Crosspoint Church (milpitas )



Crosspoint Church Sermons


  • 圣家庭的诞婴旅程


    改變人生的旅程-圣家庭的诞婴旅程 :

  • 馬利亞的懷孕旅程


    改變人生的旅程-馬利亞的懷孕旅程 招世超牧師 Rev. Abraham Chiu:

  • 馬利亞的懷孕旅程


    改變人生的旅程-馬利亞的懷孕旅程 :

  • 人際關係衝突的復和


    世間和平:處理人生矛盾-人際關係衝突的復和 : Christians are called to be “peacemakers.” Yet, we are fallible people too. Our imperfect temperament may sometimes put us into tension with other people. In addition, everyday we find ourselves in heated situations where conflicts between different parties may need our faith to intervene. No matter it may be road rage, spouse arguments, family feud, same team argument among colleagues, even conflicts within the church body…how should we react? How can we defuse the time bombs that may ruin our relationship with others? In adverse situations, how can we act as peacemakers and at the same time demonstrate our faith? We aim at sharing the good news of the bible on how to respond in conflicts. The final sermon will be on the reconciliation between God and man, which will conclude with a seeker friendly message.

  • 神人關係衝突的復和


    世間和平:處理人生矛盾-神人關係衝突的復和 : Christians are called to be “peacemakers.” Yet, we are fallible people too. Our imperfect temperament may sometimes put us into tension with other people. In addition, everyday we find ourselves in heated situations where conflicts between different parties may need our faith to intervene. No matter it may be road rage, spouse arguments, family feud, same team argument among colleagues, even conflicts within the church body…how should we react? How can we defuse the time bombs that may ruin our relationship with others? In adverse situations, how can we act as peacemakers and at the same time demonstrate our faith? We aim at sharing the good news of the bible on how to respond in conflicts. The final sermon will be on the reconciliation between God and man, which will conclude with a seeker friendly message.

  • 教會關係衝突的復和


    世間和平:處理人生矛盾-教會關係衝突的復和 : Christians are called to be “peacemakers.” Yet, we are fallible people too. Our imperfect temperament may sometimes put us into tension with other people. In addition, everyday we find ourselves in heated situations where conflicts between different parties may need our faith to intervene. No matter it may be road rage, spouse arguments, family feud, same team argument among colleagues, even conflicts within the church body…how should we react? How can we defuse the time bombs that may ruin our relationship with others? In adverse situations, how can we act as peacemakers and at the same time demonstrate our faith? We aim at sharing the good news of the bible on how to respond in conflicts. The final sermon will be on the reconciliation between God and man, which will conclude with a seeker friendly message.

  • 家庭關係衝突的復和


    世間和平:處理人生矛盾-家庭關係衝突的復和 : Christians are called to be “peacemakers.” Yet, we are fallible people too. Our imperfect temperament may sometimes put us into tension with other people. In addition, everyday we find ourselves in heated situations where conflicts between different parties may need our faith to intervene. No matter it may be road rage, spouse arguments, family feud, same team argument among colleagues, even conflicts within the church body…how should we react? How can we defuse the time bombs that may ruin our relationship with others? In adverse situations, how can we act as peacemakers and at the same time demonstrate our faith? We aim at sharing the good news of the bible on how to respond in conflicts. The final sermon will be on the reconciliation between God and man, which will conclude with a seeker friendly message.

  • 耶穌的處理衝突秘笈


    世間和平:處理人生矛盾-耶穌的處理衝突秘笈 : Christians are called to be “peacemakers.” Yet, we are fallible people too. Our imperfect temperament may sometimes put us into tension with other people. In addition, everyday we find ourselves in heated situations where conflicts between different parties may need our faith to intervene. No matter it may be road rage, spouse arguments, family feud, same team argument among colleagues, even conflicts within the church body…how should we react? How can we defuse the time bombs that may ruin our relationship with others? In adverse situations, how can we act as peacemakers and at the same time demonstrate our faith? We aim at sharing the good news of the bible on how to respond in conflicts. The final sermon will be on the reconciliation between God and man, which will conclude with a seeker friendly message.

  • 作個使人和睦者


    世間和平:處理人生矛盾-作個使人和睦者 : Christians are called to be “peacemakers.” Yet, we are fallible people too. Our imperfect temperament may sometimes put us into tension with other people. In addition, everyday we find ourselves in heated situations where conflicts between different parties may need our faith to intervene. No matter it may be road rage, spouse arguments, family feud, same team argument among colleagues, even conflicts within the church body…how should we react? How can we defuse the time bombs that may ruin our relationship with others? In adverse situations, how can we act as peacemakers and at the same time demonstrate our faith? We aim at sharing the good news of the bible on how to respond in conflicts. The final sermon will be on the reconciliation between God and man, which will conclude with a seeker friendly message.

  • 提防矛盾與衝突


    世間和平:處理人生矛盾-提防矛盾與衝突 招世超牧師 Rev. Abraham Chiu: Christians are called to be “peacemakers.” Yet, we are fallible people too. Our imperfect temperament may sometimes put us into tension with other people. In addition, everyday we find ourselves in heated situations where conflicts between different parties may need our faith to intervene. No matter it may be road rage, spouse arguments, family feud, same team argument among colleagues, even conflicts within the church body…how should we react? How can we defuse the time bombs that may ruin our relationship with others? In adverse situations, how can we act as peacemakers and at the same time demonstrate our faith? We aim at sharing the good news of the bible on how to respond in conflicts. The final sermon will be on the reconciliation between God and man, which will conclude with a seeker friendly message.

  • 仍有許多我的人


    救救這地-仍有許多我的人 梁廷益牧師 Rev. Ting Yik Leung: Every believer of Christ is called to exercise the Great Commission and each church as a local Community of Believers is called to do the same in a corporate way. As we are to be salt and light of the world, the church needs to be always advancing in order to conquer the territories still being held by Satan. Continue to multiply through planting new churches is not just a practical way to grow a church’s congregation, but also a biblical mandate from the Lord. We hope sermons in this series can motivate members to engage actively in Crosspoint’s missional expansion of planting new churches, especially upcoming projects in San Mateo and Tracy.

  • 堅立教會救這地


    救救這地-堅立教會救這地 招世超牧師 Rev. Abraham Chiu: Every believer of Christ is called to exercise the Great Commission and each church as a local Community of Believers is called to do the same in a corporate way. As we are to be salt and light of the world, the church needs to be always advancing in order to conquer the territories still being held by Satan. Continue to multiply through planting new churches is not just a practical way to grow a church’s congregation, but also a biblical mandate from the Lord. We hope sermons in this series can motivate members to engage actively in Crosspoint’s missional expansion of planting new churches, especially upcoming projects in San Mateo and Tracy.

  • 耶穌照樣差遣你


    救救這地-耶穌照樣差遣你 潘智翔牧師 Rev. Justin Pan: Every believer of Christ is called to exercise the Great Commission and each church as a local Community of Believers is called to do the same in a corporate way. As we are to be salt and light of the world, the church needs to be always advancing in order to conquer the territories still being held by Satan. Continue to multiply through planting new churches is not just a practical way to grow a church’s congregation, but also a biblical mandate from the Lord. We hope sermons in this series can motivate members to engage actively in Crosspoint’s missional expansion of planting new churches, especially upcoming projects in San Mateo and Tracy.

  • 教會承受的使命


    救救這地-教會承受的使命 梁廷益牧師 Rev. Ting Yik Leung: Every believer of Christ is called to exercise the Great Commission and each church as a local Community of Believers is called to do the same in a corporate way. As we are to be salt and light of the world, the church needs to be always advancing in order to conquer the territories still being held by Satan. Continue to multiply through planting new churches is not just a practical way to grow a church’s congregation, but also a biblical mandate from the Lord. We hope sermons in this series can motivate members to engage actively in Crosspoint’s missional expansion of planting new churches, especially upcoming projects in San Mateo and Tracy.

  • 天父爸爸的心意


    救救這地-天父爸爸的心意 潘智翔牧師 Rev. Justin Pan: Every believer of Christ is called to exercise the Great Commission and each church as a local Community of Believers is called to do the same in a corporate way. As we are to be salt and light of the world, the church needs to be always advancing in order to conquer the territories still being held by Satan. Continue to multiply through planting new churches is not just a practical way to grow a church’s congregation, but also a biblical mandate from the Lord. We hope sermons in this series can motivate members to engage actively in Crosspoint’s missional expansion of planting new churches, especially upcoming projects in San Mateo and Tracy.

  • Restoring Brokeness


    特別系列-言歸於好 招世超牧師 Rev. Abraham Chiu:

  • 重建破碎的關係


    愈黑愈亮-重建破碎的關係 鄒勰麟傳道 Pastor Alan Chow:

  • 偏離上帝的子民


    愈黑愈亮-偏離上帝的子民 潘智翔牧師 Rev. Justin Pan:

  • 不合格的拯救者


    愈黑愈亮-不合格的拯救者 梁廷益牧師 Rev. Ting Yik Leung:

  • 被人唾棄的英雄


    愈黑愈亮-被人唾棄的英雄 梁廷益牧師 Rev. Ting Yik Leung:

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