Lifeway Church



These messages from Lifeway Church will help you grow in your relationship with God and help you impact the lives around you for eternity.


  • To Live Like No One Else


    How do we authentically live the Christian life with the Spirit of God in a world that is pulling us in a different direction? How do we live a life of no regrets in submission to God? Learn more in this message by Kevin Eshleman, Lead Pastor of Ephrata Community Church.

  • Transformed by the Spirit


    As we live under the influence of the Holy Spirit, we become like Him. We begin to take on the very nature of the one who's burning inside of us. His nature is holy. Learn more about the process of being transformed by the Holy Spirit in this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon.

  • Engaged with the Spirit


    We are called to live under the influence of the Holy Spirit instead of other influences that only appeal to our human nature. The method to win that battle is put our energy on walking in the Spirit because that's the way to grow in God.

  • The Forge of a Father


    While both Mom and Dad are essential to the health of a good family, today we highlight the fact that fathers, whether present or absent, have a significant impact. Fathers forge the mindsets that contribute to all we will do or become. God wants to restore fathers and restore families. Learn how to take part in that restoration in this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon.

  • The Misunderstood Gift


    Speaking in tongues is a controversial topic. Many have shunned the use of this helpful spiritual gift due to ignorance, misunderstandings, and misuse. In this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon, join us in overcoming fear, gaining a biblical understanding, and learning proper application in regards to speaking in tongues.

  • Unwrapping the Gifts


    Spiritual gifts are supernatural abilities given to all Christians to impact the church and the world. When they are alive and active in us, it makes all the difference. Learn more in this message by Renee Groff.

  • Empowered By the Holy Spirit


    Are you fully aware of the Holy Spirit living within you? Are you engaging, listening, and allowing His power to fill and to flow through you? Hear from Pastor Vern Martin as we seek to be empowered by the Holy Spirit in this week's message.

  • Friendship with the Holy Spirit


    The Holy Spirit might not always make you feel good. But He will always make you better. Learn more about friendship with the Holy Spirit in this message by Lydia Nimon.

  • Holy Spirit: Dirt and Gold


    Bad experiences, bad theology, and our own fallen humanity can keep us from receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Learn more in this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon.

  • Women Warriors


    The roles of moms and women in general are multifaceted and don't need to fall into narrow stereotypes to fulfill the call of God on their lives. Gather insights from the life of Deborah with this message from Vern and Alicia Martin.

  • New Normal?

    03/05/2020 Duration: 29min

    For many of us, there are unhealthy parts of our old "normal" that should not return when COVID restrictions lift. Rethink your normal connections, worship and prayer, and busyness with this message by Pastor Vern Martin.

  • Exercise Your Faith

    26/04/2020 Duration: 46min

    What if God allows obstacles in your life to train your faith to make it stronger, so you can participate with Him in bringing positive, "Kingdom of God" change in the world around you? Learn how to exercise and build up your faith in this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon.

  • Grow Stronger Faith

    19/04/2020 Duration: 48min

    We don't always have the power to control our world. How can we live in the help of God's power vs. living in the helplessness of our weak efforts to control an outcome? Learn more in this highlight by Pastor Jimmy Nimon.

  • Grow Healthy Habits

    12/04/2020 Duration: 50min

    COVID-19 and all of its impacts are in full effect. What now? To start, let's find the courage to do the things we do have control over. In this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon, let's explore 10 habits, tips, and disciplines we all can use to help us stay sane and healthy.

  • Conquering Fear and Anxiety

    05/04/2020 Duration: 55min

    How can we practically conquer fear in our lives? If we can activate power, love, and a sound mind, we can conquer the spirit of fear. Learn more in this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon.

  • Combating Complacency

    29/03/2020 Duration: 53min

    Are spiritual complacency and passivity your "normal?" Being unresponsive to the spiritual battles in our everyday lives leads to very tangible negative consequences. Learn to fight for your righteousness, peace, and joy in this message by Pastor Vern Martin.

  • A Different Approach to Spiritual Warfare

    22/03/2020 Duration: 42min

    As people of God, how do we remain observant of the spiritual warfare going on around us without giving in to fear or ignoring it altogether? Gain insights for a balanced approach toward spiritual warfare in this sermon by Pastor Steve Sabol.

  • Overcoming Strongholds

    15/03/2020 Duration: 51min

    What's your stronghold? What holds you stuck? God heals us and breaks strongholds if we'll turn to Him. Seek out your "nevertheless" moment of breakthrough with this message by Bill Litman.

  • Mindsets of a Fighter

    08/03/2020 Duration: 54min

    "I desire to obey God but I'm up against a stronghold in my life over and over again." Ever been in that situation? Jesus Christ died for us to live in the freedom and power of the Holy Spirit and not be a slave to anything. In this message by Pastor Jimmy Nimon, learn about the key mindsets we need to take hold of so we can go from simply surviving to thriving.

  • Friendship

    01/03/2020 Duration: 43min

    How do we create a culture of connection that counteracts the loneliness so prevalent in the world around us? Learn more in this message by Pastor Vern Martin.

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