Empowered Love Radio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 256:22:00
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Melanie Tonia Evans is an author, radio host, relationship and dating expert and coach. Shes the author of the books Breaking the Chains of Painful Love and Take Back Your Power. Melanies work resulted from her own nearly fatal experiences with narcissistic abuse, co-dependency and relationship addiction. Melanie is now a world expert on empowering women and healing painful love. Her deep core writing, teaching, coaching and healings are now liberating women world wide to stand up and take back their power in order to create a life of deservedness whereby they can attract and sustain genuine and healthy love relationships.Heal the past. Heal yourself. Create real love!www.melanietoniaevans.com


  • Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story 10: Christine

    06/11/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    This Thriver Story is one that many people will be able to relate to.   Christine is intelligent, academic and successful and she had never experienced abuse in her life previously.   In fact she did not believe that in any shape or form that she had co-dependent or addictive tendencies.   Despite this Christine found herself in a 12 year marriage with a narcissist.   During this show you will learn about Christine’s story and the deep inner discoveries she found out about her inner programs, and how she was able to leave, recover and claim her now incredible and lovingly authentic life.

  • How To REALLY Help Our Children Affected By Narcissists

    30/10/2013 Duration: 38min

    This radio show is one I am very passionate about doing because I know there is so much distress In the New Life community regarding children affected by narcissistic relationships.   I did a radio show and blog article some months ago on this topic – however this radio show is a deeper look at how we can change our emotional set-point in order to change what is happening with our children.   If you are struggling with fear, pain and anguish as a result of what is happening with your children, this show is a must listen to show.

  • Relationships of Security or Consciousness?

    23/10/2013 Duration: 36min

    This radio show is in response to a request that was posted on my Facebook page by a gentleman recently.   He wanted to know how we can identify what our needs are in relationship and how to get them met.   During this show I talk about how the structure of relationships has rapidly evolved, and the consciousness required now to create true relatedness of love instead of fear.   During this show you will learn how vital aligned values are as opposed to interests, and how to identify what compatible values really are.   You will also discover how to identify what your needs really are, and how to have them healthily met.  

  • Abuse, Safety Planning and Support Services with Fiona

    17/10/2013 Duration: 01h09min

    This show is a very important one for the New Life Community. It is an interview with a lady who works on ‘the front’ line with domestic violence (DV), and it is fantastic that we can receive her knowledge and advice today.   I know personally how involved my work is with people who have been abused, but truly I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be to see the real life results of abuse in the flesh day after day, and have to deal with the trauma of what goes on.   This lady in my eyes is incredible, and it is such a privileged to have her on my show.   This show is a powerful show to listen to if you are in a high-risk situation with a narcissist, or know anyone else who is.  

  • Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story 9: Stephanie

    08/10/2013 Duration: 01h24min

      In this very important Thriver Show you will learn about Stephanie's struggle with severe relationship addiction and co-dependency.   This story is one of incredible heartbreak, abandonment and survival, and how Stephanie found the way to heal her inner programing, break free from the attachments to a totally unavailable narcissist, and transform her and her children’s life.   If you, as I did also, have struggled greatly with relationship addiction, and not being able to let go, no matter how much a relationship is damaging you - this show is a vital one for you to listen to.

  • Transforming The Biggest Hurt

    01/10/2013 Duration: 36min

    This radio show is about the deepest and most painful wounds that narcissists can inflict.   How do we transform ourselves past these wounds?   What is Soul Work and radical responsibility and how can this dramatically improve and recover our life?   During this show you will discover what my 'biggest hurt' was, how I transformed it -  and how you can heal past your biggest hurt too. This radio show is about the deepest and most painful wounds that narcissists can inflict.   How do we transform ourselves past these wounds?   What is Soul Work and radical responsibility and how can this dramatically improve and recover our life?   During this show you will discover what my 'biggest hurt' was, how I transformed it -  and how you can heal past your biggest hurt too.    

  • What Would It Take For A Narcissist To Heal?

    24/09/2013 Duration: 40min

    This is a very big topic. It is a question I get asked many, many times…   Understandably many people want to believe narcissists can heal - and want to find out what it would take for one to recover from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.   During this show I'd like to take you on a deep journey in order to answer this question - as well as provide you extended information about this topic…

  • Why Do We Need To Be In Our Body?

    17/09/2013 Duration: 37min

    This radio show is about one of the HUGEST realisations I discovered in regard to recovery from narcissistic abuse.   You will learn what it means to be 'in our body', the pain and trauma we experience when we aren't, and how to work at turning your life 'inside' in order to come home to being in your body.   If you have had enough of the emotional pain and torment, this is a MUST listen to show.

  • Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story 8: Sherry

    11/09/2013 Duration: 43min

    This Thriver show is Sherry's story, about a childhood 'sweetheart' who ended up being her love partner in her 40's.   Sherry's story is one that many people including myself can relate to. False accusations, jealousy, and insane narcissistic projections – the things her partner was secretly doing.   Discover how Sherry was able to finally detach, say No Contact for ever, stay away and heal.   After only just after 8 months since her narc relationship Sherry has stated to the NARC Group and myself the difference between her life now is 'night' and 'day'.   I hope you enjoy her inspirational story.

  • The Fear Of Being Vulnerable With Ourselves

    03/09/2013 Duration: 33min

    This show could provide a big key of awareness to assist your recovery from narcissistic abuse.   During this show you will learn the difference between accepting our woundedness, and the ability to BE with our inner wounds, rather than immediately seek to ‘fix’ them.   This show is a sharing of my personal experience in becoming comfortable with my inner vulnerabilities and ability to self-soothe. I hope this grants you inspiration to be able to achieve the same!

  • What Is Manipulation Really About?

    27/08/2013 Duration: 36min

    During this radio show you will learn about the true reasons why people manipulate - and where the behaviour really stems from.   This show is a deeper look into core identity wounds and belief systems and how ‘being maladaptive’ can play out in anybody’s life - not just the lives of people who don't possess a conscience.

  • Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story 7: Neringa

    20/08/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    Neringa’s story is one about living in a long term narcissistic marriage, which Neringa has finally been able to separate from. Neringa' story is a little different from many of the Thriver Shows, in that she did not use the NARP Program for an extended period of time, or even regularly for her inner shifts to occur. I know that many people in the community will be able to relate to Neringa’s marriage and her life up until this point. This is a pretty amazing story!    

  • Healthy Love Relationships - Having Your Own Identity

    13/08/2013 Duration: 42min

    This show is about the reasons why many relationships are based on unhealthy foundations. Why is it important to establish our own identity before entering relationships? What does this mean, and how do we do that? What is the difference between seeking happiness, and being authentically happy? During this very show you will learn about these things and so much more.    

  • The Truth About Shame

    06/08/2013 Duration: 34min

    In this show you will learn what shame is, and discover how co-dependents and narcissists can match up with each other, as a result of inner feelings of shame. The show will explain why shame is so destructive to individuals and relationships, and what we can do to confront and release the shame that may be poisoning our life.

  • The Futility Of My Life Will Better When...

    30/07/2013 Duration: 53min

    This radio show is another one about understanding and dissolving our ego. During this show you will learn how the ego is the pain body which does not want us to be present in 'The Now'. It keeps us trapped in the stories of “I can't be happy because this happened to me”, and “I won't be satisfied or happy until I get that thing I want in the future." How does this state of egoic living affecting us? How do we separate from this ongoing emotional pain? How do we open up to becoming, feeling and living in our True State of healthy emotions and joy for living? Discover more in this radio show.

  • Are You With A Narcissist?

    24/07/2013 Duration: 30min

    This radio show is a purposeful broadcast about how to identify a person who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Unfortunately there is a great deal of confusion in the world as to what narcissism really means, and how to know if a particular person is in fact narcissistic. This radio show is a part of the campaign to raise awarneness, and therefore I invite you to share this radio show widely, as well as the corresponding artcile on my blog http://blog.melanietoniaevans.com/  

  • Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story 6: Deanna

    17/07/2013 Duration: 01h04min

    This Thriver Story - is so far the one which I personally relate to the most - and I know that many people in the community will as well. Deanna's story is about meeting and marrying a narcissist later in life, after having experienced other previous committed relationships. How do we recover from later relationships with narcissists at mid-life? From this story you will learn how Deanna healed, recovered and thrived. I know this interview can grant you much hope and inspiration.  

  • Transforming Family Of Origin Wounds Mini-Course Release

    10/07/2013 Duration: 49min

    Today is a very exciting day, because today I am releasing my first ever Healing Program which directly targets the emotional wounds and programming we received in our childhood.   In this radio show you will hear interviews from two of the ladies who trialled this Mini Course, as well as the incredible results I have achieved with my own family of origin as a result of working with these Healings.   The Benefits of the Transforming Family Of Origins Wounds Mini Program are:   Allows you to target your family of origin wounds with laser-like precision   Enables you to let go of any pain or wound, which you are still holding onto from your family and upbringing, no matter how deep or painful   Grants wonderful opportunities to transform the relationships with your non-narcissistic family members and other people in your life   Provides the strength to put up boundaries or do No Contact with narcissistic individuals, and allows you to achieve acceptance for the people you can't change   Fills

  • From The Wounded Child To The Liberated Adult

    02/07/2013 Duration: 52min

    This radio show is part 2 of the series 'How To Transform Your Family Of Origin Wounds'.   During this show you will learn about Healthy Integrated Mother and Father Energy  - and how we are affected if we do integrate it - and how we are if we haven't.   This show will allow you to understand how to release old subconscious programs, and how this can positively change your life and affect your future relationships.      

  • Healing Childhood Wounds

    25/06/2013 Duration: 27min

    This show is in response to the many emails I receive from people in regard to narcissistic Family of Origin wounds.   Within this show I share with you details of inner healing work for Family of Origin wounds, my own personal experience as a result of doing this inner work - and the new upcoming Transforming Family of Origin Wounds mini-program to be released shortly.  

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