The Pe Geek Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 40:02:03
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The PE Geek Podcast is the number one destination for anyone interested in utilising technologies within their Physical Education classroom. The Podcast explores current tools, trends and classroom proven ideas.


  • Episode 66 - Saving Time Using Technology with Pat Coleman

    09/09/2016 Duration: 21min

    In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast I speak with Pat Coleman, a Physical Education teacher from Launceston in Tasmania, Australia. Throughout the episode, we discuss how technologies can enable us to become more efficient ultimately saving us time.Topics touched on this episode include;Microsoft vs Google PlatformsAccountability & Collaboration in the digital ageMicrosoft SwayQR Codes & Augmented Reality Webinar

  • Episode 65 - How I Got Started Using Tech in PE with Kari Bullis

    03/09/2016 Duration: 23min

    In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast we speak with Kari Bullis from Iowa about how she got started with technology in her Physical Education classroom. Throughout the episode we touch on becoming more efficient and effective can be a massive buy in for technology usage. We also discuss how apps such as Yoga Studio enable us to bring experts into the classroom for our students.

  • Episode 64 - Drones & Robotics in PE

    23/08/2016 Duration: 18min

    In episode 64 of The PE Geek Podcast I discuss one of the most disruptive emerging technologies we're likely to see in the coming years. Robotics and in particular Drones have been exploding recently with their use becoming possible in industries and situations we could of only dreamt about in the past. During the episode I explore the opportunities that these technologies will provide to schools and in particular the PhysEd classroom.

  • Episode 63 - Lifelong Learners & Movers with Naomi Hartl

    06/08/2016 Duration: 18min

    n this episode of The PE Geek Podcast we talk with the amazing Naomi Hartl. Naomi shares how a mere QR Code took her on a journey of tech in PhysEd discovery leading her to the current role as PE development and technology specialist with SPARK. Naomi's shares her experiences working with teachers and lessons learned along the way.Resources for this episode includeFollow Naomi on TwitterQR Code Skill Posters AirServer, Reflector 2Bam Video Delay & Hudl TechniquePlickers

  • Episode 62 - The Power of Creation with Ryan Ellis

    23/07/2016 Duration: 24min

    In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast I speak with the founder of The PE Umbrella Podcast 'Ryan Ellis'. We discuss how an older brother influenced his journey to the classroom and how he eventually ended up in Physical Education. Ryan also shares how to foster intrinsic motivation and how technology can play a role in this process. Finally we discuss the power of creation and why our activities should foster this important characteristic in our students.

  • Episode 61 - It's All About Gymnastics with Gemma Coles

    10/07/2016 Duration: 17min

    In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast, we talk with the Amazing Gemma Coles of Head Over Heels about Gymnastics. Throughout the episode we discuss the importance of gymnastics in the development of physical literacy in our students and also touch on the role that Technology can play when teaching gymnastic skills. Gemma is such an advocate for teaching these important skills that she's pieced together an incredible mobile app resource to help all teachers introduce these skills into their programs.Resources for this episode includeGemmas WebsiteHead Over Heels About Gymnastics App

  • Episode 60 - The Global Education Digital Disruption

    27/06/2016 Duration: 34min

    In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast, we take a look at the emerging technologies which WILL impact education as we know it. This includes technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality & 3D printing and how they're exponentially evolving and converging to disrupt entire industries. Education & therefore Physical Education will be NO different.We back this up by what Peter Diamandis refers to as the 3 D's, namely 'Digitisation, Deception & Disruption', and how many emerging technologies that will impact education are still in the deceptive phase resulting in them being widely ignored by teachers & schools.Finally we talk about how the technologies will make our role as educators more meaningful, allowing us to focus on what we do best and ensure that the world gets equal access to high quality education. The future is bright.

  • Episode 59 - The 4C's with Nathan Horne

    15/06/2016 Duration: 26min

    In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast, we chat with none other than Nathan Horne of, as he shares his journey using Technology in his PhysED practice. Nathan also discusses his brilliant framework, the 4c's which help him categorise the tech tools he uses into more meaningful buckets.Resources shared throughout the episode includeNathan's Website Follow Nathan on TwitterDoctopus & Google Drive

  • Episode 58 - ConnectedPE

    30/05/2016 Duration: 16min

    In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast, I introduce you to ConnectedPE. We explore the upcoming online conference, the ConnectedPE Community, the ConnectedPE Conference in Dubai & the new ConnectedPE Podcast.Websites mentioned in this episode1. ConnectedPE - Details surrounding the upcoming physical education conference in Dubai. This game changing conference is not to be missed.2. The ConnectedPE Online Conference - Register for the FREE online physical education conference starting June 6th, 2016. Missed the conference? get access to the recap and replays via the website3. The ConnectedPE Community - Join the ConnectedPE Physical Education Community for ongoing professional development.4. The ConnectedPE Podcast - Subscribe to the new podcast for bite sized professional development perfect for Physical Educators on the Move.

  • Episode 57 - The A-Z of PE Apps

    22/05/2016 Duration: 27min

    In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast, I set myself a challenge to come up with a list of apps that follow alphabetical order, selecting only one app from each letter. The process of compiling the list proved to be difficult, as many share the same starting letters, ultimately resulting in a need to select one between many favourites.So what criteria did I use?They needed to be Apps that I personally have used and found value with.They could be either teacher use/efficiency toolsThey could be tools to help you achieve something you couldn't do without itThey could be student/teacher resource based toolsThey could be student focused and help students create or reconstruct meaning in different formsThey could be teacher professional learning aides

  • Episode 56 - Saving Time Through Outsourcing

    08/05/2016 Duration: 21min

    In episode 56 of The PE Geek Podcast I share ways in which you can utilise outsourcing to leverage your greatest asset, time. We discuss the fact that no one on earth has an expertise or skills in everything and as a result teachers need to be comfortable with the need to outsource.Throughout the episode we explore outsourcing in the following areasWith immediate colleagues/experts in your school or district; Mobile apps and online resources; Online experts and outsourcing services such as

  • Episode 55 - Navigating the Journey with Andy Milne

    29/04/2016 Duration: 22min

    In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast, I speak with none other than Andy Milne, a British-born Physical Education & Health Teacher, who's career has taken him from London to Chicago via Auckland, Athens, Barcelona & Cairo. Andy is an incredibly deep thinker who has been using technology exceptionally well in his practice for many years. Grab a cup of tea and sit back as Andy drops a tonne of value on this episode. Resources and links mentioned in the episode include; iMovie, iBooks Author, Garageband BaM Video Delay Stitcher App #PhysED podcasts such as Shape America, Voxcast Other Podcasts such as TED Talks, This American Life, Snap Judgment, Combat Jack Show Follow Andy on Twitter Andys Blog

  • Episode 54 - Saving Time Through Automation

    11/04/2016 Duration: 30min

    In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast, we explore the power of automation and how we can use it to leverage our time.Automation plays a big part in helping me manage over 200 emails per day, social media accounts and so much more without spending much time at all using devices.Resources shared in this episode includeRSS Feeds & Feedly, FlipboardFollow Up Then, Boomerang, Unroll.meActive Inbox WorkflowsIFTT

  • Episode 53 - The Power of Connection with Dave Carney

    27/03/2016 Duration: 18min

    In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast, I speak with Dave Carney, an amazing Physical Educator from Fort Myers in Florida. Dave shares how his teaching has changed since becoming a connected educator and how he got started using Technology in PE. If you've ever debated about becoming connected, Dave's story and successes will reinforce just how powerful it can be.Resources mentioned in the episodeIt's Now Possible eBookSports Education Tchoukball UnitCollabraCam, Video Tagger Pro, Balance It, CoachNote, Run-Lap-Tap

  • Episode 52 - Taking Fitness to the Next Level with Dale Sidebottom

    13/03/2016 Duration: 21min

    In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast, I chat with Dale Sidebottom, a Physical Education Teacher, App Developer, Personal Trainer from Melbourne, Australia. Dale discusses how he got started with Tech in PE during a teaching stint in London & how this lead to the development of his first mobile app.Resources shared in the episode include:1. ClassBreak, Easy Portfolio, Team Shake2. PE Shake, RipDeck, FitBreak

  • Episode 51 - Google Forms & PE

    28/02/2016 Duration: 26min

    In this episode of The PE Geek podcast, we explore the amazing opportunities that Google Forms provide for the Physical Education classroom. The opportunities are truly endless, and the benefit they provide to your workflows can be truly transformative to your efficiency and productivity.

  • Episode 50 - 50 Tech & PE Ideas from Teachers Around the Globe

    14/02/2016 Duration: 30min

    In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast, we reach the momentous 50th episode milestone. When I first started out on this journey way back in August of 2013, I didn't imagine that the podcast would be as big of a hit as it has become. As such I didn't anticipate that it would be as immensely valued by the listeners as it has grown to be. To say that I appreciate the chance to produce the podcasts would be a huge understatement as they have proven to be the simplest and most powerful way to share to a global audience. I simply love podcasting, and you all seem to follow in my appreciate through the downloads of this show.To celebrate the 50th Episode of The PE Geek Podcast, I wanted to tap into the audience of Physical Education teachers across the globe and ask them one simple question "What App, Device, Tech Tool, Tip or Trick would you share with others & why". The responses were recorded in Voxer and make up the bulk of today's episode. It's jam packed full of amazingness.

  • Episode 49 - Virtual Guest Speakers

    01/02/2016 Duration: 21min

    In this episode of The PE Geek podcast, we explore the reasons why you should bring virtual guest speakers into your PE Classroom. We focus on the ways you can reach out to celebrities and sports personalities to lock them down as speakers and the tools to conduct the sessions successfully. We also discuss a number examples of PE Techers using virtual guest speakers for amazing learning benefit.Topics & resources explored in today’s episode includeWhy you should bring virtual guest speakers into your classroomGoogle Hangouts, Skype & Appear.inSpeakpipe &

  • Episode 48 - GPS & Physical Education

    18/01/2016 Duration: 23min

    In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast, we explore how GPS can be integrated into the PE environment. Everything from treasure hunts, through to deep immersive experiences is covered. We also look at how sports science classes and those teaching physiological concepts can benefit from GPS units.

  • Episode 47 - Simplify Your Life with James Schramko

    07/01/2016 Duration: 24min

    In today's episode, we kick start 2016 with an amazing interview with James Schramko of the episode, we explore some of the core principles that help people grow as professionals and achieve outstanding results. We also dive deep into the power of a digital detox and going 'analog' in our daily lives and how this can impact the lives that we lead. Other concepts explored in the episode include1. How deliberate planning works2. Why one at a time goals make sense for growth3. The meaning of Ikigai4. Why you should question everything5. and much much more..If you're looking for accountability and support to grow as a PE professional and implement many of the concepts featured in today's episode, then I strongly encourage you to take a look at the ConnectedPE community at

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