Go For It!



Go For It! is an empowerment, leadership and business strategy radio show for people of all ages. I am passionate about helping people start businesses especially women. Businesses should be considered more than just a hobby. Women need to feel empowered that they can withstand the grudging day to day life of starting and running a business and do it successfully. Teaching valuable time saving methods, marketing strategies and practices of starting and running a successful business is the purpose of this show. I do this through my amazing guests, life experiences, stories and I teach you to live in a positive light.I want to be able to give hope and teach perseverance to people starting and running businesses. Too often people get stuck after they start a business and need the guidance to keep moving forward. Laughter is also a big part of this thing we call life. Laugh through the good times and bad but keep pushing forward to your dreams.


  • Creating Profit NOW in Your Business

    20/12/2016 Duration: 56min

    Regina will enlighten us on how we can Create Profit NOW in our businesses. If you are just starting off in business or growing it, Giving Up is not in the vocabulary. We will talk about how we need to persevere in good times and in bad while in business. What writing a book has done to boost business and putting us as an expert. Listen as Regina shares her expertise in what makes a business create profit. Also how volunteering and being part of community also stretches your expertise and pocketbook.

  • How to Grow Your Business from a Seasoned Entrepreneur

    06/12/2016 Duration: 53min

    Patricia is a seasoned entrepreneur that has owned several successes businesses, is a business coach and mentor (and my personal business coach). She is also the author of 8 books. One of the books is a children's book on confidence that we can all relate too. She is a down to earth mentor and coach who teaches people how to establish, grow and succeed their businesses. She will teach us the same techniques she teaches her clients. Her insight to listen, observe and persevere is outstanding.

  • Your Body Holds Your Truth

    29/11/2016 Duration: 56min

    Come learn and experience what Kristine Madera is going to share with us about learning how to incorporate your mind and body into one being. It is called the mine-body integration. This teaching has taught her is that you can know something in your mind, but if you don’t know it in your body, you really don’t know it. Your body holds your truth. Exploring that truth and how to embody and express authentic truth is at the heart of all her work.

  • Breaking the UnderDog Curse

    22/11/2016 Duration: 58min

    Have you ever felt like a underdog? You have you have so much potential but no one seems to understand you or wants to promote you? My guest Dr Don MacDonald knows and understands us all well! He and his wife have chiropractic practices and while doing chiropractic care noticed that a lot of their patients seem to experience the same thing.....the underdog curse. They decided to do something about it! They wrote a book about it and are now international speakers. Don will teach us how to break the underdog curse

  • From a Physical Adversity to Award Winning Actress - One Woman's Challenge of Strength and Courage to Overcome

    15/11/2016 Duration: 56min

    Diana Elizabeth Jordan wasn't born with a physical limitation but shortly after birth she was. Doctors spent 45 minutes resuscitating her before she breathed on her own. At the age of 2 she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. She was determined to not let this impairment stop her from becoming the best she could be. Diana will give us helpful insights in to how her physical limitation changed her life and helped her gain better perspective on how to live a charmed and enriched life. She is not an award winning actress, story-teller and speaker. She will give you hope and inspiration for a life fulfilled.

  • The Beauty in Imperfection

    08/11/2016 Duration: 57min

    You are exactly who you are meant to be. Your quirks are your talents and when you find their purpose, you will find your passion and understand why you are the way you are. Marilyn and I will discuss how utilizing your talents no matter what your age will bring you to a greater purpose in your life. Remember - It is never too late! I started writing at the age of 49, launched my first book shortly after turning 60. Then there is Harry Bernstein who was first published in his 90's and published 4 before his death in his 100's. Never to young or old to utilize what you have been given.

  • Creating a Radio Show and turning it into a Media Stream

    01/11/2016 Duration: 49min

    Christina is the queen of starting a radio show and turning it into a highly sought after speaker and consultant. Her shows are aired all over the world on different stations from around the US. We will talk about how overcoming health and other issues shouldn't stop you from pursuing your dreams. She now uses her radio show to engage her listeners and guests on how to best use their strengths. Christina is a highly sought after for speaking and consulting. She is high energy, full of life gal who will help us see the real potential in all of us! She gives away a FREE Gift: '10 Simples Ways to Kick Stress and Burnout to the Curb' www.savvybusinessradio.com

  • How to Solve Your Clients Problem

    25/10/2016 Duration: 57min

    How this business owner took a need and turned it into a turnkey business. When you can solve a clients problem you have yourself a great business. What it took to figure out the client's problem and what it took to establish this business to solve the problem.

  • How to Create an Online Holistic and Wellness Business

    18/10/2016 Duration: 56min

    Have you ever wanted to take the leap of faith to start a holistic business? Even a online one where you can work from home? Listen in as International Best Selling Author Michelle McGlade tells us the important steps we need to take to make this happen. We all have a business inside of us, sometimes we need help to define it. Holisitic and Wellness business is booming and you might as well be part of the boom!

  • Unlock the Emotional Turmoil in your Life and Empower Yourself to a Great life!

    11/10/2016 Duration: 57min

    Learn the way Kandis Webb can unlock the emotional and mental breakdowns we all have so that you can live a positive, productive life! Kandis is a Life and Career Coach based in Atlanta, GA, and she empowers employees with the mental and emotional tools necessary to be purposeful, productive, and passionate at work, in life, and with their dreams. During her 15 year corporate journey, she climbed from fast-food worker, to data entry, to customer service, and finally to sales. She earned top awards, international trips, and brought home a lot of bacon. Successful by society's standards, though, she still struggled with feeling like there had to be more. Her clients have ranged from high-level marketing professionals to college graduates on the hunt for their perfect first job. Her success in helping hard-working employees re-connect with their authentic selves while aligning their jobs with their dreams can be seen from the testimonials on her website, LinkedIn, or FB.

  • Learn The Simple Steps That Will Drastically Reduce Negative Thoughts and Limiting Beliefs Forever

    04/10/2016 Duration: 57min

    Are you feeling less than confident? It all starts with a mind shift. Learn to shift your mind to the positive and have self compassion. Trouble with these? This week's guest Brad Finkeldei will help us navigate through these feelings and help us find the simple steps that reduce negative thoughts and disbeliefs forever. Change your mind to the positive and learn how to do it!

  • Grief Odyssey: Regaining life after losing a spouse to cancer

    27/09/2016 Duration: 55min

    This episode focuses on 2 men who were widowed young due to both of their wives losing the loss to cancer. The shock they experienced when they learned their spouses had a terminal illness: life changing decisions that had to be made before and after the cancer treatments and how both fathers and children reacted and adjusted to their tragic losses. Cancer robs people of their joy. BUT there is life after a terminal illness and these 2 men will offer their guidance and gift of reassurance of that.

  • Bridging the Gap Between Education, Technology, Health, Wealth Social Media and Inspirational-Moticvational and Life Coaches

    20/09/2016 Duration: 56min

    How can we Find, Interact, Connect, Learn and Bridge the gap between all of these areas? Jeffery will teach us his expertise on how this will be accomplished. Jeffery is putting on the inaugural JBeadFoundation.org Business to Business Career, Technology and Health Awareness Conference for Empowerment and Opportunity: Expand your Brand Reach. Jeffery will talk about how he came about wanting to start this and how he is reaching thousands of people to become aware of this great event.

  • Rising from Alcoholism and Depression

    13/09/2016 Duration: 53min

    Alexa wrote a book Phoenix: Rising from Addiction about her mother's alcoholism and depression and how that nearly destroyed their family. Through the help of recovery their family has been able to live a healthy life now. Alexa's mother Mary Ann was a successful lawyer until the addiction took her down to the point she was no longer able to practice law. She spent some time in women's penitentiary and was able to come out clean and sober. Since then has stayed sober for 5 successful years and Alexa has now graduated college after publishing her first book.

  • How to publish, promote and profit from a book

    06/09/2016 Duration: 57min

    Ever think of writing a book but don't know how to do it? Rob is an energetic and uplifting speaker who will utilize his skills in teaching us on what to do, how to do it and what steps to get it done. He will also teach us to stop hunting for clients and to become the hunted. Learn how to help others by meeting clients needs first.

  • Getting It Done!

    30/08/2016 Duration: 57min

    How do we go from grief to great? This week's episode I welcome fellow VoiceAmerica talk radio host Dr Barbara Young to Go For It! She is a great source of inspiration and love and gives abundantly in her life. She will bring us messages of encouragement, enlightenment and perseverance to make our days go from good to great.

  • Taking a Chance

    23/08/2016 Duration: 57min

    What do you do when your work let's you go? How do you support yourself? This week my special guest and I will talk about career change after a layoff from a corporate job. The struggles, the demands and what wonderful things lie ahead when you can think positive and outside of the box.

  • Laughing in the Rain

    16/08/2016 Duration: 56min

    Life giving you lemons? You might as well learn how to make lemonade! Learn how to laugh in the rain...laugh at yourself and laugh with others. Life is about living, loving, learning and laughing. Get ready for a fun filled hour learning how to make it count.

  • Make the Impossible Possible

    09/08/2016 Duration: 55min

    How do we make the impossible possible? We need to change the way we think! If we learn to change our brain we can retrain it to think positive about life. When you hear that negative inner dialogue in your head or coming out of your mouth, replace it with more positive self-talk and imagery. You are then positioned to turn the negative self-talk into positive action

  • Taking Back Your Life !

    02/08/2016 Duration: 54min

    Positive Thinking will help you achieve positive goals. Do you realize that the way you think about an event or circumstance before it happens can actually influence the outcome? If you are like most folk, you really haven’t given much thought to this question but it does happen. Don and I will discuss this week the way we can think positive thoughts to have a positive life. “An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality,” according to Brian Tracy.

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