The Child Whisperer Show With Carol Tuttle



What keeps your good parenting from being GREAT parenting? Learn to become a Child Whisperer with Carol's bestselling book and weekly podcast. You too can have happy, successful, cooperative children when you now their true nature.Carol Tuttle is a highly trusted parent educator and personal development pioneer. Millions of families have been blessed by Carol's work and teachings. After Carol's formal education as a Teacher, she went on to study numerous natural and complementary healing techniques. She is an expert on human nature and presents her understanding's in her easy to learn Energy Profiling system. Carol invites you to call in (347-677-1963) with your questions during the live broadcast. Her expert advice and heartfelt support will help you become a conscious, intentional parent who creates a supportive experience for both children and parents.Want to ask a question before the show? Send Carol an email: parenting@liveyourtruth.comLearn more about Carol at


  • 2 Gentle Ways to Help Your Type 2 Child Feel Loved

    13/04/2020 Duration: 12min

    Your Type 2 children will relax and whine less when you do these: What does your Type 2 child need from you that they're not getting? With just a little effort applied, you can have huge returns in your relationship with your child, while boosting their cooperation and well-being. In this episode, Carol and Anne share two subtle shifts that make parenting easier and your Type 2 child's life more comfortable. This Episode's Parenting Practice Listen to this episode for the 2 subtle shifts to make your relationship with your Type 2 child more comfortable. What personal a-has did you have while listening? And what can you start doing today that you're not to create more trust and rapport with your Type 2 child? Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.

  • 2 Key Ways to Help Your Type 1 Child Feel Loved

    16/03/2020 Duration: 11min

    You love them. But do they FEEL it, based on their Type? You have so much to manage as a parent that sometimes, it's easy to forget the basics. This episode helps you remember two key things your Type 1 child needs from you in order to feel loved and light. In this episode, Carol and Anne share two key basics that make parenting easier and your Type 1 child's life happier. This episode's Parenting Practice Listen to this episode for the 2 simple tips to brighten your Type 1 child's experience. Which one can you start doing? Follow the "a-ha" you have while listening to easily create more fun with your Type 1 child. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.

  • ADHD or Type 3 Energy? How to See the Difference

    17/02/2020 Duration: 17min

    "What does Type 3 energy look like compared to ADHD?" This episode's question comes from a parent whose second-grader brings home bad behavior reports from school every week. She doesn't know if he's just a high-energy child or if he has a medical condition that needs attention.  In this episode, Carol and Anne share important questions to consider, resources to research, and things to pay attention in your unique child. This week’s Parenting Practice Don't settle. Medical conditions like ADHD are connected to brain health and so many factors affect the brain. Before going along with any educator's recommendation, educate yourself. Look into the resources in this episode. Trust that you will be led to the info that is correct for your child, so that you are informed about the decisions you make on your child's behalf. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.

  • Physically Aggressive Child? Here's a Hidden Solution

    20/01/2020 Duration: 13min

    There's something they don't know how to tell you... Learning appropriate physical boundaries is part of childhood development. But what do you do when a child acts physically aggressive, even after they've been corrected and taught over and over? In this episode, Anne and Carol help you uncover the hidden message in your child's aggressive behavior. It could transform your entire family This week’s Parenting Practice If your child is presenting ongoing behavior that you can't seem to correct, step back. Way back. Rather than focus on the child's behavior, look at the whole situation, including family interactions, daily routines, and the Types of everyone involved. Ask for inspiration to see the larger issue. Once you see it, you have the power to influence a shift. Listen to this episode for tips. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.

  • How to Help Loud Children Quiet Down in Public

    23/12/2019 Duration: 12min

    Church, weddings, movies, restaurants... In some scenarios, you can't just let your high-energy child run loud and free. They need to sit still and stay quieter. But if they fight it, what do you do? In this episode, Anne and Carol share helpful insights about age, Type, and expectations. With some preparation and perspective, you can move through quiet events, while also helping your louder child get what they need. This episodes Parenting Practice Listen to this episode for tips that can help all 4 Types (even the quieter ones). The next time you need to enter a situation where your little ones are expected to sit still, prepare for it with this episode's tips, practice having a realistic expectation, and praise your child for how well they're doing. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.

  • How to Determine Your Child's Secondary Energy Type

    25/11/2019 Duration: 31min

     The word to take from this episode: Filling! (Listen to find out) Discovering your child's Energy Type can transform your relationship. But have you ever felt stressed about determining their secondary Type, too? In this episode, Carol and Anne help you see how to be an effective Child Whispering parent—even if you don't know their secondary yet! Their tips will help you simplify how you see your child, for a happier relationship. This week’s Parenting Practice Have fun considering your child's secondary Energy Type (rather than seeing it as something essential to know). Listen to the tips in this episode and then pay attention to what your child is showing you in their actions this week. What is your child's secondary Type? Consider how that information may be useful to you in any challenges that have come up in your parenting lately. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.

  • How to Talk About Sex With Each Type of Child

    28/10/2019 Duration: 15min

    How do you have "The Talk" with your children? You want to get it right. But you're not sure the best way or best age to go about it. How do you talk with your child about sex? In this episode, Carol and Anne share the two kinds of conversations that should happen separately. They also give specific tips for how to approach this topic with each of the 4 Types of children. Listen and feel more confident the next time your child seems curious.    This episode's Parenting Practice Pay attention to your intuition. What opportunities are presenting for you to talk with your children about sex? Use the tips in this episode to have the conversations that set your children up for healthy, successful sexual experiences when they get older. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.

  • When Potty Training Stalls or Goes Backward

    30/09/2019 Duration: 23min

    Customize your approach and see results Every child is unique—and so is their potty training experience! Some kids drag out the diaper stage and others potty train themselves in a day.  To have a smoother potty training experience (for everyone, including you), it's important to know which of the 4 Types of children you're working with. Customizing your approach will make it easier for your child to potty train successfully.   This episode's Parenting Practice If you're in the potty training phase, take a look at how you're approaching the experience. Listen to this episode and use the tips and techniques for your specific Type of child. Enjoy more success in leaving diapers behind! Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.

  • Want a Successful School Year? How to Create it With Your Kids

    02/09/2019 Duration: 16min

    Together, you're capable of creating their best school year yet. When you have school-age children, their school experience affects so many aspects of your family's life. How do you set them up for success all year? In this episode, Carol and Anne show you how you and your children can create the school experiences you want together. Their tips will help your children feel confident that they can create their lives.   This episode's Parenting Practice This week, set intentions for the school year with your family—either one on one with your children, or together as a family. Write them out in clear phrases of what you're choosing to experience. Listen to this episode for tips on how to bring these desires to life.   Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.

  • Are You an Extrovert Raising an Introvert Child? 3 Tips That Work

    05/08/2019 Duration: 17min

    Get these tips right and your introverted child won't shut you out. When you're a high-energy parent, raising a low-energy child isn't always intuitive. You can feel the tension between their pace and yours. In this episode, Carol and Anne help you understand your child's speed, their whininess, and their tendency to go inward. Try these tips and you'll build a balanced relationship where there's room for you both.  This week’s Parenting Practice Listen to the 3 tips in this week's episode. What stood out to you? You're good at making things happen right away. So make those changes so you can create more balance and harmony in your home with your children. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox. 

  • 3 Relieving Tips for Introvert Parents Raising Extrovert Children

    29/07/2019 Duration: 13min

    Do you ever get worn out by a child who is busy, busy, busy? If you're a low-energy parent raising a high-energy child, you already know that the combo can leave you exhausted and your child stifled. What to do? In this episode, Carol and Anne help you better understand your extroverted child. Their 3 simple tips will help both you and your child get when you need, so that life and parenting feel more balanced. This week’s Parenting Practice If parenting is wearing you out, or things are feeling out of balance with your child, listen to this episode and choose one tip to apply. Trust that are capable of creating more balance and harmony, so that you can be the parent that you want to be for your children. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox. 

  • 3 Parenting Mistakes That Drive Your Type 4 Child Away

    22/07/2019 Duration: 23min

    You can have the agreeable, respectful relationship you want Type 4 children can be the easiest to parent—or the most challenging, depending on how you approach them.  In this episode, Carol and Anne share 3 mistakes that can cause sharp divisions between you and your Type 4 child. They give you tips that will help you forge deep parent/child bonds and a relationship of respect. This week’s Parenting Practice Listen to the 3 mistakes in this episode. Choose one and make the correction with the tips given. Go back to The Child Whisperer book and reread the Type 4 section, paying attention to the phases of development for your Type 4 child.  Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox. 

  • Have a Type 3 Child? 3 Big Mistakes Parents Make

    15/07/2019 Duration: 16min

    What to do when they get into everything... including matches. You love your Type 3 child. They're dynamic. They're strong. But you might make some mistakes along the way that squash their big energy. In this episode, Carol and Anne share 3 mistakes that shut down your Type 3 child's nature (and might actually make life harder for you). They give you tips of things to say and do to help your child grow into their best self. This week’s Parenting Practice Listen to this episode and choose the mistake that feels strongest to you. Use that as inspiration to make a change, so that your child doesn't have to heal from this later in life. What can you do today, this week, that validates your Type 3 child's true nature?  Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox. 

  • 3 Subtle Mistakes Parents Make With A Type 2 Child

    08/07/2019 Duration: 20min

    Correct these mistakes and your child will relax into who they really are. You love your child. You're committed to helping them be their best. But if you're not aware, you can slip into mistakes that undermine your efforts. In this episode, Carol and Anne share 3 ways you might be wounding your Type 2 child's tender nature. Their suggestions will not only honor your child but help you deal with your child's endless questions. This week’s Parenting Practice Listen to this week's episode. Which of the 3 mistakes do you see in your own parenting experience? Consider the ways that you can acknowledge your Type 2 child's gifts and better support their gentle, planned-out nature. Refer to the Type 2 section of The Child Whisperer book for additional insight. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox. 

  • Do You Make These 3 Mistakes With Your Type 1 Child?

    02/07/2019 Duration: 18min

    Even when you know your child's nature, you can make some honest mistakes. If you're a Child Whispering parent, you're committed to helping your child be their best self. But it can be easy to slip into some common mistakes. In this episode, Carol and Anne share 3 ways you might be shutting down your fun-loving child without realizing it. Their suggestions will help you honor the child who's naturally bright, bubbly, and playful. This week’s Parenting Practice Listen to this week's episode. Which of the 3 mistakes do you see yourself in? What change can you make based on the suggestions? There's no shame or guilt in these mistakes—just an opportunity to be more aware as a parent and support your child in growing true to their nature. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox. 

  • How to Parent True to Your Type & Be Seen As the Authority

    10/06/2019 Duration: 19min

    Ever get frustrated that your kids won't listen or take you seriously? Sometimes you're just too tired to stay consistent and follow through with consequences. You end up saying, "No, don't do that" to your kids several times—but they do it anyway! Then you feel as though you have to be louder and meaner to get them to listen.  In this episode, Carol & Anne talk about why it can be challenging for parents to follow through and the desperation that comes from a lack of consequences. You'll learn simple, helpful tips that you can start applying today to create a more harmonious home.  This week’s Parenting Practice Look at the parts of your life where you may have gotten yourself into a parenting rut due to a lack of follow-through and desperate threats. What are the common situations in your family where your kids push boundaries? Consider the natural cause and effect consequences you could enforce without yelling or arguing. It's possible to have impeccable follow-through, true to your Type. Learn mo

  • "My Child Hates Her Carseat. What Do I Do?"

    03/06/2019 Duration: 12min

    When your child is screaming in the car seat, it's stressful for everyone. You want to have an enjoyable experience, but when your child hates her car seat, that feels impossible! You've tried all the tricks and distractions you can think of. What else is there to do? In this episode, Carol & Anne talk about why each Type of child may hate their car seat—it's not the same for everyone! You'll learn the best questions to ask yourself, specific to your child's needs, so you can have a harmonious drive that supports everyone. This week’s Parenting Practice Look at the overall movement of your child and use creative ideas to make the car ride more enjoyable. How can you make it more fun for your Type 1 child? For your Type 2 child, how can they feel more comfortable? If you have a Type 3 child, how could you make it more of a challenge, a practical experience? And finally, for Type 4, how can you reason with them and make it clear for their matter-of-fact minds? Learn more from Carol each week! Visit the

  • Why Your Child Shuts Down (& What To Do About It)

    27/05/2019 Duration: 24min

    It can be frustrating for both you and your child when they meet resistance and start shutting down. What's going on in their minds - or lives - that makes them behave the way they do? In this episode, Carol & Anne give helpful insights about why each Type of child shuts down—and how that looks different for each one. You'll walk away with supportive strategies you can use, as well as questions you can ask your child when you notice them getting overwhelmed. This week’s Parenting Practice Notice when your child starts shutting down. What's going on in their environment? Use the question for your Type of child so you can involve them in making the situation more supportive. This will encourage them to be motivated in a more natural way true to their nature.  Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox. 

  • Child Out of Sorts? Tips to "Ground" Them Back to Balance

    20/05/2019 Duration: 21min

    If your child is frazzled, whiny, or stressed—something is out of balance. From small daily challenges, all the way to big life changes, your child's energy can be thrown out of balance. Instead of thinking that something is wrong with your child, look at the ways you can bring them back into balance. In this episode, Carol and Anne share "grounding" tips for all 4 Types of children. They'll help you identify when your child is stressed and how to support each Type of child in ways that honor their true nature.  This week’s Parenting Practice The next time your child is out of sorts, use the simple tip for your Type of child to help them ground and re-center themselves so you can all have a beautiful, balanced experience together.  Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.

  • How Do I Get My Child to Go to Bed (And Stay There)?

    13/05/2019 Duration: 18min

    When bedtime feels exhausting, it's time to make a change. Bedtime happens every night, so it seems like it should be easy. But for so many families, that's not the case! If prolonged bedtime routines and night waking are wearing you down, know that you're not the only one. In this episode Carol and Anne share bedtime needs for all 4 Types of children. They'll help you shorten bedtime and reconsider needs during the night. Let's get your family on the path to better sleep! This week’s Parenting Practice Assess your bedtime routine. Look at all the areas that affect bedtime: your child's bedroom, their Energy Type, and how can you support them in having a supportive routine. When you listen to this episode, what stands out to you? What thoughts come to mind? Between these tips and your intuition, you can help your child stay in bed so you'll all be more rested as a family. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inb

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