Personal Branding Podcast

Brand Thyself – The 3 Stages of Discovery



Three Stages of Thyself – Personal Brand Man is a complex being.If care is not taken, the pressures of life and demands of society would worsen the woes and complexity of men. In a world where many play the ‘like game’ to be accepted and loved by others, many have succumbed and submitted, living lives less than they should, just for the praise of men. Accepting crumbs, less of their worth. It takes a determined heart, courage, and commitment to stay true to oneself and calling. It has become very necessary for men to wake up from their slumber – bootlicking and blind loyalty to live their dreams – be who they were called to be – and live life to the fullest unapologetically. Permit your true self to stand out from the crowd to shine – building an authentic personal brand. Let’s quickly look at the three stages of knowing thyself. The process of getting to know one’s self takes time, it’s not a one-off event achieved by a swoosh of a magic wand. It’s almost a lifelong process of discove