Across The Desk With Elizabeth Plouffe

#166: Wise Words with The Invisible Touch by Harry Beckwith



I love me some research. Why? Because when I'm reading a book, written by a person I've never met, I take what they say with a grain of salt. But when they add research and anecdotes to support their advice? Lordy that makes me happy. This is my second foray in to one of Harry Beckwith's books. The first was You, Inc. which I reviewed last year. I liked that one and this one didn't disappoint either. Written in 2000, some of references are dated (remember the colored clam shell Apple laptops???) but honestly, the advice still holds true. Understand the role of imagination. Underestimate the impact of data. Overestimate the amount of time and effort it takes to build trust with clients. It was 200 pages of a good read. Take a listen and see if it's worth turning a page or two ;)