Project Life With Mike Watts: Online Business I Lifestyle I Creating Time



Looking to grow your business, have financial freedom and uplevel your life? Project Life will motivate you to make decisions, move forward and in general, be a badass. Join Mike Watts as he navigates the journey between running an online business, raising a family and being a man in this life.


  • 17.140: How To Communicate Better with Clients

    20/07/2017 Duration: 12min

    When we are communicating with clients regardless of the business, it is very important to learn their communication strategy. During the building of our new home, we haven’t been super happy with the process of working with some of the contractors but overall it has been a great experience. It isn’t about the 1-way communication relationship, it is about the back and forth between the company and the client. This is something we are experiencing here in our business as well.

  • 17.139: Resisting Change

    19/07/2017 Duration: 10min

    Mike Watts explains how his contacts created a journey of resisting the change and opening himself up to thinking about what else is he holding onto in his life.

  • 17.138: Kate's West African Dance Performance

    18/07/2017 Duration: 07min

    The other night, Kate performed in a West African Dance Performance, and it was quite a performance. It was remarkable to see the work these women and men put in to put on such a wonderful show. I loved watching them move and shake and the sounds of the drums are ones that fill me up with so much love.

  • 17.137: The Cubs Way

    17/07/2017 Duration: 10min

    Mike Watts is reading a book called, The Cubs Way, and it explains the journey the Cubs took in winning the World Series. It is a fascinating story of patience and vision to create a dream to come true for lifelong Cubs fans.

  • 17.136: Old People at Musicals

    16/07/2017 Duration: 17min

    This week, Kate and I went to see a musical and I started to notice a theme that happens at these events. Our health is the main thing we take of advantage of in our life and nothing good ever comes from mistreating our own well being. I explain more in today’s episode.

  • 17.135: How To Produce More Content

    15/07/2017 Duration: 09min

    Last week during our team meeting here in Maine, we sat down to talk about the future happenings of It was the first time there has been focus on the content delivered by me within our team. I have usually been the one coming up with the plan to put the information out into the world. This is a huge step in helping my focus of creating the vision I want to see in the world.

  • 17.134: The Little Moments

    14/07/2017 Duration: 06min

    Instead of deciding to work for the rest of the afternoon, I took sometime off to go to the beach and relax. It is something that is hard for me to do and I would like to get better at taking breaks. It would for sure make my entire life a bit better to enjoy the little moments. Today was one of those days.

  • 17.133: Healthier Poops & Competition

    13/07/2017 Duration: 13min

    Mike Watts watched a video of the Crossfit Games Champ, Mat Frazer, and a great story about being a competitor and working out for fun. Plus Mike shares a quick tip on how to have healthier poops.

  • 17.132: A Lesson in Patience with Penelope

    12/07/2017 Duration: 06min

    This morning, Penelope taught me a very little skill in patience when it came to picking up her food after she decided to throw it on the ground during breakfast.

  • 17.131: My Recent Astrology Reading

    11/07/2017 Duration: 18min

    A few days ago, Mike Watts had an astrology reading about his relationship with Kate Northrup and looking at his own chart for where he is at the current moment. This was quite revealing of the current state of his life and direction into the future of parenting, career, relationship, and current manhood. Enjoy this review.

  • 17.130: Noticing A Common Theme In Our Refunds

    10/07/2017 Duration: 13min

    During our auto-webinar recording of The Money Love Course, I am noticing a common theme in why people are returning the course. It isn’t because the content is bad, it is something else.

  • 17.129: Naked Baby Pictures

    09/07/2017 Duration: 06min

    I have been noticing a trend lately of people posting naked baby pictures of their own children on social media posts. This is a practice that needs to stop for the betterment of our society. We have to start treating them like we would treat ourselves. Would we post ourselves naked on IG, i think not!

  • 17.128: Our First In Person Business Meeting

    08/07/2017 Duration: 10min

    Yesterday, we had our first team meeting in Maine planning out the future of the our launches and team meetings. This will be a game changer for our business, improving the speed and efficiency of how we are working on things. Building a local team will take our business to a place we never thought was possible.

  • 17.127: Do You Listen?

    07/07/2017 Duration: 10min

    After listening to a Gary Vaynerchuk keynote, I realized very few people are actually listening to what their mentors or business associates are actually saying when it comes to making their life better. Most of the people asking the questions were moving on to their next question instead of taking action on the advice from Gary.

  • 17.126: Are You Grateful For Your Current Situation?

    06/07/2017 Duration: 12min

    There is something Mike Watts has learned over the past year and it has to do with being grateful for my current situation. Many times throughout the year, I will overlook the goodness happening in life and go to figure out what is going wrong. 2017 is about changing that reality.

  • 17.125: Our 3rd Wedding Anniversary

    05/07/2017 Duration: 08min

    Mike Watts explains what it has been like to be married for 3 years to Kate Northrup Watts. In this episode, he talks about what it has been like to have a best friend and building a life with Kate over the course of 3 years. Being married is fun and it has it challenges, but they are worth it in the grand aspect of life.

  • 17.124: Happy 4th of July

    04/07/2017 Duration: 05min
  • 17.123: Homecoming Post London

    03/07/2017 Duration: 03min

    Mike shares a brief update about traveling back to the states after spending 5 days in London and how that was great for the relationship to rekindle the relationship of life.

  • 17.122: Adele Concert

    02/07/2017 Duration: 17min

    Attending the Adele concert in London was one of the top 3 concerts I have ever been to, being able to see someone stand on stage and have complete control of the situation in front of 100,000 people. Talk about someone being completely in their power and living their life to the fullest and doing it for good. Adele is truly a legend.

  • 17.121: London Trip

    01/07/2017 Duration: 07min

    Mike Watts and Kate Northrup recap their trip to London, while they are still in London. It is such a blessing to go on a trip without Penelope.  Yes, of course we miss her, but taking a trip when it is just the two adults is one of the best things for our marriage. 

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