Not Alone

Eighty-Six: Aliens and the Cold War III - The Extra-Terrestrial Gospel I



Hello! Welcome to Part 3a of our series on the effects that ufology had on the Cold War, and that the Cold War had on ufology. This week we look at some of the first ufologists, members of an exclusive group known as Contactees, mere mortal men who were gifted the ability to save the planet, if only the planet would listen to them. Like the prophets of old, they have been rejected, reviled and mocked by the very people they came to save, and even now their messages cannot even be repeated without an air of levity and laughter. But....what if they were right? These are the stories of Daniel Fry and George Adamski, two of the four men we'll be examining as we do our best to make sense of the Extra-Terrestrial Gospel.  For more information on this episode and the visual files referenced, you can head to