Duration: 54min

    Star Trek Movie After Credit Scenes, Part I.Whether it's the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies or "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" - after credits scenes can sometimes add a comic element or a sneak peak to a sequel. Darren, Daniel, and Phillip go through The Original Series movies and add their post credits scene to Star Trek: The Motion Picture (I) to Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Which of their scenes do you think fits the best? What would after credits scene would work best for the TOS movies?

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