Across The Desk With Elizabeth Plouffe



Keep it short they say: entrepreneur, teacher, communications professional, superhero enthusiast, lifelong learner, tea addict, book lover and movie watcher. I take what I've learned and help businesses save time, money and craziness for their communications.


  • #173: Future Looks Good - Getting Started with Change

    20/05/2020 Duration: 43min

    What happens when something in your life just isn't working? Do you let it continue to not work for you and hold you back OR do you learn how to take a step towards the life you'd like to have? Here's where you can start to learn how. This isn't because someone has autism and they HAVE to change. It's because someone is autistic and they've CHOSEN to change something that is no longer working for them. It's about your choice!

  • #172: The Future Looks Good - Intro to Nanaworks and our why

    12/05/2020 Duration: 44min

    What is the Future Looks Good all about? Supporting the Autism Community by providing experience and expertise to help folks move towards success. Sounds a bit vague right? Well, the truth is that success means different things to different people. We don't want to tell you what your success is. We want to help you find out what it is for you! Take a listen and see what we're trying to do to help make your Future Look Good!

  • #171: #sparkto2019 welcomes Dave Dame to Spark the Change Toronto

    03/06/2019 Duration: 45min

    It's a funny thing that vulnerability got such a bad rap somewhere. Perhaps it's through misunderstanding what it really means. Perhaps it's the misconception that we are weaker for showing our vulnerable self. Perhaps we're full of horseshit and need to get over ourselves. Dave and I get down to the steps it takes to become a real leader, encourage vulnerability in an organization and how to create your "normal."

  • #170 #sparkto2019 welcomes speaker Marcela Urteaga

    28/05/2019 Duration: 41min

    There are times in every organization where the ability to address issues that are undermining progress have to happen. Otherwise it's like trying to understand what an elephant looks by feeling when blindfolded. You won't be able to grasp the whole picture and find the right solution. Like staying away from the tail. The tail is definitely a no-go ...

  • #169: SparkTO 2019 welcomes speaker Selena Delesie

    27/05/2019 Duration: 28min

    What is true for everybody? Good question. Our experiences, our emotions, our current situation, our past - they all come together to create what is true for us. When faced with change, sometimes this truth can make life a little challenging.

  • #168: SparkTO2019 welcomes speaker Dr. Jen Frahm

    22/05/2019 Duration: 33min

    Have you ever sat down and thought about how bad communication creates risk in your organization? Or is it something that you figure you'll deal with when you have to? Today I chat with Dr. Jen Frahm who recognized back in 2001 that this topic was PhD worthy and has dedicated her studies and career to helping people change the way they communicate and improve their organization. Now grab a Chipwich, take a seat and let's get proactive.

  • #167: SparkTO2019 welcomes speaker Marsha Shenk

    21/05/2019 Duration: 35min

    Do you or your organization struggle with change? Is it something that is so foreign to you that you can't see it's the same as some things you might be doing already? Sometimes it's our perception of a situation that gets in the way of understanding and applying tools. Sometimes it's the leg warmers.

  • #166: Wise Words with The Invisible Touch by Harry Beckwith

    21/09/2018 Duration: 27min

    I love me some research. Why? Because when I'm reading a book, written by a person I've never met, I take what they say with a grain of salt. But when they add research and anecdotes to support their advice? Lordy that makes me happy. This is my second foray in to one of Harry Beckwith's books. The first was You, Inc. which I reviewed last year. I liked that one and this one didn't disappoint either. Written in 2000, some of references are dated (remember the colored clam shell Apple laptops???) but honestly, the advice still holds true. Understand the role of imagination. Underestimate the impact of data. Overestimate the amount of time and effort it takes to build trust with clients. It was 200 pages of a good read. Take a listen and see if it's worth turning a page or two ;)

  • Joseph Sardella - US Tax Changes

    18/09/2018 Duration: 12min

    On December 22, 2017 President Trump signed in to law the tax reform bill that was the most sweeping and comprehensive overhaul of the tax code since 1986. There were a lot of international provisions that were detrimental to companies doing business abroad but from a US / domestic perspective, the tax changes were favorable and it will change the landscape on the tax rates and how companies conduct business in the US vs abroad.

  • #165: Ballsy Women Are Exhausted!

    07/09/2018 Duration: 22min

    Sometimes it can take a bit of a set back to get you to look at your why. If you've been living under a rock then you might never have heard of Simon Sinek and the why talk. That's another podcast. Your values and your why are what makes your business run. Sometimes it's that simple. When one of those gets jerked around a bit it can cause a crisis of faith in your why. But there's a silver lining! Taking a look at your why helps you to see where you can improve. Where you can make your team stronger. Where you can create even more value for your customer. I'm telling you - we covered so much today at Ballsy that I think I need a nap ...

  • #164: How Developed Are You?

    06/09/2018 Duration: 18min

    Did you know there's a difference between pursuing personal development and personal education? And that they each have incredible value to you as a human being and employee or entrepreneur? As someone who's always been a crazy dedicated learner, I never thought of the distinction. I just figured learning was learning. But it's finding that balance and making sure you don't mistake one for the other that creates the most benefit. Education does not equal personal development and focusing too much on your self and not enough on the other kind of smarts can be dangerous too. Excited to find out more? Romper bomper stomper boo ... I see Stevie and Mary and ...

  • #163: Wise Words with The Autism Job Club

    07/08/2018 Duration: 25min

    Can you remember the last time you sat across from someone for a job interview? Searching for words? Hoping the stress sweat didn't stink too bad? Wondering what surprise question was coming up? Now imagine being PERFECT for the job but not having the ability to convey that. Of dealing with a social disorder that makes the interview process 10x more uncomfortable than you could ever imagine. That's what happens when you're on the spectrum. The result? 85% of adults able to hold a job can't get one or keep one. That sucks and we need to fix it.

  • #162: Wise Words: 15 invaluable Laws of Growth by John. C. Maxwell

    09/07/2018 Duration: 24min

    Have you ever wondered about how intentional you're being in your learning? Or do you figure you're past that stage? That learning shouldn't have to be a part of your business any more? That's pretty freaking short sighted if I do say so myself. My business coach recommended The 15 Laws of Invaluable Growth and it's impact will be felt on my family, my business, my volunteer activities and more. It strengthened my resolve to continue with learning in whatever capacity possible so that not only do I continue to grow but all those around me do as well. Works for me ;)

  • #161 - Books, Business and Bullshit.

    27/06/2018 Duration: 16min

    I'm a huge believer in personal development. HUGE. (I know what you're thinking right now and my hands DO NOT look like some orange TRex experiment). It began with some things I wanted to improve about me (I'm mostly awesome but ...) and has turned in to more about my business. How do I do this? Well besides my reading addiction, I attend events. I used to be quite indiscriminate. Shiny, New. Free - off I'd go. Now? I value my time, my learning goals and the benefits to my business. Take a listen and learn how you can get the most out of events for yourself, your business and your pocketbook.

  • #160: Wise Words - Make it Stick with Chip and Dan Heath

    14/06/2018 Duration: 19min

    There aren't too many business books I read and immediately think: You know what? I could get more out of that. This book is one of them. Make it Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die is terrific. Not only can it help you tell your business' story better but it can help you communicate better period. Why is this book worth reading again? It's got so many good ideas for how to stand out, be real and reach your audience that I'd be doing my business a disservice if I didn't. It's that good. Take a listen and I just might be able to convince you too. Or at least save your kidneys ...

  • #159: Ballsy chats about backdoor politics, purging and keeping your compass straight

    13/06/2018 Duration: 18min

    I like to believe that most people operate their business like they operate their life. For me that means honesty, transparency and healthy dose of sarcasm. It would never occur to me to shyst someone personally or professionally so when I run in to these backdoor politics in certain industries, it always hits me between the eyes. This month at Ballsy, we covered the most diverse range of topics yet. The legality of pot and implications on society. Purging out of date business practices. Setting your company's moral threshold and building an element of social community in to your product or service. Phew. I'm already exhausted ...

  • #158: #sparkto sits Across the Desk with Hazel van der Werken

    30/05/2018 Duration: 30min

    I had the good fortune of meeting Hazel van der Werken back in 2015 at our very first Spark the Change Toronto. She came to our conference but I forgot to ask her an important question at the time: why? Turns out the answer is exactly why we want people to come to Spark. Hazel thought so too and became a part of the team in 2016. So why did she come out on those fateful June days? She was, as it turns out, quite strategic about it. She wanted to expand her network, learn new things and meet people who were trying to create the type of change that excited her. Win/win!

  • #157: #sparkto2018 sits Across the Desk with Vikas Narula

    28/05/2018 Duration: 27min

    Have you ever been sitting at your desk and just known there's somewhere else you'd rather be? Something else you'd rather be doing? I don't mean at the movies or going for lunch. I mean leaving your career something else. Changing your life something else. Or is it all just as simple as learning to play the ukelele? Whispers of Your Heart, Vikas' topic for Spark helps us to find out.

  • #156: #sparkto2018 is Across the Desk with Ryan Burwell

    23/05/2018 Duration: 35min

    We sit down, well across from, Ryan Burwell who is the Director of Training and Facilitation for TwentyOne Toys. Sounds stuffy right? He's anything but. Passionate. Animated. Committed. Creative. But not stuffy. Ryan is our second guest for Spark2018 and the #sparkto podcast. We chat about how to tap in to the 4 year old you were once friends with. How catalyzing moments can create some of the best change. Using empathy to create better communication. And how leading the Epic Game Event at Spark the Change Toronto embraces everything we discussed. Join us!

  • #155: #sparkto sits Across the Desk with guest Sue Johnston

    23/05/2018 Duration: 28min

    Sue Johnston is really good at being curious. The great thing about this? She's even better at sharing what's she found on her adventures with curiosity. I've looked forward to having Sue across the desk since 2015 when we started working together on the Spark the Change Toronto team. With a diverse background including journalism, fashion, TV, coaching and communications expert, Sue brings an incredible breadth of knowledge to Spark. An event can't lose when you've got someone on the team. Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit. e. e. cummings

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