Not Alone

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 196:41:29
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Not Alone is a weekly podcast covering all things mysterious and unexplained. Your hosts, Sam and Jason, have been called 'the Siskel & Ebert of things strange', and others with interest in the paranormal saying that 'as a fellow believer in the weird, it's like coming home'. Join us as we reveal to you the hidden realm of the paranormal, nestled within the so called Real World. From stories you've never heard of, to ones you know by heart, we hope our variety of topics, from Curses to Cryptids to UFOS and back again, will provide something for the True Believer and Diehard Skeptic alike. And until next time, remember. We are Not Alone.


  • Ninety-Three: The Gulf Breeze Abductions with Rob from Our Strange Skies III - Alien Ahab Gets His White Walters Whale

    15/02/2019 Duration: 02h39min

    IT. IS. FINISHED. Join Sam and Jason with special guest Rob (our very good friend and mortal enemy, respectively) as we wrap up the nightmare that is, was, and will forever be Edward Walters and the Gulf Breeze UFO sightings. We begin with Ed surrendering himself to be abducted, finally decided that if you can't shoot the spacecraft out of the sky, or shout expletives loud enough for it to hear you, ya might as well join them. Jason gives us a lesson on Manipulating Photographs, and Sam talks about the strangest thing to ever happen in Florida (and we know that's a big claim). We hope you'll enjoy!

  • Ninety-Two: Project MKULTRA II - Six Jason Bournes vs. One Ancient Druid! Fight!

    31/01/2019 Duration: 01h24min

    This week we wrap up our series on MKUltra by taking a closer look at some of the less confirmable aspects of it, as well as examining why it ended up being shuttered. However, as we navigate stories of witches and psychics, warlocks and warlords, killing machines and hypnotic assassins, it's important that we ask ourselves one last question: Is Ultra over and done with? Or has it just, yet again, changed its name and gone underground, waiting to be exposed as the unbelievable stories of those on the fringes of society are finally validated as true? We may never know. But one thing is for sure: We're sure done talking about it. We hope you'll enjoy!

  • Ninety-One: Project MKULTRA I - Your Mom Knows You're On Acid Right Now

    17/01/2019 Duration: 01h54min

    This week we begin our deep dive into one of the most shocking and controversial things the United States government has ever been PROVEN to do. Project MKULTRA has become a by-word for conspiracy, cover-up, and fun times LSD testing that only sometimes ends up inadvertently banishing you to the NIGHTMARE REALM FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. While the significance of ULTRA has been downplayed over the last 5 decades, Sam and Jason are here to remind you that people are the absolute worst monsters of them all. Hands down. Wolfmen do not even come close. We begin our journey with collaborated, confirmed reports, and plan to move steady in a downward spiral into complete and total madness over the next few weeks, so stay tuned. We hope you'll enjoy.

  • Ninety: The Case of the Cursed Bread - Jason Finally Gets to Talk About Carbs

    03/01/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    This week Jason finally gets to talk to us all about the dangers of eating bread as Sam walks us through 10 days in 1951 when a small village in Southern France lost its collective mind. Join us as we explore tales of people shifting into monsters, grown men believing they were dragonflies, and dogs attacking the invisible. The entire town of Pont-Saint-Esprit found itself beset by visions of serpents and devils, fire and death, hell itself, and when it did, it may or may not have provided valuable information to a certain government agency that is probably listening to us all right now. We hope you'll enjoy.

  • Eighty-Nine: Tales of Bleak Mid-Winter - Santa, Saints, and Spectres

    20/12/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    This week we round out 2018 on the podcast with an in-depth examination of the not so Christian origins of Christmas by Jason and an attempt to revive the lost art of telling Ghost Stories round Christmas Time by Sam. We've so loved having this year with you all, and cannot wait to see what the next one brings. We hope you've enjoyed it as much has we have.

  • Eighty-Eight: Aliens and the Cold War V - The Extra-Terrestrial Gospel III

    13/12/2018 Duration: 01h34min

    This is it. After all we've gone through, after all we've done, it arrives here. The incredible story of Orfeo Angelucci, the most surprising of all accounts, a truly unique tale which takes us not only far into space and the future of mankind, but also shines a light on our civilizations long forgotten past and origins in places and times much different than our fragile, corrupted planet earth. Here we will see the clearest example of the space brothers, our elder siblings in space-time, shepherding us into the destiny we had long forgotten, to take our place among the perfect, incorruptible masters of the universe. We hope you'll enjoy.

  • Eighty-Seven: Aliens and the Cold War IV - The Extra-Terrestrial Gospel II

    06/12/2018 Duration: 01h30min

    This week we continue our look into the ET Contactees with an episode all about one of the most influential members of its exclusive group, a man without whom the public perception of UFOs and those who study them may be drastically different. George Van Tassel changed the world in his own way on a hot desert night back in 1953, molding the future and providing fundamental ideas and practices not only to ufology, but to a whole group of other people as well. He stands as one of the prophets of the ETs, the establisher of one of the very first UFO religions, and a voice, calling from deep within the Mojave, beckoning us to join him on his wild voyage to worlds unknown. We hope you'll enjoy

  • Eighty-Six: Aliens and the Cold War III - The Extra-Terrestrial Gospel I

    29/11/2018 Duration: 01h44min

    Hello! Welcome to Part 3a of our series on the effects that ufology had on the Cold War, and that the Cold War had on ufology. This week we look at some of the first ufologists, members of an exclusive group known as Contactees, mere mortal men who were gifted the ability to save the planet, if only the planet would listen to them. Like the prophets of old, they have been rejected, reviled and mocked by the very people they came to save, and even now their messages cannot even be repeated without an air of levity and laughter. But....what if they were right? These are the stories of Daniel Fry and George Adamski, two of the four men we'll be examining as we do our best to make sense of the Extra-Terrestrial Gospel.  For more information on this episode and the visual files referenced, you can head to

  • Eighty-Five: Aliens and the Cold War II - The Angels of Our Better Nature

    21/11/2018 Duration: 01h18min

    This week we explore two sightings during the Cold War era, foreshadowing things to come either good or bad, and one man's lifelong quest to uncover the truth behind how humanity has survived this long, and what, exactly, our guardian angels have in mind for us next. We'll look on both sides of the iron curtain, with tales of aliens, astronauts, and angels, as we ask the question, what exactly stopped us from blowing each other off the face of the planet? As always, we hope you'll enjoy.

  • Eighty-Four: Aliens and the Cold War I - Of Nations and Nukes

    15/11/2018 Duration: 01h22min

    This week we present the first in our three part series about Extra-Terrestrial interference during the Cold War. Each week will be focused on a different aspect of the Cold War, the first being the arms race. We explore stories from both sides of the iron curtain regarding nuclear weapons being interfered with by forces from beyond this world. Sometimes, the missions appear benign, observational but without any apparent agenda. Other accounts have decidedly more drama, as one might expect with the fate of the world hanging in the balance, and Armageddon around every corner, as even our most secure facilities appear to be at the whim of something beyond our understanding. From Moscow to Washington and back again, we hope you'll enjoy. This episode has been certified 'Terrible Accent Free'

  • Eighty-Three: The Legend of the Flying Dutchman - Sponsored by Pirates of the Caribbean

    07/11/2018 Duration: 01h42min

    This week we reference the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise a record number of times, and in order to do so we turn an eye towards the second best nautically themed legend of all time (the first of course being Captain Jack Sparrow and his rowdy gang of misfits) THE FLYING DUTCHMAN! From Wagner to Spongebob and back again we take a look at the legends origins, how it was solidified into the public consciousness, and finally the shocking true encounters of the dreaded phantom ship on the high seas.

  • Eighty-Two: Listener Special II - Y'all Got Problems

    31/10/2018 Duration: 03h03min

    In this episode we explore the many different problems that you, our lovely listener friends, have gone through in your life. And man, some of them are intense. Some of them are funny. Most of them aren't. We want to thank each and every person who wrote in, sharing their experience and blessing us with their stories. Also, it's three hours long, so there's that as well. Happy Halloween!

  • Eighty-One: The Dybbuk Box II - Ghosties and Posties

    25/10/2018 Duration: 01h33min

    Join us as we reach PEAK derailment discussing the final fate of the Dybbuk box and how it involves on of our favorite musicians, a talented young whippersnapper named Post Malone and a guy who puts WAAAAAAAAAY too much gel in his hair. We also cover the supernatural origin of the box, or better said the entity which resides within it to this day. Racist Nazis, Pop Stars, and more intersect in the most surprising ways that no one could have anticipated. We hope you'll enjoy.

  • Eighty: The Dybbuk Box I - Colorblindness is No Excuse to Miss Red Flags

    18/10/2018 Duration: 01h31min

    This week we explore the folklore of the Dybbuk, a unique entity in Hebrew Mysticism, a disembodied human soul too wicked to be allowed to enter the afterlife, but unable to find refuge in this mortal plane. They seek a home in the bodies of unwitting victims, a parasite of the soul, whether human or animal. However, if needs be, they may take up place in something else. Some sort of a inorganic vessel, an object that can house the evil soul until a new host becomes available. In a story that starts before the second world war and continues even now, cursing pop stars and penniless immigrants alike, we see the Dybbuk moving even in this day. We hope you'll enjoy.

  • Seventy-Nine: Jason Special VIII - Corrupted Files

    11/10/2018 Duration: 01h28min

    This week, Sam becomes the very thing he swore to destroy as he irrationally and angrily denies the Mandela Effect. Also, we learn what Deja Vu ACTUALLY is and have a brief discussion on Parallel Universes and why they probably can't be used to explain away everything. Also, special guest star: Caitie Fredrickson telling us her own Mandela Effect story which we refuse to believe. We hope you'll enjoy.

  • Seventy-Eight: The Gulf Breeze Abductions with Rob from Our Strange Skies II - CHECK OUT ALL THESE DOGS ZEEHAS. THEY’RE GOOD BOYS ZEEHAS. GOOD BOYS.

    27/09/2018 Duration: 01h27min

    This week we finish up our two parter of the first part  on the gulf breeze UFO sightings with our good friend Rob from Our Strange Skies. Join us as we watch Ed Walters descend further into madness, as he continues to dodge the worst abduction attempts we’ve ever seen. We hope you’ll enjoy!

  • Seventy-Seven: The Gulf Breeze Abductions with Rob from Our Strange Skies I - They Call Me Zeehas

    20/09/2018 Duration: 01h35min

    This week we dive into one of the most insane and also most compelling accounts of alien contact to grace the modern age. Beyond a simple light in the sky, or even a full blown extra-terrestrial kidnapping, Ed and Frances Walters experienced, over the course of years, repeated contact with what must be acknowledged as just the worst the Aliens had to offer. Bungled abductions, photographic confirmation, and a grand total of over 20 different encounters with the same entities have turned the Gulf Breeze UFO case into one of the most enduring and interesting of our time.

  • Episode Seventy-Six: The Jinn II - Arabian Nights, Arabian Fights

    13/09/2018 Duration: 01h36min

    This week we conclude our series on the Jinn of legend by examining stories of their interactions with humans throughout the ages. Starting in classical Arabia, winding our way through the war on terror, and finally ending our journey at an oasis, a haunted outpost in the unforgiving heat of the desert, we will examine how the stories of the Jinn have in some ways changed with the times, and how in other ways they have, terrifyingly, stayed the same. We hope you’ll enjoy

  • Seventy-Five: The Jinn I - For My First Wish...

    06/09/2018 Duration: 01h41min

    This week we explore the lore and legend associated with one of the most unique magical beings of all time, the Jinn, or Genie as many of us know it as. We will explore it's origin in pre-islamic arabia, its codification as truth in the Quran, and it's transformation into the big, blue, vessel for Robin William's soul that we know it to be today. We hope you'll enjoy!

  • Seventy-Four: The Dark Watchers - The Mountains of Madness

    30/08/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    This week we cover an obscure bit of Californian Folklore, the Dark Watchers. Listen as Sam asks Jason if he's familiar with all sorts of Californian things, and the two of them bond over the atrocities of John Steinbeck, while trying to get to the bottom of stories that have to do with human shadows, unaccompanied by humans, living in the mountains of Big Sur. We hope you'll enjoy!

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