Wellness Radio With Dr. J

How mental health, chronic disease, and PTSD affect women's life stories with R. Barbara Gitenstein



Dr. Jeanette Gallagher welcomes R. Barbara Gitenstein, author of Experience is the Angled Road: Memoir of an Academic, to share her life story through adversity and success.How does our life story with our ancestors, change and mold us into the people we are today? Do their hardships, shame, and pain flow over into generations to come? Do they cast the shadow on those who continue to life on as if 'you need to fix what I could not'?When elders pass, can you excavate the spirit of the person that perhaps was not visible while they were on earth? Can you then honor and respect their life path or still have distain for their choices?You have a choice to bounce back or indulge in the sorrow of times from the past.  You also have the choice to step up and surround yourself with new guides to help open doors, reflect goodness of the world, and present opportunities that may not be seen with a hurtful eye.  You have each moment in time to change the world around you and really succeed beyond your wildest dreams.The