Project Life With Mike Watts: Online Business I Lifestyle I Creating Time



Looking to grow your business, have financial freedom and uplevel your life? Project Life will motivate you to make decisions, move forward and in general, be a badass. Join Mike Watts as he navigates the journey between running an online business, raising a family and being a man in this life.


  • 17.060: Deep Work

    01/05/2017 Duration: 10min

    While in the process of attempting to simplify aspects of his life, Mike chats about Deep Work by Cal Newport. How to weed out the unnecessary, get rid of distractions and refocus on work that moves you forward. Have you read the book? Have thoughts on this episode? Connect with Mike on Instagram or email Mentioned: Deep Work by Cal Newport and the Ezra Klein Show

  • 17.059: Is There Enough Time?

    30/04/2017 Duration: 08min

    Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time?  We spend the time exercising, eating well, reducing stress and more - in an effort to prolong our lives.  Bringing forward the difference between increased life expectancy versus quality of life.  Mike also discusses the vitality in enjoying what you spend your time doing on a daily basis as opposed to simply striving for achievement.  What are your thoughts on this topic? Email!  Mentioned: The Kate & Mike Show and Tim Ferris Podcast with John Crowley

  • 17.058: Dad and Daughter Getaway

    29/04/2017 Duration: 08min

    Mike goes away with his 18 month old daughter for the first time.  Between relaxing, shopping, visiting with friends and lots of walking, Mike shares his surprise with how much he enjoyed the experience.  As well as touching on our mindset when it comes to kids including the importance of letting them follow their own instincts and make their own decisions.  

  • 17.057: Doctor Experience

    28/04/2017 Duration: 08min

    What’s your relationship with yourself and your body? While searching for a new General Practitioner, Mike talks about his views regarding the medical system. How he prefers a proactive approach over a reactive approach, along with the idea of medicine complimenting what we’re already doing rather than supplementing. Stressing the importance of paying attention to how we feel and having control over the approach we take with our health. 

  • 17.056: Fat Burning Mode

    27/04/2017 Duration: 11min

    Getting refocused on his health and body goals, Mike shares a new fat burning method he’s trying out.  Essentially surrounding the idea of eating for only an 8 hour period each day.  Mike explains his experience so far including how it has helped his workouts and made meal planning much more simple. Mentioned: and the Wim Hof Method

  • 17.055: Bill O'Reilly

    26/04/2017 Duration: 14min

    Mike discusses Bill O’Reilly’s exit from Fox News based off numerous sexual harassment accusations.  Looking at how they dealt with the situation and asking questions such as, why don’t they take action faster? And why isn’t this looked upon as something a bit more extreme?  Tying this case into the discussion around fake news, leaving us asking - what is really going on?  If you want to talk about this topic further - check out Mike on Instagram or email

  • 17.054: Being Well Rounded

    25/04/2017 Duration: 12min

    What is stopping you from taking action? Mike shares his view on what it takes to be a well rounded person.  How we often operate in one speciality, require a shift in attitude and need to do something with our knowledge.  Share your thoughts with Mike by email at or on Instagram

  • 17.053: Podcast Review

    24/04/2017 Duration: 15min

    Mike thanks his listeners for their support! Listen in to hear his purpose behind starting the podcast and his goals for its future.  As well as, the benefits he has experienced that go along with a podcast such as consistency, hearing feedback and having an outlet. 

  • 17.052: Working with your Spouse

    23/04/2017 Duration: 15min

    Could you work with your spouse?  Mike shares three pieces of advice from the ongoing learning process of working alongside his wife, Kate.  Starting off with communication being the most crucial, how creating space and being able to ask for help is a necessity and lastly, how sharing their business is always fun and exciting.  Let’s hear your thoughts! Check out Mike on Instagram @mikejwatts

  • 17.051: Culture

    22/04/2017 Duration: 13min

    Today Mike discusses how to create a tribe when building your business and brand.  What to consider when creating community and his thoughts on being part of something bigger than yourself.  Mentioned: and Russell Brunson Podcast

  • 17.050: Focused Motivation

    21/04/2017 Duration: 08min

    What do you do when you’re not feeling motivated? Today Mike shares his methods to recharge and boost inspiration when work needs to get done but you’re not feeling it.  Listen in on how to change your state and get yourself pumped up.  Want more tips? Sign up for Mike’s weekly newsletter @

  • 17.049: A Little Bit of Time

    20/04/2017 Duration: 09min

    Today Mike stresses the importance of having patience when growing a business.  As he watches Kate’s flow of production with their current business endeavour, Mike reflects on where they were only 4 years ago.  When building a business, remember that it’s not all going to happen at once, practice patience and enjoy the ride.  Mentioned: Kate Northrup and Network Marketing with Usana [Project Life Episodes 030 - 033]

  • 17.048: Team Human

    19/04/2017 Duration: 14min

    In today’s episode, Mike shares his thoughts on everything from the media to men to politics.  What we can do to create better male leadership role models, where this has the greatest impact and why we should all be team human. 

  • 17.047: Guns In College

    18/04/2017 Duration: 12min

    How do you feel about gun control in the States?  Mike discusses his thoughts after reading an article about gun use on college campuses.  How he feels it goes against common sense and can only do more harm than good, especially in highly and emotionally charged situations.  Do you agree that it feels more scary than safe?  Let Mike know, email or hit up Mike on Instagram

  • 17.046: Building A Team

    17/04/2017 Duration: 11min

    Does your business have team members?  Today’s episode is all about building, managing and working with a team.  As your business evolves and changes, Mike covers how he guides members of his team and how to get the most value out of each person.  How everything starts at the top with your direction, and figuring out what works best as a business owner.

  • 17.045: United

    16/04/2017 Duration: 10min

    Mike chats about the United Airlines PR disaster.  How he feels it was poorly handled and the way he has dealt with similar situations in his own business.  Along with the need for change when approaching these issues and how being a little more kind could solve our problems.    

  • 17.044: Penelope Speed

    15/04/2017 Duration: 07min

    How do you slow the day right down? Going at your daughter’s speed.  Mike shares his morning where he simply let Penelope’s pace lead the way.  Listen for a lesson in slowing down, appreciating the good things and aiming to go with the flow.   

  • 17.043: The Millennials

    14/04/2017 Duration: 11min

    In today’s episode, Mike attempts to debunk the myth that millennials are lazy.  In school, in debt and pursuing a safe, secure job only because that’s what they’ve been told they are suppose to be doing.  How thinking is switching from collecting to connecting and the impact this shift will have on our society in the years to come. Mentioned: School of Greatness with Lewis Howes

  • 17.042: Entrepreneurship is Lonely

    13/04/2017 Duration: 09min

    One reality of entrepreneurship is your days can get a little lonely.  Mikes shares some of his coping mechanisms to create community during the week, including exercise, activity groups and co-working spaces.  Mentioned: Gary Vaynerchuk and Project Life’s Episode 034: Do Man Shit

  • 17.041: Listening To Your Body

    12/04/2017 Duration: 09min

    After catching up with a friend, Mike reflects on how we often listen to our mind as opposed to listening to our body.  We tell ourselves situations are going better than what the reality actually is and how trusting our bodies can lead us in the right direction.  Check out for more awesome content! 

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