Wellness Radio With Dr. J

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 733:24:28
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Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life. Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette's book "Trust: Photo Meditations" is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us. Dr. Jeanette is a visionary, spiritual guide and inspirational author/radio host. Her specialty is in helping others remember that life is a great gift, no matter what we are going through. Dr. J is in the 'healing of the heart and spirit' business and loves every moment. Her compassion and empathy can be felt as she shares her stories on air. She has over five decades in studying the mystery of the body, has fully experienced life challenges to create change and helps others transform their lives through connected listening to the story of their lives.Her books, events and blog postings are listed on her website and social media connections.Connect with her at: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.comTwitter: @DrJeanetteNDFacebook: DrJeanetteND


  • From survival mode to creating a new soul existence with Dr. Friedemann Schaub

    16/08/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Friedemann Schaub, author of The Empowerment Solution, to share how to navigate a new existence for self in 2023."You cannot be empowered if you are navigating a mine field", shares Dr. Jeanette. How can you start to see the past, your old ways, and what you are truly made of if you keep playing the old stories that have held you captive?The powers of the heart, mind, spirit, and the soul are being blown open wide in this century. Is the human just dragging everyone along and telling us where to go? Who is in control? Are we robots and just letting society, circumstances, and the outside world create our experience?Are we pulling along a little red wagon behind us to collect our truths, beliefs, traumas, stories, and what we feel is who we are?How do we know what is going on, how can we say that is where humanity is going, and how do we approach the ‘bridge experience’ that is now upon us? We cannot skip this phase, nor can we rationalize it away. Survival is sustaining your existe

  • Grief, loss, and death support with Aly Bird

    09/08/2023 Duration: 47min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Aly Bird, author of Grief Ally: Helping People You Love Cope with Death, Loss, and Grief, to share her personal story of loss.Aly shares her story of an unexpected loss that changed her life forever and how she sought help but did not find what worked for her to heal. She shares what worked for her at age 30 with a loss when programs were not available to support her.The time around loss, death, illness, loss of life’s expectations, and loss of life as it is, can be a time of great grief, deep despair, and shutting down of emotions that are over taking your mind and body.What happens when it is sudden, planned out, or appears as the life ending event we just cannot handle?Are you angry at God, other people, the loved one who is having the life altering event, and just do not know what to do?How can you help yourself and others through the process of illness and imminent death? How do you support others who really need a shoulder to lay their head on?Is grief to be hidden, shortened, and

  • Weaving spirits and energy into a quilt with Dawn Bennett-Alexander

    30/07/2023 Duration: 48min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dawn Bennett-Alexander, author of The Wandering Quilt, to explore the energy we instill into our creative works.A great summer read for 2023; mystery, spirituality, soul journey, creative work, and quilting are all woven into a story line that takes you on a journey from the human perspective to the deeper soul engagement with heart.Are you ready for a journey of recognizing the spirit world and the stories that are left behind? Are you an open and awakened soul that is engaging in life on a different level of conscious engagement?When you touch a creative work, can you feel something inside of you turning to open up an emotion or drop a tear? Does a picture in your thoughts of a loved one, past moments in time, or struggles of your life come to mind?This is how you open up to something so much more in our lives that what we had been experiencing, are you ready? Perhaps you are leading with light as Dr. J is?Join with your friends and start a conversation about your deeper feelings and

  • History and purpose of the indentured people by Mike Prater

    28/07/2023 Duration: 45min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Mike Prater, author of The Indentured, to explore our human experiences over centuries in story.A novel about the adventure of our soul through timelines, eons, this existence, and perhaps our past lives centuries ago. What are ancestors all about and what kind of life did they have?How did we get through the trials of the soul, embers of the heart, and shackles of the human drama; regardless of the ages, we are all on a soul journey.In this novel of centuries ago Mike shares how the characters lived, survived, struggled, and asked questions of life. Are these the same experiences we are having today?What is an indentured servant and how did they present in our ancestral lineage? Is this important to note or excavate in our history?Have we been spinning in history to have a better life and learn how to take care of family as we move about the earth? When are we going to find a better way of living and how to engage with other humans from a compassionate and loving perspective? When wil

  • Inspirational poems, prose, and haiku for healing hearts with Adrian R. Johnson

    26/07/2023 Duration: 39min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Adrian Johnson, author of Wishful Thinking, to inspire others to heal their hearts through words and connection to the soul.Time to drift into your thoughts and dreams to find love, peace, joy, and grace.How can you write your deepest emotions and feelings that are starting to rise from your heart these days?Can you allow yourself to start feeling what is deep inside, perhaps what you have denied or pushed down in the past? Are you running through your to do list and totally stepping away from letting the heart or soul to have a voice in your day?Poems, prose, and haiku writings are perfect words to inspire your thoughts to take a leap and open up the love or healing that you need at this time.This is a daily inspirational journey to engage a sense of energy that speaks on the whispers of your heart.For more information on Adrian visit: www.SoulfulExpressionzLLC.comFor guided suppport and healing services with Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Traversing multidimensional timelines and deja vu in a novel with J R Gonzales

    23/07/2023 Duration: 42min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes J R Gonzales, author of Esmeralda's Web, to share his multidimensional novel for our top summer read 2023!This book is awesome and large for our top summer read! The characters take you on an spirit journey through centures of time, current deja vu, and traversing eons of stories a soul can aspire to, are you up for the adventure?Who were we before, do you have déjà vu, or perhaps your out of body sleep time and day awaking lives are colliding? All of the dimensions of time and experience seem to be popping up in our memories each day in 2023.Are you afraid to speak about what is dancing in your thoughts? What if we read a novel, feel free to open our ‘knowing’, and see what adventures you can engage with?Can you go back eons before and delight in a love story, fight for survival and coming of age in times that we do not even recognize?Do we need to go back into our past lives to collect the fragments of story and soul to heal the present time we are living in?What are the dark times, t

  • Asking for help in illness, life changes or struggles with Ken Saik

    21/07/2023 Duration: 45min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Ken Saik, author of Healing Hands, to explore the concepts of asking for help after a tumultuous life.When you hit the wall, fall down, and need help after a hospitalization, illness, change of life, change of lifestyle or perhaps you just say I can't do it anymore; who is out there to help?Do you have family, friends, loved ones, a tribe or maybe no one to ask for help; what do you do now?What is the help you are seeking? What are the questions you are asking, how can others support you, and what does that look like in a healing body, heart, and soul?Are you in the healing service of helping others? What happens when you help others but cannot find those who can help you when needed?Are you willing to change the perspective of old stories to assist those who come to you for support?How can you trust someone to walk along the path of life with you regardless of the past experiences you may have had over the years? Can you take a chance and be open to knowing a person from the inside out?

  • Historical prophecies, Bible, and Theology with Jerry Huerta

    19/07/2023 Duration: 52min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jerry Huerta author of Thy Kingdom Come: Re-Evaluating the Historicist's Interpretation of the Revelation, to explore story in the context of society events at the time.History, revelations, and going back to ancient times; what are the stories and books about in our Bibles, dogma, and prophecies.How did our truths and beliefs come about? How have the words transitioned in time through society, events in the century, or from the perspective of the reader?Writing, interpretation and seeking more information is the seeker journey to interpret what you wish to take from history to guide you through the life you are currently living. When things happened in the past eons and people wrote the stories it was from the emotions and way in which they could understand or comprehend at that time of life. As we learn more, expand our consciousness, and become more literate in areas of science, nature, religion, and history, we tend to rewrite history in a manner of reflection and then adopt the new

  • A novel to heal with cats for all ages with Ellena Boyett

    16/07/2023 Duration: 37min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Ellena Boyett, author of Bear and The Fussington Locks, to dance with a cat and explore our human emotions.This is a wonderful Summer Read 2023 for all ages as you step into the cat character to feel your emotions, go on an adventure, and heal your heart from the inside out.When we are feeling broken and troubled, this book is the perfect ticket to ease your worries and let you breathe fresh air, if only for a short time or to shift your heartache.People of all ages would delight in a story that doesn't hit you over the head with a message but let you feel light as air and free as a cat. What a special moment in time that can create!Please read this book to your kids and share with elders. Everyone could use a hug from a cat once in a while!For more information on Ellena visit: www.Fussinglocks.comFor more information on Dr. Jeanette and her healing support work visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Expanding the tapestry of our soul existence with Catherine Shainberg

    14/07/2023 Duration: 42min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Catherine Shainberg, author of Kabbalah of Light - Ancient Practices to Ignite the Imagination and Illuminate the Soul, to dance in the ethers of a higher frequency conversation.What is the frequency we are beaming across the eons?What dimension are we traversing or are you still in the darkness? What if you are saying 'I am in the light' but still finding challenges that seem to come from nowhere?Time to dance in the ethers with Catherine and Dr. Jeanette! This is when our true energy light connects, and our communication is fluid with ease and depth.The tapestry of our spiritual existences are now up for a releasing time of hurts and pains.We are not the templates of our ancestral lineages that are meant to keep repeating and pushing on others within the line, it is time to stop the stories and create a new book that is no longer the old trajectory.We are now becoming the new energy that is soul of source, rather than holding old fragments that are filters of eons from the past or min

  • Poetry whispers of the mind, body, and spirit with Adil Panton

    12/07/2023 Duration: 53min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Adil Panton, author of Claim Your Happiness: Practical Poetry for Life, Love and Self, to explore our soul's voice. What are the whispers of our mind, body and spirit telling us? Are they meant to be actionable, or perhaps guideposts, thoughts to till the soil, or something to let go by like the clouds?The thoughts in our mind, body, and spirit; what is rising up for us to pay attention to today? What is happiness about in face of all the world, personal, health, and spiritual challenges of our days? How can you learn to trust yourself from the soft voice that is starting to speak from inside of us?Is your identity and all the labels you give to know who you are starting to get jumbled up and perhaps it is being shaken to find out what our spirit is all about, who is running the show and taking us further into an evolved world? We are on a journey to discover self through life on earth at this time in existence. There is no perfect path, there is just your unique path of exploration thro

  • Spiritual Journey of an Elder with Emil Toth

    07/07/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Emil Toth, author of Walk with Me - - - In Swamps, On Savannas Up Mountains To God, to share his life challenges and triumphs in finding God.Our spiritual journey; how are we walking through our life, who are we being partnered with, and what is our journey all about? Is life about learning who we are as humans and spiritual beings? Are we asking what is this world about through God, source, energy, and the breath of life as we live on? Where is the guidance coming from and who is sending us information? Can we trust what we hear, see, and know through our mind, consciousness, and heart?How have you lived your life through the times of feeling like an outcast or troublesome person? Now, we are here to open up, share our stories, clear ancestral struggles, and heal souls through lifetimes. Time to step into service and become the lightworker you came here to be in a life of service.There is a much deeper level of knowing this human lifetime around and Emil shares the pebbles on his pat

  • Atchafalaya swamp adventure novel of survival with Ken Wells and Hillary Wells

    04/07/2023 Duration: 36min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Ken Wells and Hillary Wells, authors of SWAMPED, to share their novel of adventure in the Atchafalaya swamp.A romance novel about the system of nature in the Atchafalaya swamp as the characters struggle through an experience of fighting for their lives and to come out on the other side of the edge of the swamp; just what are they made of, and can they make it home?What would happen if you were thrust into an environment without a survival plan to be saved, rescued, or to make it out alive; could you do it?What experiences have our elders had in the swamp over the eons of time and have they been held as sacred story to pass on as the legacy of time?What is the symphony of the swamp spirits that is calling you to the land? Do ghosts of the past still linger in the Spanish moss and roots of the bald cypress trees? Have you stepped into another world vortex when you enter the swamp?Have you ever noticed the swamp has a life, culture, story, secrets, and community of life all its own?For more

  • Change your identity, memories, and life experiences with Odille Remmert and Dr. J

    30/06/2023 Duration: 53min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Odille Remmert, author of Change What Happened to You: How to Use Neuroscience to Get the Life You Want by Changing Your Negative Childhood Memories, to share inspiration in life reflections.Memories, how we grew up, how we are proceeding in our grown-up life and what we carry to our end of life have been life struggles for many.What are the fragments of eons that our soul has been holding on to within our soul existence?Are we still trying to shed the past, heal lineages, and find a way to be free of all the dogma that is attached to us?How much baggage are we holding on to, what are we carrying with us and what is essential for our well-being; what can we let go of?How can we explore the shades of our emotions and experiences while also allowing them to drift into the ethers as we pass through the time in our life?Shifting the energy in you and around you is what creates the potential for change. Today is not the same as yesterday, it may be similar, it might also be different; that i

  • Near death experience explored in a children's book with Marie Antoinette Kelley

    28/06/2023 Duration: 34min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Marie Antoinette Kelley, author of Danny's Day in Heaven, to explore the concept of near death experience for children.Dr. Jeanette and Marie share stories and concepts of the transition of the human body to spirit and soul as passing through one life into another. Perhaps the death time, transition time, or phasing into another dimension is very scary to many at the time when the body says it is time to check out. What happens next?The concept of death, the phase of transition, and the sense of the unknown is based on old truths and beliefs from people, history, dogma, or stories of the past.Walking through the door, what we see when we are experiencing the light moment, and what stories we bring back to share with others are now being spoken aloud.What is holding you back from having this talk with your kids, elders, or perhaps yourself? Is fear of the unknown holding you back?Today's show is an open exploration of the death, out of body, and near death experience. It is meant to shar

  • Prophesies, God and the final days with Paul Richard Strange Sr

    23/06/2023 Duration: 48min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Paul Richard Strange Sr., author of Love God and Leave the Last Days Behind, to share his findings of the final days through historical research.Concept of God, final days, the prophesies, the Bible, and when the world will shift; are you waiting for that time or fearing the day?Have all the prophesies come true? Have we lost faith and hope, challenged our beliefs, and let go of the connection to God and the religions we held so dearly for eons? Perhaps now, in 2023, we are seeing the world in a state of chaos about what is right, good, loving, and in divine alignment with a collective that is no longer supporting and caring for each other.What are the perceptions of your beliefs about God and the Bible stories of religions etched in stone and books from the beginning of time?Is it the end of the world as the physical rock and all the creatures that inhabit it that is coming? Or is it the end of the world that we have created by changing our mind set, our hearts and our being? That is t

  • Stepping into your soul journey in service to the collective with Dr. J and Elaine Hoem

    21/06/2023 Duration: 52min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Elaine Hoem, author of Everyday Soul Dances - A Guide to Soulful Living in the Midst of Uncertain Times, to explore the soul journey through a human experience.Are we blossoming into the new expanded consciousness and new awareness as our soul and spirit? Are we learning how to unpack our wings to let go of the past regrets, shame, and guilt?Are we ready to fly free and to let go of the past that has held us down and created a point of being that is no longer the self?We are in uncertain times and life is changing; are you on the bridge or stuck on the shore? Can you see the door in front of you and take the leap through fear to open a space into the unknown?What is an awakened being all about?The true gift of an awakened, open, expanded consciousness soul being spirit that is living in this time, is when you can look back at your life and know that everything after your breath was a gift and you were in service.Is your life of service bringing the words, thoughts, and emotion through as

  • A man's cancer journey with William Laird

    15/06/2023 Duration: 44min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes William Laird, author of Not Me Cancer, to share his personal journey with cancer over the years.William has had to fight his whole life for the life he has now. He never once gave up, gave in, or settled to anything less than the right to breathing in another day, helping his loved ones and being of service to support others on their journey. Cancer did not stop him, it was another lesson to be had, in his experience.What happens when your body says 'I just can't make it another moment'? Are you asking for help, laying down and letting it pass, or denying it's existence and pushing on? What was the outcome of the symptoms that had you hitting the wall and taking you to your knees? Now what do you do?He has lived by the mantra 'today is a gift' and that is what is getting him through each day, even in the face of pain, medical procedures, or having to say no to a request for his physical assistance. Are you afraid to speak out about how hard it was in cancer or perhaps look at your s

  • Healing an ancestral lineage in service with Dr. Anuradha Gulati

    13/06/2023 Duration: 54min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Anuradha Dayal-Gulati, author of Heal Your Ancestral Roots: Release the Family Patterns that Hold You Back, to explore the ancestral ties of our human existence.What is our purpose in life as souls in service? What is the lineage we have intersected in this lifetime and are we claiming it as our identity? When you feel like you are always the one 'doing and fixing' in the family, perhaps, observe that you are there in service, rather than a human struggle of meeding to do everything. You can open up your heart and soul while experiencing the events in your life from a different perspective. Once you get to this point of awareness, you are able to start to unravel the tapestry story of your lineage, accept the past for the lessons therein, and heal the thread of those before you while supporting those to come.Flower essences are a tool to help you navigate the process of unraveling and letting go of old story with greater ease in facing the emotions and feelings that are tied up in the

  • Exposing identities, fragmented lives, and adventure in a summer read novel with Maria Denison

    12/06/2023 Duration: 45min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Maria Denison, author of the book series The Reflex, to share a summer reading adventure novel.Time to step into a character and go on a adventure that seems so close to home in your life story that it draws you in and then implodes, to expose what was once real was just a lie and an illusion.Who are you, what is your life about, how many identities do you navigate as your life and who do you let into your inner circle? Does anyone really know who you are? What are the risks of showing your true self?While the story is a novel, there are pieces of our human lives within the story that allow us to explore how we are living our life today, in 2023. Have we built a legacy story that includes all our successes and allow only the awards to see us through? Are we struggling inside but never let anyone know for fear of the picture we have created of self might get splattered? What happens when your life unravels, and you implode your relationships that you held so dearly? How can you survive?

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