High Performance Mindset | Learn From World-class Leaders, Consultants, Athletes & Coaches About Mindset



Dr. Cindra Kamphoff, High Performance Coach and Ph.D. in sport and performance psychology, delves into all things related to the mindset of the successful. She interviews world-class consultants, coaches, speakers, entrepreneurs, athletes and leaders about mindset while uncovering their secrets. Each week she also provides a short powerful message with a strategy to reach your best more often. Cindras goal is simple: to help you reach a life of high performance each day while inspiring you to be fully present, confident and passionate about your big dreams. To live a life of high performance, your mind must work for you, not against you. Master your mindset and unlock your potential!


  • 505: Why You Need a Stretch Goal

    14/08/2022 Duration: 05min

    A stretch goal helps you move beyond your current capabilities and performance. It requires sacrifice, dreaming big, and grit, and it should push you toward new possibilities, feeding the fire in your belly. A stretch goal may even be a little uncomfortable to pursue. It might include a new approach or a brand-new path. What hard, gritty goals do you want to pursue?  Quote of the Week: “The key to stretch is to reach for more than you think is possible. Don’t sell yourself short by thinking that you’ll fail.” Jack Welch, Former Chairman of General Electric    Power Phrase this Week: “I stretch myself to keep dreaming big.”

  • 504: How to Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life

    05/08/2022 Duration: 05min

    Today on the podcast we talk about taking 100% responsibility for all areas of your life. This is essential for our success. At the end of my day, you could take the Responsibility Test. As you lie in bed, ask yourself, “Did I take 100 percent responsibility today?” If the answer is no, show yourself some compassion, remembering that you are human and that tomorrow is a new day. Wake up the next morning ready to take 100 percent responsibility.  Power Phrase this Week: “I take 100 percent responsibility for my success.”  Quote of the Week: “Find success by taking responsibility for your life. Learn how to take 100% responsibility.” Jack Canfield 

  • 503: The Keys to High Performance with Dr. Doug Gardner, ThinkSport Consulting Services

    02/08/2022 Duration: 43min

    Dr. Doug Gardner has spent twenty-four years working with athletes, coaches, executives and organizations throughout the athletic and performance spectrum. Doug brings on-the-ground experience, in addition to a theory-to-practice common sense approach to improvement in preparation and performance of both the person and the player. Doug is a respected member in the industry of Applied Sport Psychology, and he has experiences working with the Green Bay Packers, the Boston Red Sox, and the NFL Players Association. In his role with executives, he works to enhance leadership capabilities, build cohesive teams and to grow business opportunities internally and externally. In this interview, Doug and I discuss: The psychology of preparation The role of awareness in high performance How to think neutrally The difference between mindfulness and mindlessness What to do when you overthink HIGH PERFORMANCE MINDSET SHOWNOTES FOR THIS EPISODE: www.cindrakamphoff.com/503 FOLLOW CINDRA ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.co

  • 502: Finding Your Reason for Being

    25/07/2022 Duration: 05min

    We all have the need to matter. How does what you do help, inspire, and provide for others? We achieve our deepest satisfaction when we desire to make a difference in the world. When we understand and express our gifts in the interest and for the sake of others, we feel fully alive. Dr. Cindra encourages you to answer the 4 questions provided and reflect on your ikigai today.  Power Phrase this Week: “I know my reason for being. I live with purpose each day.”  Quote of the Week: “Our ikiagi is different for all of us, but one thing we have in common is that we are all searching for meaning.” Hector Garcia, Author 

  • 501: 5 Ways to Develop Your Grit

    15/07/2022 Duration: 04min

    In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff shares 5 ways we can develop our grit. High performers are gritty. They know what they really, really, really want. They get clear on why they do what they do. They also choose to feel good each day, and give themselves some grace and compassion along the way.  Power Phrase this Week: “I am gritty. I am passionate and have a clear vision of the life I am building.”  Quote of the Week: “Everybody has their own Mount Everest— we were put on this earth to climb.” —Seth Godin, entrepreneur and author   

  • 500: The Mindset to Leverage Your Business with Fabienne Fredrickson, Business Mentor

    09/07/2022 Duration: 49min

    For 20+ years, Fabienne Fredrickson has powerfully mentored thousands of women business owners to grow, then scale their businesses, earning them tens of millions collectively each year, while increasing their time off to enjoy lives they love. Her Leveraged Business methodology is based on her nearly 15 years of experience in generating multiple 7 figures annually with three children at home, while taking 14 weeks of unplugged vacations each year. It is proven to work. Fabienne’s revolutionary book, The Leveraged Business: How You Can Go From Overwhelmed at 6-Figures to 7 Figures (and Get Your Life Back) is the new definitive roadmap on how she’s done it with heart and how you can too, without sacrificing your life. You can get a free copy of the book at TheLeveragedBusinessBook.com, and you can find her at Boldheart.com and on social media channels. In this interview, Fabienne and Cindra discuss: How to develop a leveraged business 8 strategic Leverage Activators to grow your business to $1 million How to

  • 499: How to Know Who You Really Are

    29/06/2022 Duration: 05min

    High performers know who they are. They grow in their awareness of themselves and one way to do that is to identify your core values in a conscious way. Meaning, you decide what values, or core beliefs, you want guiding you in this phase of life. Then, you can use these values to guide your behavior and actions.  Power Phrase this Week: “I know myself and use my values to guide my actions each day.”  Quote of the Week: Elvis Presley said, “Values are like fingerprints. Nobody’s are the same, but you leave them all over everything you do.” 

  • 498: How To Change Your Outlook

    23/06/2022 Duration: 04min

    High performers are intentional with their outlook realizing that they can change their focus at any time. They use the practice of reframing each day when they experience difficulties. They don’t ignore the difficulty, but instead see a different perspective and how experiencing the obstacle is helping them. This helps them feel positive and motivated to keep going in their life, sport, and/or job.   Power Phrase this Week: “I use reframing regularly to keep me passionate and charged for my goals and my life. I see a setback as a comeback.”  Quote of the Week: “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Wayne Dyer 

  • 497: Doing Hard Things

    17/06/2022 Duration: 04min

    In this episode, we talk about how you can do hard things. You are more capable than you realize.  You have a reserve tank that you haven’t even tapped. You can move to the next level whatever that next level is for you. And you can do difficult things 

  • 496: Embracing the New Normal Mindset with John Register, Inspirational Speaker

    10/06/2022 Duration: 51min

    John Register failed to clear a hurdle as he trained for the Olympic Games—a move that led to a tragic accident and altered his life forever. He shifted his focus and embraced a “new normal mindset.” The decorated Persian Gulf War combat U.S. Army veteran world champion became a two-time Paralympic Games Silver Medalist, professional speaker, and global influencer.   Register “amputated his fears” and founded the U.S. Olympic Committee Paralympic Military Sports Program. He authored 10 Stories to Impact Any Leader: Journal Your Way to Leadership Success in Spring 2020 and works with business leaders to hurdle adversity, amputate fear, and embrace a new normal mindset to win life's medals. The artificial leg he used to win the silver medal is displayed in the Olympic and Paralympic Museum in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  In this interview, John and Cindra discuss:  His definition of the “New Normal Mindset”  3 ways to develop the “New Normal Mindset”  How we can “amputate our fear”  10 Power Words to overc

  • 495: You Don't Need a Crystal Ball

    07/06/2022 Duration: 05min

    In this episode, Dr. Cindra talks about the practice of "future-tripping" where we experience anticipatory anxiety and how address future-tripping. She provides us a reminder that you may think that mastering your mindset is like riding a bike—once you learn it, you can always do it—but actually stepping into your potential and living the High Performance Mindset requires ongoing attention. Your mind is a muscle; it takes daily practice to master it. She teaches us how to visit the future without dwelling on it.   This Week's Power Phrase: “My mind is a muscle. It takes daily practice to master it.”  This Week's Quote of the Week: “I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” —Mark Twain  HIGH PERFORMANCE MINDSET SHOWNOTES FOR THIS EPISODE: www.cindrakamphoff.com/495 FOLLOW CINDRA ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cindrakamphoff/  FOLLOW CINDRA ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/mentally_strong  Love the show? Rate and review the show for Cindra to mention you on

  • 495: Letting Go of Comparison

    26/05/2022 Duration: 04min

    It’s easy to compare yourself or your performance to others instead of staying focused on your own improvement. It’s easy because we live in a culture obsessed with comparison. Go deep for a minute: How have you shifted your eyes toward your competitors or others’ achievements or things? How has this impacted your performance or happiness? Would you like to change your focus? In this episode, Dr. Cindra helps us explore the negative consequences of comparison and what to do instead. Power Phrase of the Week: “ I pursue my standard of excellence. I stay gritty and work to be my best one step at a time.” Quote of the Week: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” —Theodore Roosevelt

  • 493: The Pursuit of Authenticity Dr. James Smith, Jr., Keynote Speaker, Coach, Author, and Educator

    21/05/2022 Duration: 50min

    For over 20 years, hundreds of thousands of people, both national and international audiences of all sizes, have experienced the passion, creativity, storytelling, unshakeable positivity and mind-shifting power of Dr. James Smith, Jr. CSP. After 14 years in corporate America, and four years working with several training and development and diversity and inclusion consulting firms, Dr. James formed his own company help others remove self-created and/or organizational barriers to jump into their BIGNESS. A personal-power expert, educator, speaker and coach, Dr. James has taken his message to over 25 countries and has achieved the National Speakers Association Certified Speaking Professional designation – a designation that only about 17 percent of NSA members worldwide have earned. Dr. James has authored three books with The No Excuse Guide to Success: No Matter What Your Boss or Life Throws at You book earning an NAACP Image Award nomination. His most recent book (a co-authored book project), A Collective Brea

  • 492: Believe in the Best-Case Scenario

    11/05/2022 Duration: 05min

    To create the life, performance, and business that you desire and deserve, you have to see it first. You have to have a positive expectation about yourself, other people, and the circumstances in your life. Dr. Kamphoff talks in this episode how when you continually believe in the best-case scenario and make it happen with your "my-scenario", your life changes. This will change your future and bring your grit to a whole new level.  This Week's Power Phrase: “ I focus on what I want to happen. I believe the sky is the limit for me.”  This Week's Quote of the Week: “Don’t spend a lot of time imaging the worst-case scenario. It rarely goes down as you imagine it will, and if by some fluke it does, you will have lived it twice.” —Michael J. Fox 

  • 491: Connect with Your Uniqueness

    06/05/2022 Duration: 06min

    Many of us have gifts that we are not expressing to their fullest. We may not have reflected about what is unique about us, or we might have taken our own unique gifts for granted. We may have even overlooked or downplayed them. But when you name your gifts and work to find your Zone of Genius, you gain more excitement and energy to live your life on purpose. Dr. Kamphoff asks us to consider “What is in your Zone of Genius? How can you spend more time in that zone?” When you make the choice to do just that, you thrive. You spend more time doing what you love and what you were uniquely designed to do.  This Week’s Power Phrase: “I own my unique skills and talents. I engage in what I love.”  Quote of the Week: “Hard work doesn’t feel like hard work when you are doing what you love.” —Unknown 

  • 490: How Expectations Create Pressure

    27/04/2022 Duration: 05min

    Today on the podcast we discuss expectations. Expectations can place pressure on us without even realizing it. To be our best more often, we want to stay focused on excellence, not perfection. We are at our best without expectations when we are focused on the process (the small things we need to do) and our mind is in the present (not the future where expectations live). Today, to be the best you that you can be – do your best and have fun. These two expectations will free you from pressure.  Power Phrase this Week: “I do my best and have fun!”  Quote of the Week: “Expect nothing, appreciate everything.” Anonymous 

  • 489: Silencing Your Inner Critic

    15/04/2022 Duration: 05min

    Your inner critic is your disempowering inner voice that can sounds scared, angry, or judgmental. We want to be aware of our inner critic to reduce it. We all have an inner critic inside of us. Remember our inner critic tends to lie to us. We want to respond to our inner critic with challenging it, and choose a more empowering and truthful statement to tell ourselves instead.  Quote of the Week: “Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.” Brene Brown  This Week’s Power Phrase: “I talk to myself powerfully instead of listening to my inner critic.” 

  • 488: How to Show Gratitude More Often

    13/04/2022 Duration: 05min

    Regularly practicing gratitude is powerful because it has a lasting impact when doing it regularly. Gratitude is connected to better health, more optimism and resilience. Remember, you can shift your focus at any time to what is good and what you are gratitude for in the situation. Choose to take the perspective of a resilient person and draw the good from a difficulty.  Quote of the Week: “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”—Oprah Winfrey  Power Phrase of the Week: “I choose to intentionally practice gratitude daily. I focus on what I am grateful for to stay fueled and excited for my life.” 

  • 487: 4 Pro Tips from a Pro with Dr. Adam Naylor, Performance Psychology Division with Deloitte

    29/03/2022 Duration: 44min

    Dr. Adam Naylor leads the Performance Psychology division of Integrated Mental Health Services for Deloitte and is a mental performance coach for Telos Sport Performance Consulting. He has spent over two decades serving as a mental performance consultant to high performance leaders and competitors – an expert in emotions and mindsets that allow people to thrive and connect well with teams. His clients have stood on Olympic podiums, hoisted the Stanley Cup, competed in tennis’s Grand Slams, won NCAA championships, thrived in international soccer competition, led corporations large and small, and more. He has published and presented widely on topics ranging from self-regulation under stress to the social-environmental factors that shape performance through the psycho-social development of leaders. In this interview, Adam and I discuss: 4 tips to operate under stress and thrive Why the mental game is tough to implement How acceptance allows you to perform confidently HIGH PERFORMANCE MINDSET SHOWNOTES FOR THIS

  • 486: The Power of Self-Awareness

    23/03/2022 Duration: 05min

    In order to reduce overthinking, self-doubt, fear – all of our inner limits – it all starts with self-awareness. Your self-awareness is having an understanding of yourself, your emotions, and what drives you. Cindra challenges you this week to notice yourself – how are you feeling/thinking about, and use the PCR strategy that she discusses to keep increasing your own awareness of yourself.  This Week’s Power Phrase: “I choose to lead the hardest person first—myself.  This Week’s Quote of the Week: “Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad.” Author Debbie Ford 

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