Lifeway Church



These messages from Lifeway Church will help you grow in your relationship with God and help you impact the lives around you for eternity.


  • Creation Hopes

    06/12/2020 Duration: 32min

    Creation is waiting in confident expectation for YOU and I to come into the fullness of Christ Jesus, to be redeemed from the curse of the fall so that all creation too can come out from under the curse and experience redemption. Be inspired with hope by this message from Pastor Vern Martin.

  • Our Hope is Jesus

    29/11/2020 Duration: 21min

    Hope is found when you place your trust in the right person, Jesus Christ. When we place our trust in Jesus and declare him Lord, He becomes our hope personified. Learn more in this message by Pastor Vern Martin. #hopehasanameseries

  • Fishing License

    22/11/2020 Duration: 44min

    We are called to share our faith. But how do we open people up to give us permission to minister to them and speak into their lives? Learn more in this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon.

  • Fishing Bait

    15/11/2020 Duration: 48min

    Paul the apostle declared that our lives are letters of Christ that are read by people. Your life is the message that people are reading. Will they be attracted to Jesus or repelled? In this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon, learn more about making your life the ‘lure’ that calls the souls we are fishing for to Christ.

  • Fishing Hook

    08/11/2020 Duration: 45min

    The principle foundation of our faith is the gospel message. All of us in some way should be able to understand its basic ideas and declare it to those in our spheres of influence. Just as a fishing hook pierces the fish to catch it, there are dynamics to the gospel message that pierce the soul of a person and catch him or her. In today's message by Jimmy Nimon, we'll learn about three dynamics that happen when we preach the message of Christ that pierce the heart of people and reel them into the love of God. #gonefishingseries

  • Breaking Strongholds

    01/11/2020 Duration: 52min

    What happens when your prayers don't seem powerful and effective like James 5 talks about? What happens when you're doing all you know to do and yet your prayers are not answered? Perhaps the answer is spiritual warfare. Learn about breaking spiritual strongholds in this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon. #effectiveprayerseries

  • Agreeing with God

    25/10/2020 Duration: 43min

    We need to position ourselves to see life as God sees it so we can discern the difference between God’s plan vs. the devil’s plan. How do we learn to see and agree with God and not the enemy of our souls? Learn more in this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon.

  • Prayer Works

    18/10/2020 Duration: 49min

    You need to practice something to get good at it. Prayer is no different. We need to work at our prayer lives if we are going to be effective in prayer. Learn more in this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon.

  • Why Pray?

    11/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    God is concerned for us. He hears us. He communicates with us. Learn more about the ongoing conversation that we can have with God through prayer with this message by Pastor Steve Sabol.

  • Kingdom Citizens

    04/10/2020 Duration: 41min

    We are called to be citizens of God's kingdom even as we participate in the earthly world around us. How do we do that? How do we apply "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" to the issues and concerns of our day? Learn more in this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon. #kingdomsseries

  • Kingdoms in Conflict

    27/09/2020 Duration: 51min

    The kingdoms of this world are in conflict with God's kingdom. How do we live as citizens of God's kingdom as we interact with the world around us? Learn more in this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon.

  • Fulfilling God's Purpose


    As Lifeway Church celebrates 5 years of ministry, we're asking, how do we fulfill God's purpose for our lives? What if there's is more than we're experiencing right now? Learn about discerning and pursuing God's call for your life in this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon.

  • When Opportunity Knocks


    We don’t worship God because everything is perfect; we worship God because He is perfect. Learn about worshipping God in every situation with this message by Pastor Renee Groff.

  • Responding to God


    Do you give your all when you express yourself before God? In today's message by Gavin Witmeyer, we evaluate the state of our relationship with God, learn about cultivating a genuine heart of worship, and explore what that can look like in our outward expressions.

  • Undone to be Redone


    When we encounter God, everything changes–our perspective, priorities, and identity shifting, all in a moment of revelation. Discover how and why we want to be undone by God in this message by Joanna Martin.

  • Your Next Step


    What is water baptism and why do it? Get a fresh perspective on what baptism is and celebrate with those participating in this week's service with Pastor Vern Martin.

  • The Ways God Speaks


    When we say "no" to the clutter and noise of the distractions around us, we can begin to hear God and pursue obedience in our everyday lives. Discover the ways He speaks and grow closer to Him with this message by Lydia Nimon.

  • Troubleshooting Your Connection


    Since all God's people hear God's voice, why don't we? What hinders us from hearing Him in our personal experience? Learn more in this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon.

  • Repeating God


    God wants to speak to us. He wants to help us learn to HEAR His voice and He wants us to REPEAT what He is saying. Learn more in this message by Dr. Barry Wissler, President of HNI and overseer of HSSM and Lifeway Church.

  • What's Happening In Your Head?


    If Christ is in you, is He not also in your mind? God is speaking and often uses your own thoughts to do it. Learn more about discerning the voice of God with this message by Pastor Vern Martin.

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