Pikes Peak Christian Church Sermon Podcast



Its about helping more people more often say Yes to God. God is speaking to us all the time, whispering and coaxing us to follow His lead and trust Him more. Living as a believer is learning to discern the voice of the Lord and being obedient to whatever He says. Some people hear that voice urging them to give God a try. Then they sense the call to give their lives to Christ. That voice continues to speak with greater regularity and boldness as Jesus leads us into the life He designed for us. As He once said, My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27)


  • Life Swap: Swapping Isolation for Connection

    05/03/2017 Duration: 33min

    3-5-17 - Senior Pastor gets ready to swap out this sermon series for a new one by ending this one talking on an inclusive topic. We need to be together, whether you like people or not, we need each other. The church when done right em'bodies' that very well.

  • Life Swap: Swapping Grumbling for Gratitude

    26/02/2017 Duration: 34min

    2-26-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde presses on in our series about swapping out negative aspects of our lives for godlier ones. This one hits home in a little different way than many sermons. Many would hear this and think of someone else that this really needs to be heard by, when in reality this is something all of us need a reminder on. Get lost in complaining, even small petty complaining, is an slippery road to get caught on. We need to look for a life swap in our ways.

  • Life Swap: Swapping Anger for Kindness

    19/02/2017 Duration: 32min

    2-19-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde pulls no punches with this one, hitting home with many on the issue of harbored anger and bitterness. Things can be hard to let go of, hard to give up what we view as control. God has a better plan for us.

  • Life Swap: Swapping Panic for Peace

    12/02/2017 Duration: 31min

    2-12-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde talks about swapping our lives filled with worry for lives filled with faith. It is something that is easier to preach than it is to live out, but if you are able to have a solid rock in your faith when going into uncertain times, it will be an immense help.

  • Life Swap: Swapping Failure For Growth

    05/02/2017 Duration: 29min

    2-05-17 In the first week of the February sermon series called "Life Swap", Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde teaches us how to exchange failures in our lives for growth.

  • I Love Church: They Equip Me For My Mission

    29/01/2017 Duration: 37min

    1/29/17 - In the last week of the "I Love Church" series, Pastor Darrin Ronde talks about how the church helps equip you to live a life of mission.

  • I Love Church: They Tell Me the Truth

    22/01/2017 Duration: 36min

    1-22-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde continues to do what he aims for every week - bring us truth. But this week he does it in a much more direct and sermon topic fashion. The truth can hurt sometimes, but when the church does it's job right, the truth is quite the wonderful tool.

  • I Love Church: Because It Shows Me Who I Am

    15/01/2017 Duration: 27min

    1-15-17 - NextGen Pastor Sam Silveous looks at what makes us who we are. Where are we getting our information from? Advertisements, Social Media, People around us...where is it coming from? Knowing who you are is a question many people strive after intentionally for years, so how can one best answer that? This sermon will help you with that question of 'Who Am I?'

  • I Love Church: They Help Me Experience God

    08/01/2017 Duration: 30min

    1-8-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde goes from talking about the church being family to the church being able to take that relationship and bring you closer to the one relationship that matters most - our relationship with God.

  • I Love Church: Because They're Family!

    01/01/2017 Duration: 30min

    1-1-17 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde starts off the new year with a new series about loving what happens on Sunday - not football - the church! Many have different opinions of what the church is and the role it plays in our lives, but one thing is made clear in Scripture - when the church is done right, the church is family.

  • The Christmas Journey: From History to Your Heart

    29/12/2016 Duration: 20min

    12-24-16 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde closes our sermon series and our year by bringing it all back to what Jesus wants - your heart. He can from Eternity to Earth, from Crib to Cross, all because he wants a relationship with you. He has made history, yet the thing he wants to make most is an impact on your heart and have you call him Lord.

  • The Christmas Journey: From The Crib to The Cross

    18/12/2016 Duration: 29min

    12-18-16 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde widens the scope of Christmas beyond the well known story of Jesus coming down as a baby, bringing us from birth to death and the why of it all. Just who is Jesus and why is he still talked about over 2,000 years later?

  • The Christmas Journey: From Eternity to Earth

    11/12/2016 Duration: 27min

    12-11-16 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde begins our Christmas Series 'In the Beginning'. Sound familiar? Darrin takes a look at who Jesus was before He came down to earth in the form of a little baby. The God of eternity that came down to join us in on our finite planet. We hear why He did so and what that means for us.

  • Vision Sunday: Vision Sunday

    04/12/2016 Duration: 30min

    12-4-16 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde looks back at 2016, highlighting our wins and what came out of this year. He then turns around and looks at our upcoming year of 2017, casting a vision for things to come and where we are wanting to go as a church.

  • Acceptable: Gratitude Ignites

    27/11/2016 Duration: 29min

    11-27-16 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde wraps up the November series with a tie in to the holiday of Thanksgiving and speaks on what having an attitude of thanks with do for you, especially being thankful through and in all things.

  • Acceptable: The Attitude Matters

    20/11/2016 Duration: 29min

    11-20-16 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde wraps up our series on giving with a reminder to give joyfully. No one wants to be given a gift begrudgingly, same goes for God. Just as parents call children to have a good attitude in things we do, so does God require that of us as his children.

  • Acceptable: The Amount Matters

    13/11/2016 Duration: 30min

    11-13-16 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde looks at the weight of your heart and how it shows through the 'weight' of your giving, going through the Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda's of our lives.

  • Acceptable: The Heart Matters

    06/11/2016 Duration: 25min

    11-6-16 - NextGen Pastor Sam Silveous starts off the sermon with a confession and ends the sermon with a conviction. Where is your heart? More importantly, where is your treasure?

  • Acceptable: The Audience Matters

    30/10/2016 Duration: 30min

    10-30-16 - Senior Pastor Darrin Ronde kicks off our new series on generosity, hitting on what who it is we are giving to, why, and what it looks like when we give well. Acceptable is something that we tend to think poorly of by definition, but that isn't necessarily the case when we dive into the Bible.

  • Exiles: I Want To Be Like Daniel

    23/10/2016 Duration: 34min

    10-23-16 - Worship Pastor Matt Ross wraps up our series of Daniel with a story many people are familiar with - Daniel in the Lion's Den. There is quite the tie in to how our culture is today and Daniel's culture in many ways, and Matt takes a look at these things as well as personal tie ins for each of us too.

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