Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast With Chad Vice



I am Chad Vice, co-owner and operator of SebcamcoSHOP and Championship Vinyl, both are online commerce stores. Lots of people are somebodies, and millions more are considered "nobodies". I want to bring you the stories of people of everyday and any day, because even if you think you are a nobody, you are always a somebody. The people I talk to are not famous, but they are all interesting characters. Every week, a new story, a new guest, a new friend. The Nobodies Are Somebodies podcast - listen for fun, hear for life!


  • Episode 0000039: Denise "Unpaid Agent" Hawken Returns

    30/10/2017 Duration: 56min

    Denise is my extremely unpaid agent who does a lot for my podcast behind the scenes and sometimes on the scene itself, and her importance to my little podcast cannot be denied. So here is her payment: an(other) episode all to herself! She's all over this episode and it shows, intro, outro, and all! She fills me in what her substitute vacation plans were, how the hurricane affected her friends and family down in the southern states, and what she plans to do to make up for her 2nd missed trip (will she even make new plans with me ever again??) Join me for this light-hearted episode, and you heard it here: she promises more unique guests to come! Also, find out what SNW means. It's not worth the wait but listen for it anyway PS: Denise hates reading...she loves cheese...

  • Episode 0000038: *SPECIAL* Tribute to Gord Downie with Kevin Ganley

    23/10/2017 Duration: 30min

    For the second straight episode in as many weeks, I'm doing an episode based around a tribute to a fallen musical hero of mine, and this one is Canadian music legend Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip. Diagnosed with terminal brain cancer in 2015, the band embarked on a final tour in 2016 as a goodbye and thank you to the friends and fans of the band across Canada, the last show from their hometown of Kingston Ontario Canada was broadcast live on the CBC network for all to see and live through. I was not fortunate to catch them on this tour or any others, but the music lives on in my mind and in my heart. You are Canadian. You love the Tragically Hip. End of story. Mr. Music Kevin Ganley of course joins me again to express his thoughts and love of the band, as we did with Tom Petty the week prior. Please, leave our musicians on Earth. We are still enjoying them! Take this time and thank your family and loved ones. Nothing is promised, especially our tomorrows

  • Episode 0000037: Marion Frame [Part I] / Tribute to Tom Petty

    16/10/2017 Duration: 01h32min

    Marion Frame is enjoying the nature walks in the beautiful unencumbered trails of the Rocky Mountains in British Columbia, Canada, and when she is not doing that, she is running the local bank, and when she is not doing that she's helping organize donation and relief efforts to the many people who lost their homes and were affected by the massive brush fire that took apart the city of Fort McMurray in Alberta in 2016, and when she's not doing that she's enjoying a peaceful and quiet existence in the little town of Medicine Hat, Alberta, and when she's not doing that...well she's busy telling me all about those aforementioned items on this week's podcast episode. So we discuss all of this and her absolute hate for the conglomerate known as Walmart, as well as staying safe while walking unpatrolled and unmarked trails in the mountains. Sounds like a good episode? Good stuff. Because this is only Part 1.... Also we kick off this week's episode with a call to Mr. Music Kevin Ganley and we share some thoughts on t

  • Episode 0000036: Return of Rachel "Now Miss Starbucks" O'Byrne

    02/10/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    If you ever wanted a history lesson or a behind the scenes look at Starbucks and how it really works, listening to this podcast episode with the return of Rachel O'Byrne will give you that fix you need. She's happy in her new job as a smiling, and never grumpy or tired Starbucks barista, and she shares some  stories and what her experiences have been like working at her local cafe so far. She also talks about a new edition to her family, and her new found happiness after over coming some personal upheavals in a previous personal relationship. This time, we got to talk for a full hour or so, and I promise, no dropped phone calls. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that this was a phone interview again! So that means that this interview was basically recorded live and inputted right into this episode with editing, so what you hear is what you heard! Right?

  • Episode 0000035: Checking In With...

    25/09/2017 Duration: 43min

    It's experiment time! This week's podcast is me checking in with some of my former guests, via telephone! Some of the people that I reached out to were not available right this very Monday as I decided that this would be this week's episode this very morning. But I found 3 former guests with absolutely nothing better to do on a Monday morning and I tested out my calling recording software via Callture and had them call me to give me a quick update on how their lives have been going since I last talked to them. So bear with me as I try this call to call podcast approach. It's a work in process, just like the Nobodies Are Somebodies podcast. The one common theme here? Each person is happily starting a new career or venture and their lives are nothing but positive these days it seems, and that is a good thing. Also, yes to answer your burning question, one of these check in calls was with my good buddy Fred!!

  • Episode 0000034: Chad "No Guest Again?" Vice

    18/09/2017 Duration: 25min

    Life happens. Everything happens for a reason. What is the reason and what makes it happen. YOLO Questions that I can't answer that happen everyday to everybody, and we all deal with it in different ways. My family went through a bit of a crisis and a medical emergency 2 weeks ago over the Labor Day weekend. I'm sharing some of that story with you all now. Some things I won't be able to share now, but take this episode as a small window into my world.  Also, because I like to lighten up situations, I have a rant about my local McDonald's that I needed to get off my chest. I mean, why not right?? Thank you for listening.

  • Episode 0000033: Nancy Do

    11/09/2017 Duration: 01h52s

    Talking to Nancy about her community involvements, from taking studies for a career in social work to working at the local food bank and discussing the services that they offer as well as talking about some of her experiences working with persons in need. We then move on to talk about stories that her parents have shared with her on how they immigrated (fled) to Canada from Vietnam by way of Indonesia during the mid-1980s and what life was like when travelling by boat to a foreign land to a safer place. She also shares how her parents met during this time. She uses the term 'boat people' and we talk about what that really means in this situation. Nancy also shares stories that her grandmother has told her about life in Vietnam during the infamous war in the 1960s, and how the country was before and how it had changed forever after the war. And finally, we take on the hot topic of Nancy checking out this podcast for the first time to get a feel for it - which episode was her favorite??? I hope you enjoy this

  • Episode 0000032: Jason "White Rabbit in Iceland" Lacombe

    04/09/2017 Duration: 01h14min

    An F-Road is not what you might think it is on first hearing the term mentioned, but Jason will set you straight. Here he recounts his entire road trip around the country of Iceland, from the planning stages to some paperwork red tape to the coming home and all the adventures and site seeing he and his best buddy Jesse encounter while there. Jason also elaborates on the cultural and lifestyle differences they experience in a foreign land, as well as discussing a couple of potentially near death experiences that could have actually threatened his ability to return to Canada, well, alive. But there's also beauty to be found, such swimming in the Blue Lagoon spa and checking out those famous Northern Lights. Jason has also posted pictures of his trip here in a public Facebook photo album for your viewing. Click the link below to see pictures of his trip. WARNING: the Nobodies Are Somebodies podcast or Chad Vice are not responsible for the pictures and content seen - these are taken by Jason and are property of h

  • Episode 0000031: Dayton Robert

    28/08/2017 Duration: 01h29min

    Dayton goes through his whole life story from the age of 4 up until present, and since it's the first time that he's ever tracked his own story, we jump around a bit but it still flows quite naturally. We discuss his strained relationship with his father and growing up in an interesting family dynamic. From there we move on to his life as it is now, from meeting the love of his life to proposing to her...but what happens between point A to B is rather comical. That's a compliment, Dayton. This episode was recorded outdoors while Dayton was at work, so there may be some exterior noises that creep up into the conversation and we are also forced to stop/start the chat a few times as he interacts with customers. So for the first time in [his] life, we present...Dayton...this is your life!

  • Episode 0000030: *SPECIAL* News of the World

    21/08/2017 Duration: 47min

    The news of the world that we live in today can range from the outlandish to the out-of-handish, and everything in between. This episode of the podcast was recorded in the studio on Wednesday August 16th, 2017, and as you can tell, it's not exactly breaking news. It's a random idea from two random guys, as finally my good buddy Fred arrives at the studio and helps me read the newspaper headlines (online and in print) that grab our attention, and stay tuned to hear the whole conversation descend into a totally useless debate about what a 'truly' selfie is. Grab your popcorn, because what we are presenting is a light-hearted (see - please don't take this week's episode too seriously) glance at the news today, sourcing info starting from our local Ottawa papers to the BBC, CNN, LA Times and more, just to give you 40 minutes spent that you will never get back! Enjoy this Special - The News of the World on the Nobodies Are Somebodies podcast. This has been Chad Vice, good night...

  • Episode 0000029: Mary Villeneuve

    14/08/2017 Duration: 01h17min

    Spina bifida is a birth defect where there is incomplete closing of the backbone and membranes around the spinal cord. Mary Villenueve lives with a physical disability every day of her life, but what's more telling is people who interact with her a more concerned with their own biases towards people with PDs than actually trying to educate themselves on what a persons challenges are. Mary tells stories of complete strangers offering to help her out, but the types of help they are providing are more harmful than good. She also talks about her life growing up and being raised the same as her brothers, which played a big role in maintaining her confidence that she now shares, and she credits her parents big time for this. She also mentions her supportive husband, and my former guest Eric. V a time or two. Thank you to Mary. V for being candid and honest and educating about your disabilities, and how you turn them into different abilities.

  • Episode 0000028: "Brother" Mitchell Chestnut Returns

    07/08/2017 Duration: 48min

    Mitchell Chestnut don't break no rules, and he's got a story to back that claim up. I'm glad to have Mitch back in the studio for a follow-up chat, as when I last spoke to him, we discussed the passing of his mom, then 8 months fresh in his mind. Now, 1 year removed from her passing, Mitchell talks about what drives him now, his career and career goals, his education and future endeavors in Policing. We talk about the process to apply to be a Canadian Border Services Agent. Later on, We are also (rudely?) interrupted in the studio by two of my former guests stopping by to say hello and steal Mr. Chestnut away to gamble his money away at the local casino. It's a quick but interesting talk with Mitchell; thanks for actually coming back on the show! It's also to be noted that this episode was to feature the unique stylings of my partner in crime, my good buddy Fred who was slated to co-host this episode, alas he had to bail out on me at the very last second. Curses! Maybe another time, then...

  • Episode 0000027: 'Nobodies in Toronto' Series # 2 - Sydney Marie

    31/07/2017 Duration: 01h08min

    I swear, the 'Marie' names in this series are coincidental only, and not some sort of cheap gimmick... dot com! Can one night change your life, even if you aren't a part of it? My interview with Sydney Marie, is one I'm very happy to have to bring to all the listeners. I'm super proud of her and I am excited for her story to be heard. I pretty much based this whole episode around her (one) story because I felt that it just needed to get out there, to be heard, and it was something that could stand on it's own. Of course there's much more to Sydney Marie than just 1 night that started a chain of events that took her nearly 10 years to recover from - and never really, as it's forever changed her and her family's lives; but she's a stronger person for it, and now she knows who she can really count on. Recorded in Toronto on The Esplande, my final (for now) interview in this 'Nobodies in Toronto' series also ends the long month of July, and what a month of guests! Here's to more. Thank you Sydney and thank you to

  • Episode 0000026: 'Nobodies In Toronto' Series #1 - Danielle Marie

    24/07/2017 Duration: 01h08min

    Welcome to the first part in the 'Nobodies in Toronto' series , and here is my first guest that I interviewed within the (barely) first hour of arriving at my temporary surrogate condo building apartment in the beautiful city of Toronto. Danielle Marie talks about managing and running a seniors retirement home facility, basically on her own shoulders, and all the challenges and rewards that come with that. She also discusses what she does in her personal time, what's left of it anyway, as well as her 'love' for the King, Elvis Presley! She then dishes on what a novice to Toronto should enjoy about the city. It's part 1 of this special series, thank you Danielle for fitting this podcast somewhere in your stacked schedule.

  • Episode 0000025: Denise Hawken Interviews Chad Vice

    17/07/2017 Duration: 01h11min

    How much did you ever want to know about Chad Vice? His childhood fantasies, his favorite music, movies, interests, and why he started doing business online? What was the one instant that triggered his sudden but now growing love affair with online commerce and later, podcasting? Denise 'Niagara Falls' Hawken gets down to the line and asks the tough questions, but is Chad man enough to answer them all? Find out, and so much more (maybe) on this, the 25th 'anniversary' episode of the Nobodies Are Somebodies podcast. It's so big, that Chad himself could not even host it! Big thanks to Denise for being the host with the most. But maybe she should try watching that Beetlejuice movie someday??

  • Episode 0000024: Badr "Mr. Worldwide" Elkorazati

    10/07/2017 Duration: 01h15min

    I'm chatting with Canadian born Badr Elkorazati, who has his roots in Egypt, and I'm anxious to hear about daily life in Egypt as well as Turkey, both places he's quite familiar with. Right now Turkey is where his parents, brother and sisters currently reside, as his father is a member of the Canadian military serving NATO in the middle of a 3-year tour. Badr is in the studio to talk about how his parents met, his mother's conversion from a Protestant out of New Brunswick to following Islam, BEFORE she even met his father; plus his visits to those aforementioned countries and how they differ (or sometimes, don't actually) from western life. Plus, you can't ignore his infectious laugh! Also, do you like listening to two people debate or question many "What Ifs" regarding current World Issues, homelessness, one world currency, and the Trump Administration? I thought so. Plus, can you tell the difference between a group of Americans and Canadians in one area? Badr says yes, and he tells us why. Thanks for making

  • Episode 0000023: Stephanie Bertrand

    03/07/2017 Duration: 02h05min

    Stephanie Bertrand is a strong, determined and independent woman who has overcome a very serious time in her life, but even though that drove her, it's not what she is defined by. This is her story and I am so very proud to bring it you all, my amazing listeners! Stephanie quickly finds out which friends and family that you can count on (and one person who couldn't be counted on). She is discussing the whole story of her medical ordeal form the onset to the recovery, point by point and step by step, for the first time ever in an interview setup. So we start by getting to know Stephanie before and after her experience and her working double time just to get back to the normal life she once had gaining a new job through her volunteer work at the hospital that she was initially treated at and how that has changed her professional career for the better. She also discusses in great deal some post surgeries and what those procedures have done and will continue to do, and future surgeries to come - their description

  • Episode 0000022: Lianne "Mommy" Vice [Part III]

    26/06/2017 Duration: 01h28min

    Finally, it;'s here. It's recorded and it's ready for consumption; it's the final installment interview with my mom, the story-telling machine Mommy Vice, I finally get her one on one again for part 3 of 3, and this is an interesting and definitely dark conversation - it starts off discussing her current frame of mind and her expression of frustration over her current living arrangements and social status. From here, we pick up this discussion in the year 1990, where she meets my would-be step-father, Bruce, and she also talks about their troubled relationship spanning over a 13 year period. We then talk about a very difficult year in 2004 as she deals with the deaths of not one, not two, but three family members in that same year. We also touch another difficult experience with her occurring in the summer of 1992. My Mommy also discusses meeting someone online on Zoosk and moving her whole life away to be with this man, her first and only time meeting a man on the internet. And finally, we end our eye openin

  • Episode 0000021: Chantal "Say My Last Name Correct" Venne

    19/06/2017 Duration: 51min

    This is the life of Chantal Venne, new to podcasting, both as a guest and actual listener, and she is talking about her life for the first time EVER anywhere to anyone with a microphone and a purpose, like me! What happens after school, stays after school...but not really! Chantal talks about her career as an Outreach Coordinator who schedules fundraising events after school to raise money for different events, etc. We also talk about her love for Hawaii and the reason why she loves it so. She's a bit nervous being interviewed for the first time, but with Chad Vice's natural charm, we cut right through that quick. So, here's a fellow Ottawa Valley child; here is Chantal "Don't Miss-pronounce My Last Name" Venne!

  • Episode 0000020: Eric Villenueve [Part II]

    12/06/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    If you had to clean up or change the downtown core of your own city or town, what would you do? What would Eric. V do? Find out this answer and hear him promote the crap out of other things that are important to him and his wife Mary. It's Part of my talk with Mr. ECV of ECV Photography, and this one is not as intense for the faint of hearts out there (who I thank tremendously for listening to this podcast, by the way!). So without further adieu, we discuss homelessness and how he overcame it and what he'd like to see done to our fair city streets. Oh yes, he also mentions his mother a couple more times. You've gotta listen to be taught!

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