Crosspoint Church (milpitas )




世間和平:處理人生矛盾-作個使人和睦者 : Christians are called to be “peacemakers.” Yet, we are fallible people too. Our imperfect temperament may sometimes put us into tension with other people. In addition, everyday we find ourselves in heated situations where conflicts between different parties may need our faith to intervene. No matter it may be road rage, spouse arguments, family feud, same team argument among colleagues, even conflicts within the church body…how should we react? How can we defuse the time bombs that may ruin our relationship with others? In adverse situations, how can we act as peacemakers and at the same time demonstrate our faith? We aim at sharing the good news of the bible on how to respond in conflicts. The final sermon will be on the reconciliation between God and man, which will conclude with a seeker friendly message.