Solutions On Demand



GrowthWorx Media - Solutions on Demand.gWORX has spent the last 40 years developing DIY Products and Support Services for small business growth. Our tools help Business Owners and their Leadership Teams FOCUS on causes of growth obstacles, provide tools to IMPROVE, and TRACK for ROI.Listen, Download, Apply Listen: 6 days a week for the latest proven techniques for growing your business; Download: get your copy of our show notes to follow along, take notes, and join the discussion;Apply: use the tools that day and if you have any problems, join our Facebook support group.IBGR (Internet Business Growth Radio) is part of GrowthWorx Media, a Division of GrowthWorx, a fast growth consulting firm Headquartered in Richmond, Virginia.Our SoundCloud Channel:


  • Fast Growth Categories - Market Intelligence

    22/07/2009 Duration: 30min

    Market Intelligence is the first of 4 categories - a bundle of the best practices of fast growth companies for understanding their markets and driving their ability to compete. The goal of the show is to provide an understanding of how it is practically applied and what are the best practice drivers.

  • Best Practices of Fast and Sustainable Growth - Overview

    21/07/2009 Duration: 30min

    This is the start of a new series of 43 shows detailing the 4 Categories, 34 Best Practices of Fast and Sustainable Growth, and Lessons Learned. This session will overview how the research was conducted and lessons learned over the last 3 years of application.

  • Business Strategy Missing Link - the Brand Inside

    20/07/2009 Duration: 30min

    There is no first here, you can start with the brand externally or with the brand internal. However both have to be done early and compatible. The brand inside means what are your mission, vision, and values (operating principles) for the company. These govern behavior and make it easily to build a world class organization, and must be compatible with branding in the marketplace. Otherwise your company is promising something it can't deliver.

  • Business Strategy Missing Link - the Business Model

    17/07/2009 Duration: 30min

    Once you have decided on the primary and secondary value proposition for the business, which business model(s) are going to use to do business in a new way?

  • Business Strategy Missing Link - Your Value Proposition - Rescheduled f/15 JUL 09

    16/07/2009 Duration: 30min

    If you are on board for Doing Business in a New Way - where to start? Beginning at the beginning is about deciding between the only 3 options available: Price, Product/Service Quality, or the Customer's Experience. Market Leadership = Strong in one, Good in another. Being good in all three is not possible - what is primary and secondary value proposition?

  • Out Manage the Competition

    14/07/2009 Duration: 30min

    Six of six - a superior business idea is a great thing but the inability to execute will ensure failure. How a company is managed through all the challenges of growth ultimately separates market leaders from could-have-beens.

  • Thrive on Deals, Partnerships, Alliances

    13/07/2009 Duration: 30min

    Fifth of six sessions covers building a network of alliances and partnerships. If your business model is based on minimizing costs and maximizing margins, the best way to break into new markets, develop new technology is by finding others who are willing to trade strengths - the essence of an open source organization.

  • Exponential Returns

    10/07/2009 Duration: 30min

    Fourth of six sessions covers creating exponential returns throughout the operation; sales, margins, invested capital. Whether you are publicly traded or have investors, the business must return investments in its growth at rates of return that exceed the current market.

  • Take Monumental Risks

    09/07/2009 Duration: 30min

    Third of six sessions covers how monumental risks can also be calculated risks. Playing it safe is something you should have done by staying at your previous job. By becoming an entrepreneur the largest risk has been already taken, what possibility can happen that is positive by playing it safe? Be daring with a new business model attacking competitors that don't see it coming is where the game is won.

  • Attack Low Cost - High Margin Opportunities

    08/07/2009 Duration: 30min

    Second of six sessions covers pursuing low cost, high margin, and high probability market opportunities. Who are the customers with the highest unmet or under met needs with the highest financial returns? and How do we win that business at the lowest possible cost?

  • Do Business in a New Way

    07/07/2009 Duration: 30min

    First of six sessions covers the most essential component of business strategy, Doing Business in a New Way that provides your company a competitive advantage. An advantage that cannot be easily copied or imitated, and represents your brand.

  • Zero to Big, Zero to Dominant Business Strategy

    06/07/2009 Duration: 30min

    Based on over 7 years of research and practical application into successful business strategy, this is the first of 7 sessions. Session One overviews the 6 success elements of winning strategy as demonstrated by leaders in today's business market.

  • Rules of the Road - Fast Growth and Your Business

    03/07/2009 Duration: 30min

    What are the best practices of fast and sustainable growth companies? How did they defy the odds? Most business experts conform to a theory of "thirds": Of all the new business startups, 1/3 eventually turn a profit, 1/3 break even, and 1/3 never leave a negative earnings scenario. Only 2/3 of all small business startups survive the first two years and less than half make it to four years. Only 1 in 400 make it from their first reinvention to a billion in revenue.

  • Path to Market Dominance

    02/07/2009 Duration: 30min

    This is last in a series of 8 shows based upon eastman's upcoming book - the code - on how you can manage business growth; stage VI - reinvention of the business and taking the path to market leadership or domination

  • Your Future - Sell, Decline, or Reinvent

    01/07/2009 Duration: 30min

    This is seventh in a series of 8 shows based upon eastman's upcoming book - the code - on how you can manage business growth; stage V - reaching your first plateau and rethinking the end game - do you sell, sit on your laurels, or go for it again?

  • Big Fast - Growing2Capacity

    30/06/2009 Duration: 30min

    This is sixth in a series of 8 shows based upon eastman's upcoming book - the code - on how you can manage business growth; stage IV, time to repay your investment - making the business finally produce results for customers, employees, and yourself

  • After Catching Your Breath - What Now? What Next?

    29/06/2009 Duration: 30min

    This is fifth in a series of 8 shows based upon eastman's upcoming book - the code - on how you can manage business growth; stage III - you have survived and proved both the business idea and your ability to manage the chaos, what is next beside catching your breath

  • Cash is King

    26/06/2009 Duration: 30min

    This is fourth in a series of 8 shows based upon eastman's upcoming book - the code - on how you can manage business growth; go-live - starting fast and making money, sell-sell-sell

  • Turning Your Dream into a Winning Plan

    25/06/2009 Duration: 30min

    This is third in a series of 8 shows based upon eastman's upcoming book - the code - on how you can manage business growth; Growth Stage I - Dream2Plan

  • Profiles of Success - Entreprenuerial Competence

    24/06/2009 Duration: 30min

    This is second in a series of 8 shows based upon eastman's upcoming book - the code - on how you can manage business growth; the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs

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